maybe some people are afraid to believe in anything that would take the spotlight off themselves, show them everything they are doing wrong, and let them know that they aren't the almighty super beings they thought they are. So they pretend He doesn't exist.
2006-08-05 17:19:20
answer #1
answered by CJ 3
I shall answer your question in parts.
"What makes it so hard for people to accept Jesus?"
What makes it so hard for you to accept mohammed as the one true prophet of god?
See what i mean? We're all atheists with respect to somebody else's religion.
I'm an atheist, and i don't "accept" jesus because there is no evidence to suggest that any god exists, and there is no evidence to suggest that jesus is the son of said god. The bible is merely a book; it proves nothing.
"If the bible was a lie how could it still be around after 2000 years?"
And i ask of you: If the Vedas (the Hindu holy text) were false, how could they still be around after 4,000 years? If the length of time it has been around is an indication of truthood, that actually makes the Vedas more correct than your Bible. Twice as correct, to be precise.
Just because a book or an idea or a concept is incorrect does not mean that people will disbelieve it. You assume that, if the bible were incorrect, that people would know and would stop believing it. That is an erroneous assumption; people believe false things all the time, and they always have. The number of people who believe something, and the period of time for which it has been believed, is irrelevent with regards to its accuracy.
And as an atheist, i don't think that the bible is a "lie"; i think the people who wrote it honestly believed every single word they wrote down. I also think that their beliefs are and were incorrect.
"Are people just stubborn to not believe in christ or what?"
People don't believe in jesus for the same reasons you don't believe in mohammed (who is the prophet of the muslim religion, in case you didn't know).
2006-08-05 17:17:59
answer #2
answered by extton 5
Why is the Bible still around? How could it have survived all those years? I'll give you a one-word answer: Fear.
The people who wrote the Bible used scare tactics to make sure that their religion stayed around and didn't just die out. If you don't believe in the Bible, you go to Hell! And you BURN in an ETERNAL LAKE OF FIRE! And for how long? Not one year, not a thousand years, not a million years... but FOREVER! And the ONLY way to escape eternal suffering is by following the Bible. No other religions, no other philosophies, no other belief systems. It MUST be the Bible.
I mean, that scares people. It probably scared a lot more people many centuries ago, but it still scares people today. Some people are genuinely scared that "Hell" really exists, so they convert to Christianity anyway, thinking that it's a win-win situation: If Christianity is true, they get a free ticket to Heaven; if it's not true, nothing happens when they die, so no harm done.
2006-08-05 17:27:12
answer #3
answered by . 7
There are inaccuracies in the Bible, the idea that the earth is flat and on a foundation, for example. If the Bible is truly the word of God, then it should not have any inaccuracies. If one thing is wrong, the validity of the entire book becomes questionable. And because the Bible is the only record of Jesus Christ existing and being the son of God, if a person does not see the Bible as valid, they would understandably see the idea of Jesus Christ inaccurate. Not to mention the fact that the concept of a messiah who was crucified is not unique to Christianity. There were many cultures who had the same belief about a different person.
2006-08-05 17:22:53
answer #4
answered by holidayspice 5
It's still around because people still believe it's true. Belief doesn't make truth.
Besides, the bible that people believe now is different from the one that people believed 2000 years ago. If it's truth, how could it have changed? Are people just stubborn to believe that the King James version is the same as the original?
2006-08-05 17:20:37
answer #5
answered by kolvirbleys 2
Why do Christians assume that everyone should be like them?
Why cant Christians come out of their box to see that other religions are legitimate. It is for me not accepting Jesus but accepting how Christians practice their religion. I will not accept how to believe just because it is the norm. I have a natural orientation towards another religion. Would you ask a man to become a woman or vise versa?
Would you ask the sky to be brown and the earth to be blue?
Everyone is different, no two are the same. For most Christians they have never known anything besides Christianity. Why would a English speaker ever bother to learn Spanish if everyone he/she knew was a english speaker? Be fair. People are not that stubborn. Christ was not alone in His station.
2006-08-05 17:30:19
answer #6
answered by Ahab 5
Hmmmmmmm, let's see. It's not really hard to not except Jesus, people, just don't. I think the bible is still around, because for some people it's a really good thing for them to believe in. And most people aren't stubborn not to believe in Christ, they just don't. I hope this helped, even just a teeny tiny bit, and by the way you use such good grammar, I'm sick of all this "ppl" and "wuz", people really need to type out their words, half the time I have no idea what they're saying.
2006-08-05 17:21:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Jesus was a cool guy. He was a radical, a rebel, a s**t disturber. But that's not what religion tells us. They make him a pathetic figure on a cross, suffering for "our sins". I took my kid out of Sunday school when they started saying things like "washed in the blood of the lamb". What kind of image is that to put in a kid's head? So, to answer - people associate Jesus with all kinds of religious crap. What he was saying is bogged down with crap. Only about one tenth of the new testament is directly attributable (by biblical scholars) to Jesus. The rest is good old Paul (that woman hater :), some dude they call "Q" and a few dozen others. Then there's the confusion where when some people say "God" they mean "Jesus". They don't accept him because they've never really met the real Him.
2006-08-05 17:27:02
answer #8
answered by R. F 3
You have a very narrow-minded outlook if you think that age defines truth. The pyramids still exist, yet you don't necessarily believe that the pharoahs interred there succeeded in entering the afterlife they dreamed of. I fail to see how belief in any other person, object, or text is any different. The fact that people worship a person is utterly non-monotheistic; furthermore, the fact that you still find a need for religion only renders your own intelligence obsolete; obviously you feel that science cannot explain the world, or else you are incapable of understanding all that it has proved.
Good day to you.
2006-08-05 17:23:19
answer #9
answered by Dan 4
Well, when a philosophy of convert or die is put into place, that tends to make things last. When it is passed down in the family, that tends to make things last. As far as accepting Christ, I am all about what Christ taught, but I will not bow to any man, and until the day comes that the skys part and he comes back on a flying horse I won't.
2006-08-05 17:19:27
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Why is it so hard for you to not accept Ra into your heart as your Lord and Savior? He’s been around for over 6,000 years! If he wasn’t true, how could he still be worshiped?
There are literally thousands of religions being practiced today. Here are 20 of the most popular, along with an estimate of the number of followers:
1.Christianity: 2.1 billion
2.Islam: 1.3 billion
3.Hinduism: 900 million
4.Chinese traditional religion: 394 million
5.Buddhism: 376 million
6.African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million
7.Sikhism: 23 million
8.Juche: 19 million
9.Spiritism: 15 million
10.Judaism: 14 million
11.Baha'i: 7 million
12.Jainism: 4.2 million
13.Shinto: 4 million
14.Cao Dai: 4 million
15.Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million
16.Tenrikyo: 2 million
17.Neo-Paganism: 1 million
18.Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand
19.Rastafarianism: 600 thousand
20.Scientology: 500 thousand
[Source: Encyclopedia Britannica]
If you believe in God, you have chosen to reject Allah, Vishnu, Budda, Waheguru and all of the thousands of other gods that other people worship today. It is quite likely that you rejected these other gods without ever looking into their religions or reading their books. You simply absorbed the dominant faith in your home or in the society you grew up in.
In the same way, the followers of all these other religions have chosen to reject God. You think their gods are imaginary, and they think your God is imaginary.
In other words, each religious person on earth today arbitrarily rejects thousands of gods as imaginary, many of which he/she has never even heard of, and arbitrarily chooses to "believe" in one of them.
The following quote from Stephen F. Roberts sums up the situation very nicely:
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
A rational person rejects all human gods equally, because all of them are equally imaginary. How do we know that they are imaginary? Simply imagine that one of them is real. If one of these thousands of gods were actually real, then his followers would be experiencing real, undeniable benefits. These benefits would be obvious to everyone. The followers of a true god would pray, and their prayers would be answered. The followers of a true god would therefore live longer, have fewer diseases, have lots more money, etc. There would be thousands of statistical markers surrounding the followers of a true god.
Everyone would notice all of these benefits, and they would gravitate toward this true god. And thus, over the course of several centuries, everyone would be aligned on the one true god. All the other false gods would have fallen by the wayside long ago, and there would be only one religion under the one true god.
When we look at our world today, we see nothing like that. There are two billion Christians AND there are more than one billion Muslims, and their religions are mutually exclusive. There are thousands of other religions. When you analyse any of them, they all show a remarkable similarity -- there is zero evidence that any of these gods exist. That is how we know that they are all imaginary.
2006-08-05 17:20:41
answer #11
answered by Anonymous