I work at a local bank and a man came into get his check cashed into a local account. He was a latino and spoke with an EXTREMELY heavy accent. We had a billigingual worker but she was busy with another customer. I kindly told the man that I could not understand him. He became very angry and said something like this: fowrcause i fhuckin whetback messican eh? and I once again told the man it had nothing to do with his race, but I was simply having a hard time understanding him. He called me a "fhuckin bhitchh" with a real smart attitude, again I had a hard time making out his words but coudl eaisly understand the vulgarity. he said "vwhat bhitwch u gonna ju." It seemed the the only things this man could say were insults. I HAD it i was done so this is what I said. SIR Its not because your a W*TBACK! Its not becuase your MEXICAN! I Just can't understand you! He stormed out of the building, but apparetnly others heard what I said, and called it a racist comment. UGH! what do you think?
15 answers
asked by
Stephanie V