Why are Atheists in the Religion and Spirituality section ?
Where do atheists get their morals from?
If man came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?
Blah blah blah............ Pascal's wager ?
How can you not believe in god?
Blah blah blah........... watchmaker argument ?
Why are atheists so angry / depressed etc etc ?
Atheists, why do you hate God ?
Atheists, what will you say to God on judgment day ?
Blah blah blah ............... Hitler was an atheist ?
Don't people know that evolution is just a theory ?
Blah blah blah................ EVILution ?
Don't you know that Darwin recanted on his death bed and became christian ?
Atheists, can you prove that god does not exist ?
Blah blah blah ................ athIEst ?
Blah blah blah............. atheism is a religion ?
"Something cut and paste from Answers in Genesis" ?
Don't you need more faith to believe in evolution ?
16 answers
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Religion & Spirituality