peoples beliefs. Yes, I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I respect that all people have their own belief. Yes I go house to house to share a promising message from the Bible. To convert you into my beliefs? No, because it is a command in the Bible, "To Preach the Good News of God's Kingdom". If someone makes changes because of something I say, remember, I am sharing only the Bible, they are God's words not mine. I do a lot of research about other peoples beliefs. This coming year why not do the same for me? Find out from one of Jehovah's Witnesses what they TRUELY believe, listen to what they have to say. If you disagree, tell them, they will leave. If you believe what they say and want to learn more, they will happily share Bible Truths with you. I love all people, people of all religions, national backgrounds and cultures. There is not a predjudice bone in my body. Please do not assume that you know me or my beliefs until you have taken the time to get to know me.
30 answers
asked by
professor grey