No, christian fundamentalists will never admit to their god being wrong..and if he is they'll just find another chapter and verse to back themselves up with.
2006-08-05 17:09:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Why would you think that God could be wrong about something that He considers to be an abomination? God is perfect, God doesn't make mistakes. He doesn't like homosexuality. He didn't create people in His image for that. God, with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, made man in His own image (Genesis 1:26-28). Homosexuality is not part of that image.
The Bible says in Leviticus 18:22, "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." (NIV) The KJV says, "it is an abomination." The whole 18th chapter of Leviticus states what is an abomination and what is not.
I agree with you that the Government is scared, and well they should be, because of what they've been up to in the past 100 years or so. If they'd straighten themselves out and stop being so greedy, this country would be in a better place. Everyone says this is the greatest country in the world, because we have rights and privileges that you can't find anywhere else, so why is it so hard to feed, house and clothe a family of four on minimum wage? Because this country is greedy, and always looking for more.
2006-08-05 17:33:45
answer #2
answered by kellygirlaj 4
Homosexuality IS mentioned in the Bible. It is discussed
in the context of it being a sin. I don't think that homosexuality in any way proves God wrong. The Bible (God's word) teaches that it is a sin. Nobody is perfect, straight or homosexual. Only God is perfect. The fact that homosexuality is mentioned in the Bible as a sin proves that God is right. He knows the sinful nature of man and that man without God will give in to his sinful nature. The fact that homosexuality exists and is being more and more accepted in our overly politically correct and openly sinful world absolutely proves God is right. Take this from someone who is NOT perfect in any way, and will only see Heaven through the grace of God and his son Jesus Christ. Everyone is born with a sinful nature. Only through a personal relationship with God by accepting Jesus as your personal saviour and inviting him into your heart can you even begin to understand the nature of God. The book of Genesis shows that God created man, but he gave man a free will and man (with the help of woman, yes ladies, you're in this too) gave in to his sinful nature and sin was introduced to the world. I don't personally think that it is genetic and I would be skeptical (as many of you are of Christians) of any information that suggested that it was genetic. However, if everything that I saw and read indicated it was genetic then I would have to conclude that God allowed it to be so for a reason. Now, I have a question. I don't have an opinion on this at this time, but I just thought I would throw it out there. Speaking purely from a worldly standpoint, aside from my views as a Christian, if homosexuality were shown to be genetic, would we treat it like the difference between each persons hair color, or would be begin research to find a cure? I can only imagine the debate that would take place over that!!
2006-08-05 17:39:54
answer #3
answered by Equalizer 2
If the Government wanted Religion they would not let the Lie of Evolution continue in school's!
God created everything perfect it did not stay that way or was it stated in the Bible that it would stay perfect! As a matter of fact everything started going down hill with sin! If what you say was true and even a possible way to prove that God does not exist they would have jumped on this a while ago.....the human DNA has an average of about 2,400 error's in it and this continues to grow due to what we do to our body's and environment!
Also why would evolution replace religion! It is a religion it is a belief in something with out any facts!
2006-08-05 17:19:45
answer #4
answered by William H 3
It doesn't prove God wrong, in the bible, God wiped out a whole city because of homosexuality. God said he will give you choice meaning that being gay or lesbian is a choice, not genetic. It cant be genetic because its a learned behavior, not an instinct. Religion is not scared, neither is the government. Religion just knows that being homo is not of God and the government believes marriage should be the way it was meant to be: between a man and a woman.
2006-08-05 17:15:27
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
ok "JustMe".... homosexuality IS mentioned in the Bible...... its about as plain as day in Leviticus 18:22, "Do not practice homosexuality; it is a detestable sin." and check out Romans chapter know, homosexuality is a sin like any other and im afraid that a lot of christians dont think of it that way.....if they ask God for forgiveness and turn from it then God is faithful to forgive like he does for all other sins.......and to the questioner- homosexuality will NEVER be proven to be genetic because like you said (in your sarcastic way) God IS perfect and He NEVER makes mistakes. "religion is scared" let me tackle this.... if when referring to religion you were talking about religious people then you are WRONG! im not scared.... i know that Jesus has made a way and nothing here on earth can change that. you may condemn me and call me crazy but I dont care because im on Gods time and im in this world but should not be of it. next..... if religion is gone, the government isnt gone..... we are so beyond corruption already(because all people are) and like someone said earlier about china being an atheist country and there is still a government..... NOW whether it is a strong country or not is obvious...... if you arent under God and following Him, things arent gonna work out for you. i hope i proved you wrong at least a little.... actually I know that i did...... but thats not the point.... the point is i hope you keep searching for the Truth. God Bless.
2006-08-05 17:31:01
answer #6
answered by T 2
Meh, I see two big flaws:
1) Government falls after religion does? What the hell? Why should the two have anything to do with each other?
2) the meaning of faith is that true believers can look at an appendix and say "that must have a purpose, and evolution is wrong' so they can't certainly look at a genetic report and do the same!
2006-08-05 17:11:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Oh, come on. Religion survived the Earth being knocked from the center of the universe, it survived the sun following suite, it survived the discovery of the dinosaurs, it survived the discovery of radioactive dating, it survived the theory of evolution, it survived the theory of the Big Bang...and you're saying that a genetic basis for homosexuality is gonna bring it all crashing down? That's as absurd a postulation as the one put forth by the character that Ian McKellen played in The Da Vinci Code.
You have to understand, these people don't work on *reason*. If you prove (or as good as prove) something about their religion wrong, they either ignore you (fundamentalists), say the devil put the evidence there, or re-work their interpretation of scripture and incorporate a little more leeway for "metaphorical" or "parable" type information. You're not going to break them; science may topple lies, but not faith. It's inspiring and absurd, but most of all it's true. Sorry 'bout that.
2006-08-05 18:50:26
answer #8
answered by ? 4
You begin your discussion with a hypothetical question, making the rest of your discussion completely fallacious, then you ask us to prove it wrong?!
You've proven yourself wrong by beginning your question with a false "If".
I won't pretend to be a geneticist, so I can't say with certainty that homosexuality isn't genetic. However, by it's very definition, it impossible to be carried on to the next generation.
God cannot make mistakes, yet genetic mistakes are more common than homosexuality. Your argument would like to use Down's Syndrome to disprove God, so why even address homosexuality?
The fact is that Adam and Eve's genes were perfect, just as God made them. Then sin entered the world, and their genes, and have been deteriorating ever since. Are you not aware that your genetic parents are human, and not God? (I bet they are also one man and one woman, thank God for heteros, huh?) So far as we know, God doesn't create humans anymore. He gave that job to us.
I personally promise you that MY religion isn't the slightest bit afraid of your goofy questions. Nor is it afraid of educated, scientific questions either. MY religion has stood since the beginning of time (or if you prefer, for the past ~2000 years). It has stood up to scrutiny that would crush anything false. Educated people have been trying to disprove God and Christianity for alot longer than you've been alive, and they've all failed. And now you think you can prove it wrong by asking some silly question like this? Please go buy an education. It's worth it.
2006-08-05 17:26:30
answer #9
answered by Hyzakyt 4
Hard to "prove" you wrong, I just think you are mistaken. Ostensibly the reason for having sex is to procreate--something that was desperately necessary in days of old (like a bazillion years ago.) Religion, man's attempt to deal with the fear of the unknown and the questions of our consious existance, was made up to follow the rules and mores of the times. (This is NOT to say that I don't believe in God or the idea that religion is a good thing as far as teaching us morals and guiding principles for our lives as humans.)
I believe that homosexuality for the most part IS genetic, and I also believe that "God don't make no junk" and that we are all made in His image and likeness. So...I, personally, accept homosexuality as a way of life for some--perhaps an extra burden in some ways.
But, I think that your theory is seriously flawed. Why would evolution take the place of religion? Why would religion be destroyed? I believe in evolution, and I'm a Christian. Religion hasn't crumbled yet, has it? No, I didn't think my little confession would jog it.
I also don't buy your idea that once religion is gone the government is sure to follow. There is a VERY strong govt. in China (one I'm glad I don't have to deal with...), but religion is forbidden. Or how ab out the USSR in the past?
And the govt in the good ol' USA is not SUPPOSED to be influenced by religion., (Of course, it is. We just have to be diligent to keep church and state separate. BE SURE TO VOTE NEXT WEEK!!!)
ps. spellcheck down, sorry for errors
2006-08-05 17:26:20
answer #10
answered by Joey's Back 6
I think you answered your own question -- among the rambling anger that you dressed your question in.
It isn't easy to understand God -- who is all powerful and omnipotent. As human beings with limitations -- we have a hard time understanding a God who is without limits in His power, love mercy and might.
If homosexuality was found to be genetic, how would that destroy religion? Then you wander over to somehow connect God with religion. Those are two different things.
God is perfect -- you got that right. Good job!!
God doesn't make mistakes -- right again!!!
God can take human mistakes and turn them into wonder and glory and good. In fact, He promises to do that for those that believe in Him.
You started talking about homosexuality and religion, worked your way up to God and his power, then took a swipe at the Bible and found your way all the way over to talking about religion and governments being scared.
I don't have to prove you wrong. Go back and reread what you wrote. You are proving yourself to be very very very wrong, dude.
Very very wrong, INDEED.
2006-08-05 17:18:13
answer #11
answered by BShakey 4