7 months ago I converted from Christianity to Islam. In those seven months, I have had a very difficult time praying. I live at home (I have to) and share a room with my brother. My room and the bathroom are the only places I have enough privacy to pray. Recently, by brother has made it his mission to come into our room and sabotage me while I pray (i.e. pushing me, pulling my scarf off, playing music very loudly, ect.) therefore praying in my room can only be done maybe once a day if I hurry. The other rooms in the house, my parents room, the living room and kitchen always have people in them and the bathroom...I think you can guess why I don't want to pray in there. What i am most worried about is that Allah will not forgive me for this, even if I make the prayers up (I have them all tallied up, the ones I've missed) I would like to know what you think of my situation and would like some (any!) advice!!! Thank you.
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Religion & Spirituality