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not to be rude,... but if there was a "gay" gene, don't you think that natural selection would have already "wiped" out that species since they CAN'T reproduce, for this reason I believe that homosexuality is a CHOICE that the individual makes> After all our bodies are "programmed" for reproduction, and being gay would go against our "natural" order> comments>>>

2006-08-05 17:15:51 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

Yes God makes gay people! I believe it's to deal with overpopulation!

2006-08-09 04:35:00 · answer #1 · answered by ♥Stranger In Maine™♥ (Thriller) 7 · 1 4

Nice question and it should have caused many to think. Having read all the 20 + answers I wonder why no one mentioned potential. I guess this word was reserved for me to use so I will.

In my opinion all are formed with the potential to not comply with a set forth and declared moral law or guideline. Homosexuality is just one of the ways to not comply with this moral guideline. I am convinced that everyone does act upon this potential and does go against the moral laws, and that means everyone.

No not all are gays, Some are thieves, murders, liars, etc., etc. I am also convinced such is a choice made after an idea is developed into a thought by concepting and
the thought is makifested in an act or action.

With this all said I am of the opinion that God did not create the Gay to be Gay. God did create a humankind that had the potential to be a gay and God did know he would be gay and God did provide the circumstances for him to be gay, and God did put within the required conditions in quality and quantity that wpold reveal the gay.

Am I just talking in circles? NO a "NO" does not talk in circles. God also did provide two options. First if the Gay was manifested, the gay could be forgiven by the proper proceedures. If before the manifestation the Potential gay could go to God and request a change so that this potential would not be manifested then God would have complied if the proper conditions were in place. Thus in both cases it is a choice by the humankind and not a direct act of creation on the part of God..

Do give it some thought and do smile while you try to put it in focus. Have a great day. While t you are doing that do read all the points about the impossibility for it to be genetic. I think in that area many good points were pointed out to eliminate the ha ha "in the genes idea"!

2006-08-05 18:24:28 · answer #2 · answered by cjkeysjr 6 · 0 0

It is yet another condition of sin. I do not mean that it is a worse sin than any other. I too suffer.

There has been some research, and get this: it terrible where it starts. There are cases where while ion the womb, the fetus is bombarded by hormones. A male fetus can be bombarded by elevated levels of estrogen ( if I am remembering the report accurately) and a female fetus can be bombarded by testosterone. This could be one reason why children feel wrong about their sexual identity while they are growing up. It wouldn't be necessary for them to discover a gay gene if this were true. Something has to explain the homosexual desires that accompany some children.

This is not my forte, so bear with me on that explanation.

On the front of Biblical process, it becomes less important on whether someone is gay or not, but more important on how that gay person is treated.

That's why it sickens me that the gay community would allow rednecks, or those that are judgemental to dictate to them that the gay community by definition is against God. And that they have the corner on God and are somehow less sinful. Or that you need to be "better" in order to come to God.

I figure that a lot of preachers are going to be judged as they judged if they are responsible for losing a soul on the count of how they treated a gay person.

2006-08-05 17:29:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They can't reproduce? That's news to me. There is no physical barrier keeping homosexuals from reproducing. Plenty of homosexuals have reproduced throughout history.

Besides, if the gene is recessive, the trait of being homosexual wouldn't have to show up in either of the parents, but if they both gave the gene to the child, then the child would be homosexual. If only one of them gave the gene to the child, then that child would be a carrier, but not homosexual.

Do you really think that the only choices are genetic or choice? What about the conditions inside the womb? Or early developmental conditions?

There are plenty of other things that go against what we are "programmed" for. After all, doesn't birth control go against the "natural" order? How about people who don't want kids?

2006-08-05 17:27:00 · answer #4 · answered by kolvirbleys 2 · 0 1

Most gays and lesbians I know realized at some point in their growing up process that they were gay. Some truly chose the lifestyle, usually following some emotionally traumatic event that altered their perception of "normal" relationships. But for others, they were attracted to members of the same sex long before puberty or their first romantic/sexual experience; for that group, sexual orientation was no more a choice than it is for "straight" people -- it was just part of who they are.
As to the point of natural selection wiping out a gay gene, if such a thing exists (I'm doubtful), not necessarily. Societal pressures have led many a homosexual to enter a heterosexual union and reproduce.
Finally, to the morality of it all. Even though I have said that homosexual attractions are not a choice, homosexual behavior is. The same could be said of heterosexual behavior which, last I checked, was condemned in the Bible outside the narrow context of marriage. People don't go to hell for being gay, any more than people go to heaven for being straight. (There will be plenty of gays in heaven, and an awful lot of straights in hell...) God calls all of us to live lives of righteousness, and our hearts will determine our ultimate destinations.

2006-08-05 17:32:48 · answer #5 · answered by Eric 5 · 0 0

God is for sure the Creator of ALL. I don't think God would be pleased by the actions of homosexuality. Thats my opinion! I'm not Christian but I have found most homesexuals are of that faith although in the bible there was a town destroyed due to the act. Right? Its not a healthy act and many trials derive from enaging in such acts. Of course anyone having sexual relations is open to sexually transmitted diseases but its more wide spread within that community especially with so many "down low" males and females.

I guess they can now say its fine since cloning seems to be the next big thing coming. True enough ONLY God can judge justly but once we reach God the decision of judgement is final and we can not go back and change our actions.

2006-08-05 17:32:06 · answer #6 · answered by Wasiah Rasheed 2 · 0 0

Quoting Randy: "If you read the Bible - in 1 Corinthians 6 v 9-10

9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God"

I hate to break it to you all, but when these pages were written, there was no term for homosexuality. And your god claims to be responsible for creating everything. When you look really close, you realize he created sin and evil as well, for is not Lucifer a fallen angel, a formeer member of the heavenly host, who were by the way, created by god. Therefore, god created us all, and that about covers it. Homosexuality, has actually been linked to genetic treansfer between parent and offspring, and it is not about choice. The only choice we make is to accept and love ourselves for who we are or to try to bend to the pressures of someone's belief system and live a lie (last time I checked, lieing is a sin to eh?) I am gay, and darn tootin I reproduced, and my son is a wonderful personas well. To paraphrase a recent movie, "People should not be afraid fo their religion, religions should be afraid of their people."

2006-08-05 17:35:25 · answer #7 · answered by mresl2005 3 · 0 0


You have a very good question - and I believe the answer is No.

If you read the Bible - in 1 Corinthians 6 v 9-10

9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

My point is this - God would not create a being fore knowing that He was going to condemn them to Hell.

For additional information:
Check out http://www.johnfourteen.com from John 14 in the Bible
Look at "Studies in the Bible" and "Lessons from the Pulpit"
many answers to everyday life can be found.

2006-08-05 17:23:05 · answer #8 · answered by Gladiator 5 · 0 0

Hugh Ross, an astrophysicist, has written very persuasively in this subject remember. He returned brings us into the philosophical implications. Ross says that, by ability of definition, Time is that measurement wherein reason and result phenomena ensue. . . . If time's beginning is concurrent with the start of the universe, because of fact the area-time theorem says, then the reason of the universe could desire to be some entity working in a time measurement thoroughly self reliant of and pre-existent to the time measurement of the cosmos. This end is powerfully important to our awareness of who God is and who or what God isn't. It tells us that the author is transcendent, working previous the dimensional limits of the universe. It tells us that God isn't the universe itself, neither is God interior the universe. those are 2 very consumer-friendly perspectives, which brings us to a minimum of a few thing very important metaphysically or philosophically. If the super bang concept is genuine, then we can end God isn't the same because of fact the universe (a customary view) and God isn't con-tained in the universe (yet another consumer-friendly view).

2016-11-03 23:41:41 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I don't think it's a gene persay, but perhaps funny wiring in the brain. I can't describe what I think homosexuality is exactly, but I don't think it's a personal choice. It has been shown though that the second son born to a mother is more likely to be gay than the first. This intrigues me.

2006-08-05 17:26:26 · answer #10 · answered by onanist13 3 · 0 1

so are you saying that infertile individuals are choosing, in some way, not to have children? and how can you be so sure that nature doesn't have a hand in homosexuality? ever noticed how crowded the earth is becoming? people are starving to death. so, maybe homosexuality is nature's way of slowing down over population. and, think about this; with so many narrow-minded people out there, wouldn't it be easier for homosexuals if they weren't gay?

2006-08-05 17:24:35 · answer #11 · answered by luvbuggies 6 · 0 1

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