If you consider that most religions have the same basic beliefs,peace, love, harmony, tolerance,respect, you know, all the good stuff needed for a healthy and happy society,then why is religion used as a reason to kill anyone not like them? Northern Ireland is a simple example. Protestants and Catholics. Both part of the same christian faith,but killing each other in the name of religion.If these factions were actually as serious about their faith as their actions are,then they wouldn't be killing each other. Yugoslavia. All I heard about that war was how those muslims or those christians were killing their neighbours because they had different religious beliefs.What a rude excuse for a war. Then there's the Middle East,they've been fighting there for centuries....all in the name of "god".
We all want the same thing. Peace ,love ,harmoney, quality of life.What is the fear of other religions? Why can't any of the most popular religions follow their own faith and be who they say are?
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