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Religion & Spirituality - 25 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

So the people who tell the truth, won't be bound, drug off, and stoned to death????

2006-08-25 02:59:10 · 9 answers · asked by Denise W 4

hy friends i use to be atheist from ages 15 through 18. i got saved when i was 18 praise god.
if u want to be saved here is how for whosever calls upon the name of the lord shallbe saved romans 10-13. romans 3-23 for all have sinned come short of the glory of god . turn to jesus today repent of your sins except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish luke 13-3 satan hates u wants u to spend eternity in hell for ever matthew 25-41 depart from me ye cursed into evrlsting life fire prepared for the devil and his angles . with out the shedding of the blood of jesus there is no remission of sins jesus blood wshes away sins. revelation 20-15 for whosever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. please turn to jesus today jesus loves u so much god wants u to have a home in heaven to .that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that god raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved romans 10-9 . turn to jesus

2006-08-25 02:56:21 · 15 answers · asked by Rodney C 1

On the news this morning, a lady who had just had an MRI done shows her film to the news and right in the middle is what looks like the image of Jesus on the Cross. What do you think about all the images popping up of Jesus? Do you think that maybe He is trying to let us know that He is here for us? Maybe His time is getting near for returning to earth :)

2006-08-25 02:52:02 · 12 answers · asked by whozangel 3


What book, one of the prophets, gets quoted in the New Testament more than any Old Testament book(419 times)?

2006-08-25 02:50:05 · 8 answers · asked by Bassplayer 2

It's just as disgusting when Republicans or Democrats claim Jesus of Nazareth would be on "their side".

Jesus would be on everyone's side, except the hypocrites, oh, and I guess, the non-believers.

2006-08-25 02:49:35 · 16 answers · asked by Heather_Smith 1

My Name is Pastor Jeff Stoffels and I’m leaving this request open for anyone who is prepared to open their hearts to the work of God. We are a beautiful congregation from Hermanus, South Africa, which started off six years ago with a vision, eight people and two Sunday school children. I offered my flat to the church and we suitably revamped it to use for the church services; it has got 30 fixed chairs. Our congregation has since grown to 45 members with 10 additional youth members and 15 Sunday school children. It is thus impossible to accommodate everyone at once and is VERY frustrating to me as Pastor. The cost of the extensions would amount to approximately R70 000, which would expand the seating to 100. If you feel LEADED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT to make a donation, I can be contacted to discuss it more fully;
E-mail=jeffstoffels@yahoo.com For anonymous donations, the banking details are as follows; ABSA;HERMANUS - ACC NO. 9086303302 - BRANCH CODE; 334812

2006-08-25 02:49:12 · 2 answers · asked by Jeff 1

I will admit when I'm wrong, and I was in this case: it was not Jesus that said not to get paid for preaching, it was Paul who said that getting paid for preaching "hindered the gospel" - 1 Corinthians 11-18.

So with a correction I would like to restate my question: do you think getting paid hinders "the gospel" because of the conflict of interest created?

sorry for making an incorrect claim

2006-08-25 02:49:10 · 9 answers · asked by bregweidd 6

Do you think dan brown could have come up with a better story? personally i find his version of events far more believable than the rubbish taught by the church

2006-08-25 02:47:35 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Agnostic here, not wanting to convert anyone.

What would happen if The Flying Spaghetti Monster got The Invisible Pink Unicorn pregnant?

2006-08-25 02:43:36 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Islam is a very similar religion to christianity. They both believe in values such as love and kindness. Just because some extremists kill people, and say their doing it for islam, doesn't mean they are. What if people thought that all christians were the "God Hates Fags" type? Just because some people get it wrong, does not mean that Islam is a religion of terrorists, and murderers!

2006-08-25 02:42:51 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Suppose if you will that you have no knowledge of religion at all. No Idea who Satan is or what he stands for. No Idea who God is or what he stands for. Now God and satan must try to win your fellowship. Satan tells you all about free love and sex ...plenty of food and no work to do . etc etc. God tells you all about sacrifice and starvation...famine and war. frustrated sexual tension...etc etc.
who do you think you would vote for..........

2006-08-25 02:40:22 · 42 answers · asked by a cottage by the sea 3


I'm sorry, I don't know much about the bible, but its hard for me to believe this is true.

"The Great Flood was the first time in the earth's history that it ever rained and although God promised He would never destroy the earth with another flood, He did not stop the rain cycle."

Is this true? Does this make any sense?

2006-08-25 02:35:26 · 22 answers · asked by Southpaw 7

"Cult" charges against Scientology often stem from a cursory analysis of their beliefs about aliens, Thetans, and all that. But when I think about scriptural assertions such as the world being created in six days, the Red Sea being parted, the Immaculate Conception, heaven and hell, and magic plates that contain inscriptions of a revisiting Messiah, I wonder just what it is about Scientology that is laughable to so many who embrace or tolerate some of the other canon I have just mentioned.

Yes, there is a money-conscious component to Scientology, but Scientology is not alone. Which is the bigger "transgression"- a church that asks money from those who can afford it, or a church that holds uncountable riches in real estate and art while their believers in poorer nations starve?

And how are Scientology's financial programs different than those of church-sponsored institutions of higher learning that assess tuition, or a synogogue that charges money for a seat during Yom Kippur services

2006-08-25 02:32:47 · 31 answers · asked by 自由思想家 3

Now that the Gospel of jesus has been authenticated and published, how will this affect Christians and the Churches. Now that we have it in His own words that the priesthood is satantcal and that buildings used for prayer and worship have to be "circular and plain with whitened walls refreshed each year with no adornment save seating, no alter but just the basin of sacrifice to my Father..."it then goes on to which animals and what dates they have to be sacrificed.Also He tells us that his biological sister and two brothers, Mohammed and Shianal and his wife and children are also to be venerated. Opinions please. The Vatican has already announced they shall be distributing all their wealth and the Church of England has announced the dissilutionment of its clerics, and the handing over to Central Government of all its assets.

2006-08-25 02:31:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-25 02:31:19 · 10 answers · asked by ozcall2006 2

There is a natural tendency of everything to seek equilibrium, this tendency can be called a kind of Universal Entropy like is described in the Laws Of Thermo Dynamics. If the Universe will die one day then will this be the thing you call GOD ?? Please be Verbose in your answers.

2006-08-25 02:28:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lina Joy (Malaysia)
Abdul Rahman (Afghanistan)

2006-08-25 02:25:19 · 25 answers · asked by rustyshackleford001 5

2006-08-25 02:22:41 · 16 answers · asked by indrakeerthi 2

Why we differ in understanding our Creator?
Why we consider one stronger than the other?
why people believing in the presence of creator differ in names,prayers,sources of information,etc?

2006-08-25 02:20:36 · 18 answers · asked by berhanu_0001 1

why are some people afraid to say god..they say the good lord or the man up there...if you are not a false christen ..SAY GOD WAS WITH ME he is not some man up there or just a good lord he is GOD

2006-08-25 02:20:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

ex: where is god?; who Created God?; Why arent my prayers been answered?;.

are they depressed?

2006-08-25 02:19:43 · 5 answers · asked by BigBoy 2

2006-08-25 02:19:07 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Over the ages, many innocent people have died because of the wars caused by religious quarrels. I know religions have their own point, I am not against any religious groups or beliefs. But please let me understand a bit of this matter.

2006-08-25 02:17:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

here is what i would ask him

1. how do you exist?
2. why did you create us?
3.did you create any other living beings besides whats on earth?
4. why haven't you destroyed all evil forces?
5. do animals just die or our they resurrected too?
6. are there animals in heaven?
7. why dont you show your self to mankind?
8. what is your official name? since mankind calls you by many names
9. what happend to mess up the human race after the flood?
10. who in the world did Cain marry?

also check out my other question thanks

2006-08-25 02:15:16 · 12 answers · asked by unitedfaith 4

The question comes from the way people talk about souls. I often see people suggest that a soul goes to heaven, or hell, or whatever, when someone dies. Who is that someone who "has" the soul? What's the difference between the person who owns the soul and the soul? Who is it that is dead if the soul is anywhere still having experiences? If there is a distinction between me and my soul, why do I care what happens to it, I'm dead?

I asked this question before and only got answers about where your soul goes, what aspects of the personality are parts of the soul, etc. I'm asking what is it that is "you" and what is it that is "soul" that sets the two apart for one (you) to own or have the other (the soul)? For those who want to say you are the soul, then the idea of "your soul" is incoherent. If the soul is some spiritual aspect of us, then I have no reason to believe it would have any similar response to things I might fear, like pain, fire, etc.

2006-08-25 02:15:12 · 11 answers · asked by neil s 7

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