American's Prayer
Our Almighty Father, whom art in Heaven, whom art creator of all existence, and the only true and living God. Hallowed be your name. We approach your throne in prayer.
This day you have given and provided with the golden sun shining on beautiful nature, Thank thee. In this day as we love, live, and labor may we do all of our deeds in your accordance. Thankfullness to you for all of the blessing given from you. Thankfullness to you for your son, our Lord and Savior. You so loved the world you gave your son to redeem mankind, he gave his life upon the cross of calvary and you ressurected him and he opened the life gate that whom that believe may not perish but have everlasting life. He is now at your right hand, Thank thee.
May we seek you and your kingdom: Your kingdom come and your will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. Father, we are greatful and thankful for this united land of America. Our great land of liberty built on your foundation and under you, the only true and living God. May our hopes of our country be built upon your rock and no other rock that leads to sinking sand. Let not our enemies, nor the gates of Hades, nor the chief evil being prevail against it. Our faith, the one and only faith let us have and none other that our country undivided and whole can hear and have the ability read and speak your word which is truth and may the truth make us free. Let us always be free to worship you the only true and living God not as a privilidge but as commanded. Let your Gospel be heared for mankind to obey for salvation. Our trust is in you from our faith by hearing your true word. Let us always follow your commandments first, have given to us our blessing from you of food, water, garmets, shelter, and toilage. May the children of this land grow in to good Christian individuals and leaders of tommorow. Be with us when we help our fellow citizens when they are in need. Let us join hands in brother hood in our loved for our blessed land. Let us not be lead into temptation, but delivered from evil and with your rod and staff comfort us and from that may we fear no evil nor the dark valley of death. May our leaders lead us with in your word, commandments, guidance, and accordance. May brave and bold men and women who defend this land for it's people recieve your love, support, protection, courage, and comfort. May our citizens live freely with liberty and justice for all. O' Father may this great nation have your love, mercy, grace, and glory shed on to it. Long may this land live and have it's foundation built upon your rock. May this country be stong in your will and live forever and ever. May your grace be with this land forever. Let us all have faith, hope, love, knowledge of your word, and belief inside of us always and endlessly. For the kingdom, glory, and power is yours and in your hands forever and ever. Worthy art thou and How great thou art.
Forgive us all of our errors, debts, and shortcomes. Father' Thank you for all. It is in and through the name of your son Jesus Christ, the only mediator between you and mankind that we pray.
9 answers
asked by
Josh T
Religion & Spirituality