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Religion & Spirituality - 18 June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

With so many false teachers and ministers out there, how do you know who you can trust?

Some of these TV minister guys seem more concerned with taking my money, fortune telling, and selling religious products, than they do about our salvation and spiritual growth. And they do it all in the name of Jesus. It makes me want to puke!

What say you?

2006-06-18 15:07:03 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Heaven?And since wine and beer can cause liver disease, kidney disease, and can cause blood poisening and amoung the leading causes of auto accidents due to drunkness along with causing people to be angry drunks who fight and who often don't behave rationally.So, if smoking pot is a sinful thing that could get you a ticket to Hell, isn't booze also equally a ticket to Hell?

I know pot is illegal in pretty much all countries accept The Netherlands, but this isn't a legal question.It's a moral question.So, do boozers get to go to Heaven?

2006-06-18 15:02:02 · 9 answers · asked by Demopublican 6

I went to a catholic school and i realized that they seemed to have a large sum of money as well as one of my friends churches just bought a plasma TV, not to mention the gold tabernacle and other pricey possessions, if the church is supposed to be about giving of ones self then why are they purchasing such extravagant items.

2006-06-18 14:59:52 · 19 answers · asked by nak 1

2006-06-18 14:58:55 · 6 answers · asked by usuninato 1

Would we have hindered our image or helped some of the lost souls seeking truthful answers to their questions? Yes there are those perverts, ect....which try our nerves and bash our beliefs, but I see an awful lot of bashing on the Christian side of this fence. The plank in my eye has not blinded me to the real world and the bashing coming our way from atheist, homosexuals, witches, etc...is just what God's word says will happen, but we in turn do not fight hate with hate. Love does concure all. I include myself because I really have to stop and think what I want to say to some of these folks, or what would GOD have me say. Peace and Love brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. We are on the road to victory!

2006-06-18 14:53:20 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is pretty widely accepted amoung christians that jesus was a jew, but, why don't people like prodestant or catholic christians believe in judiaism then? Has it changed since jesus' time or what? Is there anything wrong with the belief today?

2006-06-18 14:52:00 · 26 answers · asked by Pyr0 2

I am a transgendered person who has prayed to God that if it was not the right path for me I would believe a sign.The sign I asked for was that a very special and beautiful girl would come into my life offering unconditional love.Well, she has,she is very special, very beautiful,and religious.She has brought about miracle changes in my life, my thinking, my viewpoints.Is it possible God called my bluff on this and actually did fulfill the terms I asked for?I love her deeply and can find no explaination why she would ever want to be with me,I am much older, much shorter, and not real attractive even in a male role.How else do I explain this angel coming from nowhere and bringing such effects?

2006-06-18 14:51:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jesus was married and had multiple wives ?

2006-06-18 14:51:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

"It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power."


Also this one,

"But of that day or hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but the Father only."


This question is mainly for you people who memorize revelations to try and predict the future, think that the end of the world is going to happen in this generation like 2007, 2012, and don't pay attention to the rest of the bible.

Did the Father personaly tell you what year it was? Why do you make Jesus out to be a liar when you prophesy?

2006-06-18 14:51:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

The truth about where the money you put in the collection plate goes is about to be revealed next right here exclusively. Do you think the money actually goes to the poor? No no no. It goes to restore the church and fix it whatever they have to do like if they have to paint something or maintence of the building or to restore an old or broken area and also some of the money even goes to the staff at the church. Why do you think the plate is brought to the front of the church? Its so it can be stored away somewhere in the back to be used for whatever.

2006-06-18 14:50:36 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

And don't say God. I realize he is the author. I am meaning who physically wrote it and when?

2006-06-18 14:46:19 · 15 answers · asked by SoundgearAW100 3

I often wonder if racists occupy the same places in heaven as inner city or jewish people or is heaven sectioned off to maintain the same separation as on earth?
How will disparate people live together in heaven if they cannot on earth?

2006-06-18 14:44:06 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-18 14:43:59 · 23 answers · asked by fatkidsfighting 2

In Genesis, after Cain killed Abel, he left and married someone. If he was the only person on earth after Adam and Eve, how could have this have happened?

2006-06-18 14:43:32 · 23 answers · asked by Harry D 2

He was 100 this past 6/06/06. He's a nice n sweet old man. He still looks healthy. This is true! What ya think?

2006-06-18 14:40:34 · 32 answers · asked by ricardocoav 4

2006-06-18 14:38:20 · 25 answers · asked by sharrron 5

Every day I log onto Yahoo! Answers and there's always several angry, arrogant, and hateful posters pretending to Christianity going off on people. Thjen bang! it all devolves to party lines. Christians on one side, atheists on the other. No matter how wrong, or hateful and hurtful the "Christian" may be, as long as he or she evokes the name of Jesus only "atheists" object. Well, I'm no atheist and I object. I understood Christianity to be about compassion and love for fellow man, but some of the venom i see here displayed... .

On top of that, as a Biblical scholar it is obvious that many have read very little of the Bible. And so many discard associated non-cononical history out of hand, believing instead what some minister with his own personal agenda has told them

2006-06-18 14:36:24 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

be you and tell me as much as you can and have fun doing it to

2006-06-18 14:35:28 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

WEll me and my boyfriend had a discussion.

We were talking about my father. Here's the story behind my father..

He was an alcoholic, my mother divorced him, father was taken drugs and alcohol and kidnapped my mother, and almost killed her. He wen't to jail for awhile. He found Christ, and he wrote to us everyday. He told my mother how his Alcohol, Drug, and Sex addiction was sin, and he repented. And that he loves my mother very much. and he wrote to us, telling us, he misses us, and wishes he could have been a better father. My father got out, went to rehab, and went back to his sick family. They took him away from Christ. My father doesn't even call us nemore, nor did he show love, he only bought things.

My boyfriend says i have to forgive. Yes i have, but then my boyfriend said i have to love my father. Yes i love my father. Then my boyfriend said to call him, and realize that he thinks we hate him. <--okay? well, i've made many fone calls telling him i love him

2006-06-18 14:32:02 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

And do christians know that there is more to race than skin color? If we are all descendents of Adam and Eve, does that mean Adam and Eve had a mixture of all racial features? So if God made man in his image, does that mean God looks like Tiger Woods? Why are skull shapes catagorized as caucazoid, ******* and mongoloid if there is no race? And Mostly I want my cristian creationism friends to explain why races are grouped in certain regions only, dark skin in warmer regions lighter skin in cooler regions, almond shaped eyes in Asia, and so forth. Going according to your belief of all one race through Adam and Eve, why are we all not multicolored scattered about the globe, why are races separated?

2006-06-18 14:31:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would it be inappropriate if i was standing on the corner after church services have ended and people are all exiting the building and i was there standing with signs that read "theres no god and no afterlife so get a life"? How do you think the people react and would i be arrested for loitering?

2006-06-18 14:31:30 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please use the Bible to support your answers. I am interested on how you use the Bible to support your answer.

2006-06-18 14:30:30 · 40 answers · asked by Egyptian Prince 4

i'm asking this question, because i like you to assume how a chicken would feel, since bestiality seems to be bad, and killing and eating a chicken is perfectly normal.

2006-06-18 14:29:19 · 17 answers · asked by Thinx 5

2006-06-18 14:28:51 · 10 answers · asked by Gerrydaq 2

*If you answer God, then why is hell so full?
*Who convinces more, God or satan?

2006-06-18 14:28:09 · 22 answers · asked by ricardocoav 4

Believe in him or else...Follow the scripture or else.Go to church or else.Get baptized or else.Be born again or else.

The "or else" is always hell.

I remember a story about a monster that lived in the forest."Don't go into the forest or else the monster will get you", was the moral of the story to scare children from going into unknown places.I see a lot in common with the "or else you're going to hell" and the "or else the monster will get you".Why is that?

2006-06-18 14:27:20 · 20 answers · asked by Demopublican 6

Im wondering if anyone of a particular religion, any religion, has ever had a successful conversation with an atheist about religion. I have been a christian for over 10 years, and I have talked to many people who consider themselves atheist, I have never gotten a serious answer when I ask them why they are an atheist, or even why they believe what they do.

Ive met people who seemed nice enough, and I have gotten along well with, and if I bring up God, or ask them if they have a religion, they imediatley get defensive. And after I let them know that I was a christian they start mocking me and my faith.

I would really like to have a respectful, serious conversation with an atheist, what kind of experiences have you had? Or if you are an atheist, have you ever had a friendly conversation with somone of faith about religion? I dont mean to attack atheists, im sure there has been plenty of aggresive christians running their mouths about how much people deserve to go to hell.

2006-06-18 14:26:38 · 18 answers · asked by Dagfinn 3

Someone pointed out in my last question that I should have used the word "repent" instead of "change his mind" from Numbers 3:19. I was using the NIV. He is right, according to the KJV, it should be "repent." So now my question is, "Does God repent or not?"

Numbers 3:19
God is not a man that he should lie; neither the son of a man that he should repent.

Compared to
Exodus 32:14
And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people.

2006-06-18 14:26:06 · 9 answers · asked by skeptic 6

Just wondering.

2006-06-18 14:24:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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