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Other - Society & Culture - 6 March 2007

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I don't have a mobile.

I have not yet found a situation when I actually needed one.

So what are you all yacking on about?

2007-03-06 09:09:10 · 13 answers · asked by Bum Gravy. 5

Why do we have the sterotypes we have? Ex: prep, goth, emo, nerd, geek, whore, slut, etc. Where do we come up with these, how does nearly everyone know what they mean, yet why don't we actually KNOW what they mean? And what DO they really mean?

2007-03-06 09:08:32 · 1 answers · asked by ashley anesthesia 1

2007-03-06 09:06:43 · 11 answers · asked by 4knowreason 2

When people ask that ? do they know how stupid they sound?!

2007-03-06 09:05:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-06 09:05:45 · 8 answers · asked by 4knowreason 2

There are so many discrepancies surrounding the events of September the 11th, questions that need to be addressed. I am not a conspiracy theorist, I do not go out looking for these discrepancies and I do not believe or disbelieve anything I read and hear. It's all propaganda after all, whether it's left wing or right wing. But it seems to me that many people are unwilling to confront these issues so as not to appear un-American. I've read so many comments on You Tube below the Loose Change film that I don't understand. Loads of people say we shouldn't question because that is attacking the memory of the people who died. But those people are the reason we should ask questions surely? The "Jersey Girls" tried to question the Government and nobody cared what they had to say (www.believeyourowneyes.com). I'm not attacking anyone here, I just don't understand. Maybe someone could shed some light on the matter.

2007-03-06 09:02:28 · 9 answers · asked by spiralling 3

Those ugly silver bluetooth earpieces that make the wearer look like Spock are perfect cover for someone answering the voices in their head.

So are they talking to themselves, or trying to find from their mates the name of the person they slept with last night, a conversation so urgent it can't wait until they get home?

2007-03-06 08:59:44 · 8 answers · asked by Bum Gravy. 5

Couldn't help noticing when I was passing through Luton, the huge amount of people who limp or have some other form of walking abnormality.

Anyone else noticed this?

2007-03-06 08:59:36 · 5 answers · asked by fistenpumpen 1

I have no problem saying like I have before that I am prochoice, Even though i would probably never have an abortion, I do not judge people that have or will have one in there lifetime. People can make there own decisions, and I am not here to judge, just get opinions, thanks oh and save your crap if you are just going to tell me how wrong you think i am, I seriously want to know YOU'RE beliefs, not comparing them to others

2007-03-06 08:58:45 · 19 answers · asked by ♣Kellina♣ 5

Let's assume that you apostatized and gay, you do not want to let your family nor country nor friends know about that since they will not help you and you might face a real danger or you may loose your life, but you want your freedom and want to be safe? any ideas? what would you do? please if you are interested in helping , send me a message or guide me to anyone who can help

2007-03-06 08:55:58 · 2 answers · asked by Silence 1

Are we living in a society that places an excessive emphasis on the physical aspect?
Do web sites such as My Space help people to become egocentric and falling in love with their physycal image? Is this going to help to make the world better?

2007-03-06 08:54:40 · 3 answers · asked by The Most Beautiful Men 1

Since I've been on Yahoo Answers the past few months I am amazed at the following....

* How many people believe having casual sex is a GOOD thing.
* How many people don't believe in God and even worse are extremely against religion.
* How many people can not spell or punctuate.
* How many people believe in horroscopes and/or taro cards (I even saw one girl ask for a "love spell" and people gave her serious answers on how to cast a spell).

I hope Yahoo Answers isn't reflective of society, it's really scary. Your thoughts?

2007-03-06 08:49:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

im talking about climbing mt everest, which is the highest mountain on earth. if you think it should be banned, tell me why. if not, tell me why also.

2007-03-06 08:48:22 · 3 answers · asked by Cat 3

they're ducks, not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just that they keep complaining about my plastic duck yard ornaments saying that they find it offensive, but I really love those ornaments and don't want to have get rid of them, but at the same time I don't want to offend my new neighbors, they seem like they're awfully nice people,um....ducks, whatever, not that their's anything wrong with that. What should I do?

2007-03-06 08:41:45 · 3 answers · asked by Jimmy H 4

Hi all! I'm looking for your stories about SPONTANEITY and SERENDIPITY.
Can you share a story about a memorable experience when you did something spontaneous?
In what situations are you most likely to be spontaneous? A person? A place?

When was the last time you were struck by serendipity?
What were the circumstances?
Do you consider yourself a “lucky” person? If so, why or why not.

Thank you! Your strength of personality will lead you to a successful life. ;)

2007-03-06 08:37:28 · 1 answers · asked by ? 1

2007-03-06 08:32:23 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

In your opinion, do you think that this is an appropriate position for judges to take.

2007-03-06 08:21:51 · 1 answers · asked by animallover1965 1

Drinking age
Gambling laws

2007-03-06 08:03:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

when ?

2007-03-06 08:03:27 · 11 answers · asked by erics.life 1

were the only obsticle is the illusion of space and time//

2007-03-06 08:00:13 · 17 answers · asked by erics.life 1

Stop having babies.
Its a shame that our governments are so business oriented as to tell us that if we dont have children our economies will collapse and there will be no pension as we age. As a population, we are slowly coming around to the notion that there are simply too many people on the planet.
Ithe majority of people having kids are doing so for selfish reasons,like saving the marriage, carrying on a blood line or the most selfish one,someone to look after me when I retire.
Being a parent should be a privelige not a right.
"Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding". Harvey Danger,"paranoia".

2007-03-06 07:59:32 · 4 answers · asked by fred h 1

I hear alot of people talk bad about President Bush, i try not say anything cause Honestly i dont care,i hardly effects me ,i have money and im young and hot. But what really gets to me is when people jump on the Bandwagon, now i know President Bush isnt the best. but hes also not the worst president. Why tha hell did they blame him 4 Katrina??? He cant control the ******** weather, and its not his responsibilty, thats why he assigns people 4 that stuff, its not his fault the guy sucked at it. As for the war, are you the one over there? If not, Shut the ***** up, some soldiers like fighting 4 our country and believe in what we are fighting for, thats why our Army is VOLUNTER. A soldier doesnt need stupid hippies protesting against the war for them, if they dont like it they wont Re-sign for another couple of years. If soldiers say the war sucks, then they are right. But if you havent even helpd a gun in your life dont act like all High and Mighty and Blame Bush. Plus hes pretty Funny!!

2007-03-06 07:58:38 · 2 answers · asked by Dark Angel 3

Does anyone know of a specific example of an emergency service project that would meet the following requirement??

7. Take part in an emergency service project, either a real one or a practice drill, with a Scouting unit or a community agency.

Thank You

2007-03-06 07:48:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, so 1 or more of 12 guys that my bf lives with (in a uni house, you can't choose who you live with) keeps eating his food, which is really annoying becuase you go to cook dinner and you discover half the stuff is gone and you got to shop again, wasting a lot of money! The last straw was when a whole tub of haggan das went missing, they are about 4 quid! Rude! So we're thinking about spiking some of his food with laxatives and then saying by the way guys i spiked some of my food, don't eat my stuff again..and maybe it will work. Don't know how many to put in though, we don't want to harm whoever it is but we want them to have a silght problem! And we're only spiking my bfs food, no-one elses, if they eat it it's theyr own fault right? Any other ideas or recommendations about how many to put in? Obviously what it says on the box will just make them more regualr...we want to give them THE SH*TS! Just to clarify, there is no way of locking a shelf in the fridge or freezer!xx

2007-03-06 07:44:18 · 1 answers · asked by Londonbaby 3

2007-03-06 07:33:52 · 2 answers · asked by Commander 6

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