The population of the earth was 6 billion in the year 2000.
In 1500 the population of earth was 450 million. Assuming the same growth rates over the last 6000 years.....(im going to round)
In 1,000 A.D. 33,758,000 people on earth
In 500 A.D. 2,530,000 people
in the year 0 190,000 people
500 BC 14,250
1000 BC 1070 people
1500 BC 80 people
2000 BC 6 people
I know what you are saying...6 people in 2000 BC? No way. But we cant use traditional math now because we dont know exactly how many kids were being born per family.A few extra kids here and there can really push the time line back. Not to mention that now we are getting into the time when people lived to be 900 years old according to the bible so traditional math doesnt work. Also remember that it was around this time that God sent the flood and killed everyone on earth. That explains the low population count also in the year 2000 B.C. The math isnt perfect but its close.
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