Is your beef against an invisible, bearded sky god
whom you deny even exists or against the violent and
morally reprehensible activities of human beings?
Admittedly, those were acts committed under the banner
of religious dogma, fanaticism, bigotry, ignorance and
tyrranical government. Still, it doesn't disprove god.
It just proves human beings do violent and morally
reprehensible activities.
Furthermore, many people believe in god for solace,
meaning, social support, comfort, etc. Belief in god
isn't necessarily the result of a lack of knowledge
(ignorance) and it doesn't always lead to moral
bankruptcy. Many charities and numerous humanitarian
efforts are funded and carried out by religious
Faith isn't inherently bad, but faith devoid of reason
and ethical considerations is. When people take faith
and twist it into fantasy and fanaticism, i.e. flying
747's into buildings, blowing up abortion clinics,
sticking babies into microwaves, etc. then it's
21 answers
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Religion & Spirituality