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Religion & Spirituality - 5 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I do..

2006-08-05 17:44:43 · 40 answers · asked by N/A 3

Will I ? I don't think so. I'm a good person, who does good deeds. I am honest respectful and nice ...
I know when I sin, and I accept it, I am sorry for it.I pray to God for forgiveness too >:( !
So can you all answer this one?

Read Is. 64:6. It states that all your good deeds are detestable to God.
They are meaningless as far as salvation is concerned. Salvation is through Christ alone, the Jewish Messiah.

Jesus - I'm the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.

Guys wake up ! It sounds like lies and fraud to me.
Phishing anyone? ...

I've read the bible, all of it, and I understand there are a lot of mistakes and misunderstandings in there.
Isn't God's test to assure you are a good, nice, honest, respectful person? Isn't it pur purpose, like God said himself?
So why must I and others accept Jesus ?
I don't see anything special in jesus, he was let's say just another prophet perhaps, but nothing more than that ..

2006-08-05 17:43:50 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

is this a Religion

2006-08-05 17:37:58 · 69 answers · asked by Anonymous

Onanists only please respond...

2006-08-05 17:37:27 · 6 answers · asked by JRSK007 3

And how can I tell if its god or not?

2006-08-05 17:36:52 · 27 answers · asked by CJunk 4

is it valid to have faith I can jump off a tall building unaided and not be harmed?

Is it valid to have faith I will win the lottery next week and go ahead and quit my job?

If I have faith god doesn't exist, is that any less valid than having faith he does? Why then do theists keep demanding I provide 100% undeniable proof god doesn't exist?

2006-08-05 17:35:54 · 16 answers · asked by lenny 7

some believe it's the end of the world
some think it's the start of the "age of enlitenment"
your thoughts?

2006-08-05 17:33:07 · 60 answers · asked by Raw Dog 3

Should religious symbolism to be omitted from war memorials?

2006-08-05 17:32:43 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the sense that they take what you say too seriously and get mad at you.

Oh I love you all.

2006-08-05 17:31:49 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've now counted 3 impersonators of me. Two went by "Heroin by the Stairs" and now one is going by "Pigeon by the Pond."

I don't get why it would be so fun to impersonate me. I thought I was pretty boring.

2006-08-05 17:29:38 · 18 answers · asked by Heron By The Sea 7

Do you think we all have our own guardian Angel. Several years ago I wanted to know if I had an angel guardian so before I went to bed I wanted my angel to give me a sign he/she existed at all. All I remember was the name Ensenio I dont know why that name was so clear in my head when I woke up one morning so ever since I feel my angel's name is Ensenio and this happened like 4 years ago and I still remember that name weird huh? and no I never met no one with that name or even close to that name. So I believe there is angels around us that take care of us. Please give me your insight on this matter any weird experiences or coments you would like to add?

2006-08-05 17:26:18 · 32 answers · asked by Jessica 2


a : a disbelief in the existence of deity

b : the doctrine that there is no deity


Is that too hard for people to understand?

2006-08-05 17:25:39 · 33 answers · asked by Left the building 7

Why do people think the universe came from the Big Bang? What are the reasons, evidence, etc... for suggesting this is how it happened?

2006-08-05 17:21:37 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

opinions abound-but a clue -what race was chosent to read the bible-which until my Jewish people by birth come to Jesus our Messiah from all ive seen rarely read the bible-even the orthodox Jewish who prosetize to convert orther Jews to their belief-read mainly only the book -the talmid about the first 5 books of the bible-the talmid-on Moses's writings-
even in israel where the vast numbers of my people are called 'secular Jews' its suppose to be spiritual with the greatest thing we were promised for to bring the Messiah-and from bethlehem of Juday-from eternity Micah 5 vs 1&2 He shall come forth from Bethlehem, from eternity."
well today we would have to say the arab people are the chosen people-because the leaders against my words written and given to the kneset and prime minister and distributed across the country -chose to go against my words not to give bethelehem away-and instead to make -well write me i will share on my 360 creativity blog -the plan

2006-08-05 17:18:02 · 12 answers · asked by ? 5

If the bible was a lie how could it still be around after 2000 years? Are people just stubborn to not believe in christ or what?

2006-08-05 17:15:53 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've heard that alcohol and possibly coffee are frowned upon, though that may be the JW's.

2006-08-05 17:15:51 · 13 answers · asked by Snickles 2

not to be rude,... but if there was a "gay" gene, don't you think that natural selection would have already "wiped" out that species since they CAN'T reproduce, for this reason I believe that homosexuality is a CHOICE that the individual makes> After all our bodies are "programmed" for reproduction, and being gay would go against our "natural" order> comments>>>

2006-08-05 17:15:51 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like to know why and why not people attend church.

2006-08-05 17:15:06 · 19 answers · asked by every life matters 1

In the Holy Bible, it is clear that Adam and Eve "died within the day", while they really lived for nearly a thousand years. It is clear that a day can also mean 2,520 years: Eze 4:6; Nu 14:34

All this, and people still consider the "6 days" of creation to be 6 24 hour periods? Why? I dont understand this. It is so inconsistent. I give all the glory to God for creating our world, and our universe, but I also believe that even God can be the greatest SCIENTIST of all time, creating the evolutionary process.
Furthermore, God created the heavens and the earth on the FIRST day, BEFORE the sun was created, or beginning to be made, whatever.
It makes absolutely ZERO sense to say that there was even such thing as a solar day (a 24 hour period) when the earth was created. It also says it was formless and that it was made of mostly liquid.
The earth heavens and sun, and all "came to be".

Maybe to God, who has no beginning and no ending- a day can be a million years. Agree? Why?

2006-08-05 17:14:34 · 6 answers · asked by ♥ Krista ♥ 4

2006-08-05 17:12:09 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone know a cute bible verse I could put on a card for my friend?
She's going back to school, and I was wanting to give her something to make her day.

2006-08-05 17:11:37 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wonder if those that support a more theocratic government ever fear that someday you may be in the minority, with your beliefs no longer the favored set. E.g.: If the changes you hope for come to fruition, would you make them permanent, or allow for change in the future if the people favor a different belief system for some reason?
I hope this makes sense - I am basically asking, if we can vote to "favor" christianity, so to speak, what's to stop us from favoring Islam if that's the way of the future? Would you mind?
I ask this because I think that keping government as secular as possible ensures that everyone starts with a neutral position. You may not mind seeing the ten commandments in court, but would you feel a little funny if you had to go to a court where you had to swear on the Koran? You can't possibly represent every belief system, so why not just leave it out completely?
P.S. Don't mean to pick on Christians, just an easy example. This applies to everyone.

2006-08-05 17:11:30 · 9 answers · asked by mightyart 2

2006-08-05 17:08:12 · 31 answers · asked by every life matters 1

Was it sucessful? I am not refering to the purpose driven life this is the church version?

2006-08-05 17:08:04 · 2 answers · asked by sweet cheeks 3

If tomorrow homosexuality was found to be genetic, then religion would be destroyed. Evolution would replace religion in a heartbeat. Think about it for a minute. God doesn't make mistakes, God is perfect. Isn't that what we are told, it is written in the bible so it must be true for they are God's words or else you are condemning yourself to hell. Blah, blah....anyways, my point is religion is scared and the government even more so. Once religion is gone, the government follows. Prove me wrong.

2006-08-05 17:05:44 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

by Abu Dawud (Sunnan Abu Dawud 37:4310 ) what is his reference nad justification


2006-08-05 17:03:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

The existense of God can be proven by human reason alone.
Answer me these questions: Why does matter exist at all? Where does it come from?
Remember it is a scientific FACT that nothing material can cause its own existence. there needs to be a cause for something to exist. nothing that is material just "pops" itself into existence.

Many believe the big bang created the universe. Who set off the big bang? the big bang needs a first cause, especially considering that if it was a fraction off in time and speed, the universe wouldn't exist.
many astrophysicists are saying God sarted the big bang.

2006-08-05 17:02:36 · 27 answers · asked by enigma21 3

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