so there was a question about adam and the breath of life and all that. here is what some annoying prick said:
"Whoa I still don't understand why people believe this crap. Lets debunk this quickly using the bible itself for referance. Adam and eve had two children. Later the two children were said to travel to other villages to find wives. HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN IF ADAM AND EVE CREATED LIFE??? Case closed, have yourself a nice day and try not to believe everything that is said to you."
first off, before i get into this, i dont care if you are athiest and want to rag on the church, because thats your opinion. but if you want to rag about the church, GET YOUR **** STRAIGHT!!!!
now, my rant. adam was made, then eve from his rib, as all christians should know. adam and eve lived over 900 years you stupid prick. they had more than 2 sons, and a hell of a lot of daughters. all of them when they came to age, left home to set up their own villiage and home, im sure.
15 answers
asked by
Ricky B
Religion & Spirituality