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Other - Society & Culture - 6 March 2007

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What would they be and how would you change them?
(To see if the same problems are everywhere, what city do you live in?)

2007-03-06 05:46:24 · 9 answers · asked by sabby 1

is it bad for birthcertificate info to get out... if so what can happen?

2007-03-06 05:45:39 · 1 answers · asked by el Diablo 2

to bring things in the truth, make things realality,positive

2007-03-06 05:41:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone know, does one need a death cerificate to purchase a coffin/casket from a funeral parlour, without there being a death?

2007-03-06 05:38:06 · 6 answers · asked by 3rd LIFE 3

a fishbone diagram is a problem analysis tool used to analyse many issues and problems

2007-03-06 05:26:10 · 1 answers · asked by bouch- 1

out on yahoo answers? I mean what's the point? I realize that it's a place to voice your opinions but if you have racial issues then that means your beyond any help anyone could probably ever give you on here. So what's the point? Is it just to see if you can make everybody else life as miserable as yours obviously is or what? Because some people hate so bad until their at the point of no return of getting to know people for people but why do they try to take everybody else along for the ride? Because it's not like it's a pretty site or something.

2007-03-06 05:25:59 · 23 answers · asked by 2sweet4u 4

I've put some of the links for Iranian songs with a link to read the translations if you like.you can just right click on the links and choose "save as" to download them.Iranian music is not Arabic or Eastern.It's a different sort of pop music.It's won the prize for the best pop music in France in 2005, but I think it's not simple pop.Perhaps a mixture of American, Iranian, Turkish, Indian, and Spanish music!So, it's unique. what do you think of Persian music? pop?club?Trance?country?Teckno?DJ?or...? plz don't answer before listening to at least one of the songs.They're quite different from each other.whatever it is I'd put in under this genre: "ecxiting beautiful"!!! and I think most of the songs are a mixture of those sorts of music.What's your opinion?
This is the link to my previous question.I mean if you're in doubt whether the links are safe or not look at this Q&A page and you'll see that one of the answerers (the best answerer) have listenned to them and enjoyed them and nothing has happened to her!and also the translation for the songs are there: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AmZoaYIBHgym78p1xZMGQzPsy6IX?qid=20070303111508AAXhVyi
another answerer has said: I listened to these yesterday and they are inspirational.I recommend them to everyone.
I recomaend you to read the translations.you'd find the most beautiful wordings in Persian poetry.
(I just want you) http://download.bia2music.com/Music/Irani/Mansour/Crazy/Delam%20Faghat%20Toro%20Mikhaad(www.Bia2Music.com).MP3
(The window) http://www.sarzamin.org/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Siavash%20Ghomayshi/03_%20Panjereh.mp3
(Stop world) http://www.sarzaminmusic.com/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Reza%20Sadeghi%20-%20Vaysa%20Donya/01_%20Vaysa%20Donya.mp3
(Hold my hand) http://www.sarzaminmp3.com/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Mansour%20-%20Beautiful/09_%20Dastamo%20Begir.mp3
(The wind's kiss) http://www.sarzamin.org/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Siavash%20Ghomayshi/01_%20Boosaye%20Baad.mp3
(Keep me in your memory) http://www.sarzamin.org/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Siavash%20Ghomayshi/07_%20Yaade%20Man%20Baash.mp3
(Reveal your visage) http://www.sarzamin.org/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Mohammad%20Esfahani/04_%20Talab.mp3
(It's beautiful) http://www.sarzaminmp3.com/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Mansour%20-%20Beautiful/02_%20Ghashangeh.mp3

2007-03-06 05:20:55 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-06 05:17:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I remember that some American started selling rocks to yuppies who didn't have time to care for a dog or cat or a real animal, so he marketed 'Pet Rocks' that you could talk to and have around. Daft idea, but apparently he made a fortune!
Does anyone still have their Pet Rock?

2007-03-06 05:16:01 · 3 answers · asked by gorgeousfluffpot 5

What's the naughtiest thing you've ever done (that didn't involve or hurt anyone else) that you got away with?
I once walked past a police van full of officers while smoking a joint. I'm actually quite proud of that.

2007-03-06 05:15:44 · 11 answers · asked by ♥ Divine ♥ 6

2007-03-06 05:15:32 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-06 05:10:55 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not interested in the opinion of those who are convinced of an afterlife. I mean no disrespect by that, but I am interested in hearing the opinion of people who suspect that death is the end of sentience. To me, the fear isn't from pain or suffering after one dies, because that would be irrational. My fear is non-being, that is, this world, which is known through me, will end forever. Some people compare this to sleep, but sleep is partly dreams, and the sleeper is generally convinced after his rest that he/she will awake. My fear is the idea of never awaking again. What are your thoughts?

2007-03-06 05:01:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-06 04:57:25 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in Liverpool and in the past couple of years a trend has emerged for women and girls to go out shopping etc. in their pyjamas. It drives me insane! I won't even go out of the house without make up on, when did it become acceptible to do this and does this happen in any other UK city?

2007-03-06 04:50:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


I listen to everything from MCR-Mary J. Blige; I hate most of these new wanna be rappers like:MIMS. I'm not a girly-girly; I can't play sports, but I love football. I'm into Anime and foreign studies; I love to shop for video games and comics; I'm about self-expression. I don't hold back if I'm asked for my criticisms. I hate these new "horror" flicks because there's nothing scary about them; I just see a lot of blood; gore; and sex. I hate chick flicks; I love Action/Adventure and Comedies. I watch Chapelle; Mencia; South Park; Family Guy; The Simpsons; Drawn Together; and other forms of satire. I know a bit about wiring; I hate bigots; hypocracy; and our president. My friend thinks I'm a little out of this world; I don't know what she means by that. What would you classify me? I am comfortable with who I am but I just want an honest opinion; don't worry about hurting me; I'm just curious.

2007-03-06 04:49:43 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

And tell why, please. Thanks

2007-03-06 04:41:37 · 1 answers · asked by mudd_grip 4

I find their qualities wonderful, they live for long years to study so much disciplines, have their own culture, black leather wear, mysterious, tough, advance thinking. It spells success in any field for these qualities.

2007-03-06 04:27:23 · 9 answers · asked by Dosage 3

2007-03-06 04:24:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

The ones like Penn, Streisand, Baldwin, Moore and their ilk.
I mean, why don't they stick to their jobs and entertain us and quit trying to spew their garbage on us. They have no clue what a loaf of bread or gallon of milk costs, so why do so many people give them such a huge amount of credibility? They know nothing about day to day living in the "real" America.

2007-03-06 04:17:16 · 13 answers · asked by scottdman2003 5


2007-03-06 04:14:25 · 7 answers · asked by up4insmoke0 1

what does fashion mean to lay people, how do they educate them selves if they dont study design,and do informed purchasing?

2007-03-06 04:12:11 · 5 answers · asked by sumangala j 1

2007-03-06 04:09:28 · 2 answers · asked by lizlearner 1

I go to the same sites everyday , but would like to change things up a bit and go to new sites., Currently I go to many celebrity blogs such as perezhilton.com, hollyscoop.com, i go to allrecipes.com, family and friends blogs, checking account, etc. Please help my boredom!! I need new material!!! :)

2007-03-06 04:08:05 · 15 answers · asked by CarlieD 1

2007-03-06 04:01:25 · 7 answers · asked by 1

fedest.com, questions and answers