if you awknowledge that god has given you this chance to come back....why then would you need a huge, violent "entity" to show you how to get back home? why do churchs still exist, when god can be worship with family, in your own home. assuming you believe, you would know that ceremonies and pomp are for the HUMANS involved........
since the catholic and every other sect of christianity is sprung from a very controlling monarch that was losing his empire. if that doesnt call the beliefs into question, then the fact that most of what christianity has become is nothing like it was certainly wouldnt.....
ITS ABOVE LOVE AND RESPECT FOR EACH OTHER, NOT HEAVEN AND HELL. its about getting out there to make your community and the people in its lives better. thats why america was great...not the freedom, it was the people.we have freedom now, dont we...... im not saying this for a fight, just to maybe spark a new idea in your head. if i didnt, defend your point with reason, not hate,
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