Que numero de celular era, me has dejado curiosa?
D**** ya sabe que estas molesto porque no entra la llamada, y ella no sabe aun que hacer para solucionarlo.
Ten paciencia, no te enojes, espero pronto me llegue su email dirigido a ti y se solucione el impase.
Okay WITHOUT using an online translator, My understanding of this message in MY OWN words, is as follows:
What cellular number? I am curious.
D**** already knows that you are annoyed that every time you call, it will not connect, but doesn't know how to solve the problem.
Be patient. Do not get angry. The E-mail has already been forwarded to her so hopefully this will solve the problem.
Well, how well did I do? Can you correct me if I'm wrong? Thanks.
3 answers
asked by
witheld a