Doesn't this force us into lying in order to please people and not truth?
For example, would it be acceptable if we found out that whites have superior intelligence to non whites? Or would we call it racism because of rejection and dislike of that fact? I am not saying it is a fact, I am tryiing to show how people who pretend to be just ,often cover truth and are afraid of truth that reveals difference or the superiority of one thing over another.
All things must be equal, that is the orthodoxy of today, that is the religion of untruth, of the non religious.
For instance why are all religions called equal instead of being evaluated on an individual basis? Similarity does not prove equality? Some things are equal and some are not, let us be honest when one thing is better than another and not feel obligated to lie. Also a woman and man being together is different from a man and man being together, they are not the same, therefore not equal. But all we hear are lies
7 answers
asked by
Socinian F