This guy from Y!A (something like Scott or whatever)...keeps e-mailing me because he disagreed with one of my posts. In his e-mail, he whines and complains, he states he is college educated and smarter than I am (you should see his spelling/grammar, but that's a whole new thing...), and practically begs me to think like he does and that only smart people believe in the bible, and on and on, ad nauseum.
Why do christians do that? Is it low self-esteem?
Why do they think they need me to run blindly into their cult belief? Why does this guy whine so much, and practiclly beg me to think like he does? And, why do so much of his e-mails contain insults -- is that a christian thing to do, too? Is that what they think christ asks his followers to do? "Go forth and insult people, and when that doesn't work, go forth and whine like a little school-girl who got her pig-tails yanked at recess"?
Honestly, I read his e-mails, and people like that amaze and baffle me. Any insights?
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