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2007-10-28 06:23:59 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I think it's cus religions turn them off

2007-10-28 06:26:20 · update #1

29 answers

Your right.

The immorality of religion, the illogic of religion and that mind-control of religion are real turn offs.

I'm not joking !!!

2007-10-28 06:29:19 · answer #1 · answered by Alan 7 · 8 4

Why are theists theists? I think it's because atheism turns them off.

See? I can use your claim against you with no less effect than you can use it against me. Which in the end means that it really doesn't have any effect at all.

I am a freethinker, so the reason I'm an atheist is because I have looked at the evidence and so far the evidence has not convinced me that deities or any other magical beings or forces exist. As new evidence appears, I take it into consideration and then, if necessary, I revise my beliefs on the matter (so far I have not had any need to revise my beliefs on any large scale and I don't expect to in the foreseeable future, but I can never be entirely sure).

Unfortunately, I can't speak for all atheists. There are some atheists who are atheists for emotional reasons, who have rejected the idea of God merely because they don't emotionally like it. To me, these people are being as irrational as any theist (and possibly more irrational than many theists). The only justified beliefs are those that logic actually gives as conclusions based on the evidence that exists in the real world. Everything else is irrational.

2007-10-28 14:18:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Because it makes the most sense.

If you were not brought up in your religion and someone tried to convert you, what would they use to convince you? Unless you were a "sheep" meaning a person who just follows anything just to belong, it would be foreign to you and you would have to give it some thought.

Where is the proof that what they are trying to sell you is true? A book. A book that is thousands of years old and not even written by the authors attributed to it. This alone should be suspect. There are some good things said, but they are things that are purely common sense...things that were true then and now. Is this a reason to believe in an invisible deity? No.

So, what is this religion offering you besides common sense on how to behave in society?

A promise of a fantasy-like afterlife. One that changes for every sect of this religion. Confusing, yes, but very appealing. So is everyone going to this happy place? Oh no...only those who believe exactly as you do. Does this seem loving and fair? No. Will all your family go? Not if they don't believe exactly as told. Will your pets go? No, according to these new teachings, they have no soul.

If you decide to opt out, what lies in store for you? The new god loves you, but if you don't go along with the program, you will suffer eternal damnation and torture. Logical? No. Appealing? No. Fair. No. Judgmental, segregational, bizarre and fantastical? Yes.

And this goes for all religions, not just Christianity.

And now for the kicker, what proof is there that any supernatural beings exist? Is Superman real? No. Is the Tooth Fairy real? No. Is Santa real? No. Are genies real? No. So why should I believe that beings like gods, angels, devils, spirits, demons or ghosts exist? Have I ever seen any of these? No. Do I know anyone who has ever seen one of these who hasn't had a mental disorder? No. So, until I encounter one of these beings, my brain tells me that I would be foolish to believe in any of these because some ancient book says they exist.

Therefore, I am an atheist until any real evidence comes my way to the contrary.



2007-10-28 13:50:14 · answer #3 · answered by AuroraDawn 7 · 2 2

Certain organized religion turns me off as well, and if we didn't have the Bible at all, then we all might very well be atheists. But it really does come down to being an individualized opinion. Here is an article by a former atheist, and probably your question would be best answered by a current OR former one. http://www.leaderu.com/truth/1truth12.html

2007-10-28 13:39:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I was raised Catholic but just because I was born into that religion it does not mean that this Catholic god is the real deal. There are too many religions in the world so who is right? I think people just make up gods to deal with life. Its just a logical though process to me.

No offense to anyone that is just how I feel.

2007-10-28 13:49:06 · answer #5 · answered by Sour Girl™ 6 · 2 0

I think you're right- religions do turn them off!
What you really are saying is: why is the dog a dog? Why is the tree a tree?
I think most atheists just don't like to be led around by the nose. ("Come along, Edith, I must see you home now." don't think/don't ask/just do)

2007-10-28 13:49:25 · answer #6 · answered by shadowgirl777 3 · 2 1

I became an atheist because I was not educated to the fact that there is more than one religion. I knew about the different bible-based religions, and I knew all about my parents' prejudices against Moslems and other "bad" people. I hated the fact that I was expected to believe that everyone in the world who is not Christian is going to hell, while my child molesting uncle is going to heaven because he asked forgiveness. Screw that! I sure am glad I found Paganism.

2007-10-28 13:32:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

i prefer having my destiny in my hands, as much as manageable.
I don't like the patient and devout waiting for the God's movements, and take care of myself instead.
as far as the God does not interfere with this world, and these interferences are unprovable and unpredictable, I don't care of second hand third brain fourth scriptor fifth censor stories of middle Eastern nations. /no offense/
like the typical saying inshallah

2007-10-28 13:45:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

To not believe in God!No Gods/Goddess's!Don't exist because thats the best way to be!

2007-10-30 13:50:21 · answer #9 · answered by Life goes on... 6 · 0 0

because they are willing to admit that they don't know the answer....

however the different reasons that a person is atheists are as varried as why we are christians..

2007-10-29 01:15:02 · answer #10 · answered by tammy p 5 · 0 0

Why are Christians, Christians? DRINK, You want to ask a real question?
Religion doesn't turn me off. Some of the people in it do. But that's a very minor piece.

2007-10-28 13:27:53 · answer #11 · answered by punch 7 · 12 3

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