Well what you get are very ignorant, prejuidice and hateful statemets about the Mormon church from very ignorant people.
For example:
Kait: an evangelical Protestant
He makes fun of Mormons doing good works for their family, church and ancestors. He uses his interpretation of the bible to say Joseph Smith was against GOD. He quotes from books of various Mormon authors. Those authors are responsible for the books and there aren't Mormon Doctrine.
His reference an antiMormon book.
The Watcher a Catholic says the Mormon church was founded by a 13 year old kid. No he was 24 when the church was founded. He says Mormons believe that they are trillions of Planets like this earth by countless gods.
(can you name one?)
He says Eloheim was created by a god and his million
wives? He also Eloheim became God by his Father
No source for this and this isn't Mormon doctrine.
We all are intelligences and we aren't created by any one.
We are eternal.
As for his ascertion that God The Father had many wives...well that is a fallacy since their is only one Heavenly Mother. No they didn't have countless sex to produce billions of sprit children. (again no source)
We are children of our Heavenly Father.
Notice he puts Satan in front of Jesus as first born..
He is wrong again.
Satan's plan wasn't to force people to become Gods.
It was to take away our free will.
There wasn't a vote to pick Jesus as savior of mankind.
The Father chose.
As for blacks being neutral in heaven, no one was neutral in heaven. This isn't why blacks are born black.
(again no source for this)
The book of Mormon has nothing to do with the creation or foundation of this world.
No Adam is the Archangel Michael and not God the Father.
(no source again for this mistake)
It would seem obsurd for Adam to pray to himself...
There is no star base......Kolob is somewhere in the comsos.
Orson Hyde wrote from his own opinion of Jesus being married to three women and that isn't Mormon Doctrine.
No Joseph Smith isn't a physical descendant of Jesus Christ.
( again no source for this ignorant statement.)
As for Native Americans, Mormons believe they was a trible of peoples from palestine who migrated to the Americas.
There remnant has since assimilated into neighboring tribes of Native Americans. Not all Native Americans are from Book of Mormon.
Joseph Smith wasn't known for his tall tales....
(again no source for this statement)
Joseph Smith's visions weren't from the spirit world but from God the Father and Jesus Christ, The Angel Moroni, Peter, James and John, John the Baptist, Moses, and Elijah.
No Jesus Christ is our Judge and not Joseph Smith
(again no source for this malicious statement)
Again Joseph Smith didn't do more than Jesus,
he was directed by Jesus. Joseph Smith died because ignorance, prejuidice and hate like some posters in this post.
Alcoholic drunks driving have killed a lot of people.
Strong drinks aren't good for the belly.
You are probably a lush mr. Watcher and that's why you need your wine.
Richard of Fort Bent
Mormons don't believe God the Father had sex with Mary to concieve Jesus. ( no source for this statement?)
2007-07-22 10:17:54
answer #1
answered by Brother G 6
Wow! I never knew people were so generally ignorant to Mormon belief!
- The LDS church was not founded by a 13 year old boy. Joseph Smith was around 25 or so when the church was founded in 1830.
-Someone reffered to the "LDS Jesus" as Elohim. That is wrong. In LDS theology, Elohim is God the Father, Jehovah is Jesus.
-All this SPECULATION about LDS beliefs with respect to deification is not well founded. Techincally there exists no LDS belief on the matter. The LDS church's leaders from it's primative days have made very ambiguous statements on deification. The most clear-cut one is "As man is, God once was. As God is, man may become".
Now from that statement, I see nothing about "humans ruling over planets or anything". As you see it's mere speculation.
Now that we've cleared up some of the INCORRECT LDS doctrines, I can tell you what is actual doctrine that I disagree with: These are the 3 MAIN REASONS WHY I AM NOT LDS:
-I can not be a part of a church that has as their second article of faith: "Man will be punished for HIS OWN SIN, and NOT for Adam's transgression", yet on the same hand deny a group of people the priesthood based upon ALLEGED sin by THEIR ANCESTORS! (The ban on Blacks and the priesthood).
-I can not be a part of a church that teaches that God is omnipresent (can be everywhere at one moment) yet at the same time teaches that God has a body! (This goes against the most basic laws of physics).
-I can not be a part of a church that prides itself in keeping true to tradition and having restored the gospel of a God that doesn't change, yet changes its doctrines (and even more importantly) changes its ORDINANCES (ie. the Endowment). You can only have it one way. Either God doesn't change, and changing God's gospel is what caused other Christian churches to apostisize, OR God does change, his ordinances do as well, and so there was NEVER need for a restoration. The LDS church has changed the endowment to a form that would probably not be recognizable to Joseph Smith Jr. if he were to resurrect today. Why does the LDS church see no problem with condemning the Catholic church for going from total immersion baptism, to the sprinkling of water, when the LDS church has done the same kind of "dilution" with their Endowment? For all you 4th generation Mormons, ask your grandparents how many body parts were "anointed" when they underwent their Endowment and compare it to your Endowment where only your forehead was anointed.
This is why after serving a 2 year mission I decided that the LDS church is NOT true.
2007-07-23 03:21:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I was, at one time, baptised into the LDS Church. Why? Well, I had looked for a religion, some spirituality that matched with what I felt was 'right'. I was raised a Catholic, and didn't agree with much that the Roman Catholics had to say, and I felt as if they, the Catholics, had corrupted what it is that Christ had tried to put together. I looked at many 'religions', and I found it amusing that it was the Mormons, of all faiths, that actually had what seemed to be the truth. Imagine that! I even believe that Joseph Smith was visited and shown the Plates...
BUT...the Mormons are worse at subjugating and oppressing the women of their church than any others, except perhaps the middle eastern 'religions'. I believe in fairness, in all things, and since the Mormons are supposedly a 'pro-family' church, then why put the women second?
Secondly, I had prayed fervently over a personal matter, while I was still a member of the LDS church, and actually received a holy visitation from Mary, the Mother of God! My prayer, and question, was answered! It was awesome! Then came another visitation, from Her Holy Son, which answered the same question and laid my fears and doubts about the matter to rest. In my naivety I thought the elders and Bishopric of my particular church/ward would be happy that I had received such a blessing. Man, was I ever wrong! I was told that it was really Satan, that no one but the church President can get visitations, etc. It was heresy to even think that Mary or Jesus would waste thier time on me.
Right. Bye-bye LDS, hello old pagan rules, the same rules Christ used before Bibles and Political churches...one with the world around you, love your neighbor, believe in the balance in all things.
Works for me, anyway.
And no offense taken!
Peace to you!
BTW...God doesn't care if you like coffee...the prohibition is church based, not heavenly ordered.
Thought you'd like to know...
2007-07-22 16:32:40
answer #3
answered by The Mystic One 4
Quite frankly, I didn't know much about Mormon beliefs, so the answers here are quite an eye-opener.
A lot of us form our opinions of a religion based an the behavior of people from that religion whom we meet.
Personally, I judge a religion as good if it causes people to behave better towards other human beings. That has not been my experience with the Mormons I've encountered.
Maybe it's not fair to judge a whole religion that way, but that's the way it is.
2007-07-22 18:01:10
answer #4
answered by Pascha 7
For one,the Mormon church doesn't teach the word of God .This is just another cult religion with man made doctrines similar to the Catholic
church.Jahovah Witnesses These false teachings stand out like a
sore thumb to the real bible believing Christian.
Real Christians don't hate or dislike Mormans,Jahovahs or Catholics,but real Christians hate false doctrine because the bible(God) says you can
believe a lie and be damned.2 Theessalonians
11,12. People can be religious and still be headed for hell.In John chapter three,Nicodemus was a religious man,but he was lost and on his way to hell.How do I know,Jesus said so in John 3:7.We Baptists
want you to be saved and on you way to heaven.
God hates false doctrine!
2007-07-22 17:01:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Ex-mormon, now christian, I disagree with the concept of becoming a God, I believe it is idol worship and very selfish. Sounds liek Darwinism to me. Evolving into something. Polygamy, even tho they do not practise it, they still believe it will be restored, I saw the side effects of it, like the sexism that goes along with it. The silly rituals in the temple. I couldn't hack it, it was too silly for me. I was not happy as a Mormon, or a wiccan or an atheist, I got saved and finally wanted to live instead of wanting to end my life.
2007-07-22 22:45:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
1. I am suspect about a religion based on a revelation to a single man in the mid-1800's.
2. I also cannot accept the Mormon concept of Jesus as a non-divine man, the result of God by taking human form to have physical sex with Mary. Plus the idea of Jesus at something seperate and less than God is heresy.
3. The idea that we become 'min'-gods' in heaven is also "throwed off."
I could go on.
2007-07-22 16:22:13
answer #7
answered by Richard of Fort Bend 5
I belong to the Christian church. Really, that's what it's called.
Mormons claim Adam the first man is our God. They believe when they die they will also become a God of another planet (really!). The bible says there is one God.
Mormons say you can be baptized for loved ones they never accepted Christ or was baptized. The bible says there is one baptism and one must believe then repent Acts 2:38.
There's a lot more. Most Christian faith say Mormonism is a cult-they leader is not Christ but Joseph smith.
This from You tube is VERY interesting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1mFdO1wB08
2007-07-22 16:25:19
answer #8
answered by Jeanmarie 7
I am an evangelical Christian. Below is a short summation of the Mormon teachings that the Bible believing Christians do not believe in.
Mormons believe that the Book of Mormon contains the "fullness of the gospel." The Book of Mormon says so itself in its introduction (see also Doctrines and Covenants 20:9; 27:5; 42:12; and 135:3). So what is the gospel according to Mormonism? It's a tough question for many LDS to answer. According to Mormon apostle Bruce McConkie, author of the book Mormon Doctrine, the gospel is "the plan of salvation [that] embraces all of the laws, principles, doctrines, rites, ordinances, acts, powers, authorities, and keys necessary to save and exalt men." In other words, the whole of Mormon theology. In the Mormon gospel we see belief + repentance + baptism + laying on of hands + temple work + mission work + church ministry + tithing + ceasing from sin + abstaining from the use of intoxicants and strong drinks and tobacco and caffeine + confessing Joseph Smith as Prophet + temple marriage + baptism for the dead + genealogy research . . . the list could go on and on and on. Only upon completion of all these things may Mormons attain to the third and highest level of heaven thus achieving the ultimate goal of the Mormon gospel - godhood. (see McConkie, Mormon Doctrine 116-117; Book of Mormon [3 Nephi 27:13-21]; Doctrines of Salvation 1:268; 18:213; The 4th Article of Faith; Smith, Gospel Doctrine pg. 107; Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 3:93; 3:247; 9:312; Gospel Principles 290; Doctrine and Covenants 39:5-6; 132:19-20). In essence, Christ's death means nothing more to a Mormon than the gaining of the ability to be resurrected so that their works may be judged.
While we cannot judge another person's motives we can and must judge what a person does or says. Joseph Smith, and hence the Book of Mormon, fails the twin tests of Deuteronomy 13 and 18. God takes false prophets very seriously. Deuteronomy 13:1-3 says, "That prophet or dreamer must be put to death, because he preached rebellion against the LORD your God...; he has tried to turn you from the way the LORD your God commanded you to follow. You must purge the evil from among you." Deuteronomy 18:19-21 says, "If anyone does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account. But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must be put to death..." And Galatians 1:8-9 says, "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!"
The gospel is God's power to bring us to Him. He will not stand for those who would pervert it. He has given us the ability and the responsibility to discern whether or not this is happening. We must carefully investigate the claims of the LDS if we are to follow what God has commanded. In fact we are invited to judge by Mormons themselves: "Convince us of our errors of doctrine, if we have any." LDS Apostle Orson Pratt, The Seer, p.15
Recommended Resource: Reasoning from the Scriptures with Mormons by Ron Rhodes.
2007-07-22 16:21:28
answer #9
answered by Freedom 7
To learn about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or what some people call "Mormons," you should ask a member or search on the church website. http://www.lds.org
2007-07-22 16:23:24
answer #10
answered by moonsky 3