I need help translating this Latin to English. As you can probably see i'm not getting it very well.
Vulcanus* de terra dura formam feminae pulchrae sua arte (abl. of means, by his own art) creavit. Minerva ei (to her) vestes (clothes, acc. pl.) argenteas* donavit. Etiam ei (to her) Vulcanus coronam auream donavit; Iuppiter ei (to her) ollam* donavit. Dei et deae feminam pulchram amaverunt --erat similis *deae. Ei nomen (her name) erat Pandora, quod omnes (all, nom. pl) deorum ei (to her) dona donaverunt.
Vulcan formed beautiful women by his own creation from the hard earth. A godesss gives her clothes of silver. Also Vulcan gives her golden crowns; luppiter gives her a jar. Gods and Godessess beautiful women love is likened to goddesses. Her name is Pandora, it is to her which all is given to.
Dei Pandoram ad terram miserunt (sent, perfect tense). Sed Pandora erat curiosa*. Pandora operculum (lid, acc. sing.) ollae removit. In olla erant tota mala (evils, nom. pl) virorum! Mala in totas terras et aquas volaverunt. Eheu! (Oh!) Solum (only) una anima in olla mansit--Spes (hope, nom. sing). Spes *** viris remansit.
The God Pandora was sent to earth. But Pandora is curious. Pandora removed the lid from the jar. In the jar are all the evils of man. They prefer to fly in all land and water. Oh! Only one spirit stays in the jar --- hope. Hope remains with man.
*Vulcanus = Vulcan, Roman god of the forge
* Minerva = Minerva, Roman goddess of war
*olla, -ae, f. = jar
*argenteus, -a, -um = of silver
* similis is followed by the dative case (likened to...)
*curiosus, -a, -um = curious
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