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Languages - May 2007

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If football is an art, I was an artist

2007-05-10 03:58:25 · 4 answers · asked by alexkawalit 1

Guys, if you love the girl so much, then you found out she was not virgin anymore but lose it only with one guy.
Do you still want to marry her despite of what happen??

2007-05-10 03:54:46 · 24 answers · asked by Zack Y 1

HOW do u say THANks for Choosing Mcdonlads, How may i help you in Spanish?

2007-05-10 03:03:09 · 11 answers · asked by nishababe74 3

This reform has had some temporary impact, slowing down the country’s economic development activities and reducing investment in many sectors whereas on the other hand, a sufficient economic condition is a must in having a sustainable democracy.

2007-05-10 02:57:07 · 12 answers · asked by nicequestioner 1

Until several years ago, the increase in demand, coupled with increase in oil price, has given the government a financial burden. The *burden to* the state budget has been reduced after a big part of domestic fuel subsidy was removed in 2005.

2007-05-10 02:44:46 · 3 answers · asked by nicequestioner 1

I want to say this:

Director Martin Scorsese talks about DiCaprio, how the kid actor became a supertar, which you can read the full article here, courtesy of Time Magazine. In newstand now!

2007-05-10 02:42:16 · 6 answers · asked by mbm 2

I've seen the word "Maru" in the names of Japanese sea vessels, and in the names of Sanrio characters (i.e., "Bad Batz Maru"). Can anyone tell me what it means?

2007-05-10 02:32:47 · 4 answers · asked by jenmxwll 1

To me the statements says that without ABC Co. there would be no weather. Should it it read " The weather report made possible by ABC Co."?

2007-05-10 02:32:04 · 4 answers · asked by Sydney S 1


2007-05-10 02:15:30 · 14 answers · asked by Mattie 2

2007-05-10 02:13:22 · 6 answers · asked by neogman1 2

not using the automatic traslater, it doesnt not translate correctly... thank you thank you !! :))
Гори, гори, моя звезда

Гори, гори, моя звезда
Гори, звезда приветная
Ты у меня одна заветная
Других не будь хоть никогда

Сойдет ли ночь на землю ясная
Звезд много блещет в небесах
Но ты одна, моя прекрасная
Горишь в отрадных мне лучах

Звезда надежды благодатная
Звезда любви, волшебных дней
Ты будешь вечно незакатная
В душе тоскующей моей

Твоих лучей небесной силою
Вся жизнь моя озарена
Умру ли я, ты над могилою
Гори, гори, моя звезда

by Дискотека Авария
10 РМ. Домой идти пора.
А я все не сказал о самом главном.
Мокрый песок из твоего двора
Напомнит завтра про вчера.
Погаснет в окнах свет.
Исчезнет твой силуэт.
Во двор безлюдный льется лунный свет
И жалко что тебя со мною рядом нет!

Кончится вечер, погаснет свет в твоем окне.
Он бесконечен с самим собой наедине.
Все в руки завтрашнему дню, когда тебе я позвоню.

Я здесь один - возьми меня из темноты,
Так одиноко бродить всю ночь у дома:
Но если рядом ты,
На небе звезды сияют по-другому мне!
Здесь только ты и я.
Прохладный плен сентября.
Нас окружают звездные моря.
Как жалко будет вдруг все это потерять!

Кончится вечер, погаснет свет в твоем окне.
Он бесконечен с самим собой наедине.
Доверься завтрашнему дню,
Когда тебе я позвоню
И будем изучать
По лунному календарю закаты и восходы
И вечернюю зарю,
Только ты услышь
Эту песню мою!

Алсу - Вечная любовь
Вечная любовь, верны мы были ей,
Но время зло для памяти моей.
Чем больше дней, глубже рана в ней.

Все слова любви в измученных сердцах
Слились в одно преданье без конца,
Как поцелуй, и все тянется давно.

Я уйти не мог, прощаясь навсегда,
И, видит Бог, надеюсь, жду, когда
Увижу вновь эту мою любовь.
Вечная любовь всесильна быть должна,
Где путь один, сквозь ад ведет она,
Минуя мрак и туман.
Туман… Обман.

Вечная любовь, верны мы были ей,
Но время зло для памяти моей.
Чем больше дней, глубже рана в ней.

Вечная любовь - безумный крик сердец,
Слова тревог и слезы, наконец -
Приют для всех уже прожитых утех.

Зорька рассветет, и в сумраке ночном
Умрет, уйдет, но оживет потом
И все вернет - даже летний зной.
Вечная любовь, живу, чтобы любить
До слепоты и до последних дней
Одна лишь ты - жить, любя
Одну тебя… Навсегда.

2007-05-10 02:12:39 · 5 answers · asked by *starrynight* 1

I am neither even sure if I wrote that expression without misspellings nor what language that is but one thing I am sure of: the governor of Carlifonia said it in one of his robot-simulation-movies.

2007-05-10 01:55:02 · 15 answers · asked by Sheng Lee 2

2007-05-10 01:41:56 · 5 answers · asked by dimitra g 1

These two words are neologism.

2007-05-10 00:56:46 · 3 answers · asked by Sara 1

how can I speak, read and write russian like a russian???

2007-05-10 00:42:31 · 5 answers · asked by Incubus 3

How do you write the names Hinna and Shaukat in arabic?

any sites will be helpful...fanx.

2007-05-10 00:19:29 · 9 answers · asked by Lishah Y 3

2007-05-09 22:45:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

(this excludes ESL learners--English is a difficult language to learn as a second language.)

Please, polite and helpful repsonses only. I don't mean to incite a riot or receive a barrage of personal insults here. I shouldn't have to ask this, but some people here have aggression issues. Anyway...

Why do people seem to think that the minute they're on the Internet, the basic rules of English do not apply anymore? I am not referring to text speak exclusively. How is online communication supposed to be more simple and efficient if I cannot understand what people are trying to say because they cannot form a complete, logical sentence? Why bother to install "spell check" in any software when most people don't use it?

Forgive me if I'm exagerrating with "most people"--I think the problem bothers me so much that even if a minority of users feel like they can pee all over the English language, to me, it feels like "most people" are writing this way.

2007-05-09 22:15:21 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is
a.) unpredictable
b.) stands one's ground
c.) intimidating
d.) passionate

in either Latin, Spanish, French or Italian

I only have a German guidebook!

2007-05-09 21:29:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is commonly used as spicing item in Indian Food.
In Kannada: 'Kottambari Soppu'
In Tamil: 'Kottumalli Keerai'
What is it called in Telugu?

2007-05-09 21:23:01 · 6 answers · asked by Mano 7

I want to impress a cute Latina I know

2007-05-09 21:18:17 · 6 answers · asked by AmigaJoe 3

2007-05-09 20:56:59 · 4 answers · asked by deborah c 1

2007-05-09 20:55:11 · 3 answers · asked by deborah c 1


2007-05-09 20:02:29 · 6 answers · asked by Yvonne 1

plz translate for me:
Mi intencion no era que te devolviera el favor...really. :) I find your pics really cool and creative, 'cause la gente usually post only "posing photos" (including myself...) y por esa razon te he comentado... Otra cosa que me parece interesante son tus estudios de filosofia... Admiro a people who have the guts to matricularse a ese facultad.... Because conozco mucha gente que tienen ganas de estudiarla,but in their opinion, they won't be paid enough in the future... It seems to me that they don't have enough passion for it... 'cause, in that case no pensarian solamente en el sueldo que iban a ganar... Bueno, me voy a preparar para mi clase de salsa...

2007-05-09 19:43:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

plz translate for me:
Mi intencion no era que te devolviera el favor...really. :)
I find your pics really cool and creative, 'cause la gente usually post only "posing photos" (including myself...) y por esa razon te he comentado...

Otra cosa que me parece interesante son tus estudios de filosofia... Admiro a people who have the guts to matricularse a ese facultad.... Because conozco mucha gente que tienen ganas de estudiarla,but in their opinion, they won't be paid enough in the future... It seems to me that they don't have enough passion for it... 'cause, in that case no pensarian solamente en el sueldo que iban a ganar...

Bueno, me voy a preparar para mi clase de salsa...

2007-05-09 19:22:07 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

От меня ты не скроешь, не обманешь, так и знай
Как сама себя губишь, слышишь, руку мне подай
Говоришь, что любила, только сердце бьется в такт
Что же ты натворила, раз решила – будет так

2007-05-09 19:06:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

we speak with words today but do we actually know who created them???

2007-05-09 19:05:31 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

"The sky began to get dark before I got to the station. I should have brought an umbrella as my mother had suggested." instead of using the past tense like "...as my mother suggested."

2007-05-09 18:06:56 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-09 17:58:57 · 5 answers · asked by DickeyDee 1

fedest.com, questions and answers