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Society & Culture - 17 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

The answer would impact the world we live in today!

2007-07-17 13:52:03 · 5 answers · asked by Arthur D. 2 in Other - Society & Culture

Okay so after struggling with the idea that i could be gay, ive come to realize i most likely am. But i just can not be gay, i wanna like guys but i just dont get that feeling around them that i do when im with a girl i like. Im young so im hoping its just a phase, but i just cant deal with being gay. I just dont want to be gay and idk what to do.

2007-07-17 13:49:23 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-07-17 13:47:21 · 5 answers · asked by shortnuf55 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I know I personally have no desire to look at naked men.

2007-07-17 13:46:22 · 10 answers · asked by Holy Holly 5 in Religion & Spirituality


2007-07-17 13:46:07 · 1 answers · asked by kathy 1 in Mythology & Folklore

and what are the origins of that story?

2007-07-17 13:45:01 · 5 answers · asked by Snigy 1 in Mythology & Folklore


2007-07-17 13:44:48 · 7 answers · asked by beano™ 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Have you ever noticed that people on boats wave to everyone? They're so nice when on their boats . . . and people riding horses and ATVs do the same thing. So I'm wondering why they feel more at liberty to say HI, while people driving cars usually give you the finger . . . Any ideas?

2007-07-17 13:40:03 · 11 answers · asked by Meow 5 in Etiquette

This is my question for the non-English speaker. What

does the English language sound like to you. How does it

sound to you? Is it harsh, soft, mincing, crackling? How would

you describe it? Plus, How does it compare with other


2007-07-17 13:39:11 · 9 answers · asked by Sapphire-by-the-sea 2 in Languages

2007-07-17 13:32:42 · 15 answers · asked by Eleventy 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Shoudnt the non-protestant church (the true chruch) be more vocal in helping and loving these people.

Christ established one Church with one set of beliefs (Eph. 4:4–5). He did not establish numerous churches with contradictory beliefs.

The bible itself says that it is not the sole source of revelation. It warns against personal interpretation of the bible.

Evangelicals do not have a full revelation of Christ. They have one of 35,000 of their denominations that ALL THINK THEY HAVE THE TRUTH.

Please if you love Jesus, you owe it to yourself to find the truth,a nd it may not be in a school gym being through by an amature at 10:30am sunday morning.

2007-07-17 13:31:11 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am writing this not as hate towards god, but as to why I don't believe in him no more. If you think, or know, you're going to get offended by this. I APOLOGIZE, but this is just how I feel. I was doing my usual exercise last night, when all of a sudden I remembered when I was on the phone with my grandpa. How he used to tell me all these cool stories and we would laugh and w/e. we would talk about when I would finally be able to see him in Mexico. I hadn't had the money or time to see him so that's why I didn't. Sadly, he died before I ever got to see him, before my mom got to see him again after 10 years. The same story goes with my grandma, 2 months after my grandpa died, my grandma did too. So I started thinking, why? Was it cause I didn't pray enough back than? Was it because I didn't go to church? Was it because I sinned? But I was the person who did all that stuff, not my grandparents. My grandparents believed in god all the way to their death. And yet they had a rough life, most of my uncles and aunts treated them like **** except for my mom and a few others. But my grandparents still loved them, and still worked hard even if they were old and tired. And when they died, they didn't die in their sleep. They had a bad death. So tell me, what the **** did my grandparents do badly?
Also, not very long ago. I and my mom got into a fight over religion because I told her I wasn't catholic no more. And that I didn't believe in god no more. So she than said "Because of god, we have everything we have now, because of god, we're safe and in good health, and have a home." She also said that because she had a bible in her car, she hasn't been in major accidents and god has taken care of her. So she said that and other stuff. And that's when I felt like yelling at her what I thought, but I kept my mouth shut.
This is what I think to answer her questions, and other things.
We have everything we have now, because my mom has worked her *** off as a single parent. She has managed to work so damn hard so that my brother and me have everything that we have now. Thanks to her, we have food in the table, and this computer i'm typing on. Not god. She has the jobs that she has because she searched for them when she lost one, because she had the friends to help her look for ones. Not because god put it in her path. She's in good health because she took care of herself, because she knows how to treat herself when she gets sick, what to eat, what not eat. And she knows how to prevent from getting sick and what foods are healthy or not. Not because some god gave her good health. This counts for me too, if I get good grades in school its not because "oh god, thank you! I passed" No! It's because I eighter studied for the damn class, or just got lucky at answering, or I cheated of some persons work. That's why I might get good grades. My mom hasn't been in a bad car accident not because god took care of her, but because she's a good driver. I've seen her drive and she drives with caution, and knows how to take precautions when driving. If some maniac hasn't hit her, it's because simply some maniac just hasn't hit her. Not because god made sure that maniac didn't show up. Also, I and my mom crossed the border. (Yes I am legal here, but she wasn't born here so she had to). Her, me, and a few other people walked for a week, day and night in the desert. No god took care of us in the desert. We crossed successfully because we had someone who knew their way around the place. They knew where to go and where not to go. When, and where to eat and rest. We didn't get caught because he knew when to hide and where it's safer so that we wouldn't get caught. The person had experience. And we didn't make it across without a scratch; we had our good share of bruises here and there. People in many bad disasters have died, like in 9/11 or hurricane Katrina where was god than? I'm supposing he had a reason for it? So you're saying he solves everything by death, oh that's just ******* great! In 9/11, some people probably didn't believe in god, but I'm sure there was a mass majority who did, and probably some dedicated huge parts of their life to god, and what happened? Some crazed people flew some planes into the towers and other places in the name of their GOD. In hurricane Katrina, people died, and lots survived. No, not because god watched over them. But because they prepared, they got the hell out of there, or they knew where to go, how to survive, instinct told them to go to the rooftop maybe or some other place, and they got rescued. God didn't come down and get them out there. People themselves risked their own lives to save other people.
Many people have quitted bad habits like drugs or whatever, no god did not help them, and they helped themselves. They got the determination to quit; because they knew what they were doing was wrong! They snapped into reality and saw the damage they were causing. God didn't do anything, they did it themselves, they uncovered great determination and the will to quit. God did not give me life, my parents did, and they are the ones who had sex, so the semen and egg met and blah. And my mom took care of herself while I was in her womb. They are the ones who gave me life. I think by now you got my point. And I stopped praying off course, because I realized that all that praying is USELESS unless I, ME, MYSELF, make w/e I prayed happen. Not to wait for god to magically give it to me or make it true. Most religious people follow god so that they can get a reward(heaven) when they die, because they are AFRAID of hell. Some do things just so they don't risk going to hell. But that's some; I know there are people who do good things out of the kindness of their heart. And yeah, I'll respect peoples religions, I wont dislike them for what they believe in. they go for what they think makes them happy. And that's all pretty much why I don't believe in god, I lost all faith in him. And one more thing, if there's ANY religious person out there who doesn't like or hate people who don't believe in god (and I'm sure there are) WTF?! Aren't you supposed to love thy neighbor or enemy or something? Well you're sure showing a good example about that aren't you? Good job.

2007-07-17 13:30:33 · 18 answers · asked by The Me 2 in Religion & Spirituality

The word Hero overused?

2007-07-17 13:30:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

What does he look like? Would he be a candidate for T.LC's "What not to wear"?

ahem p.s. i know what they mean when they say it and while this question is a smart *** comment i still have a little bit of curiousity as to what your definition of "showing himself".

Since that seems to be a growing popular answer as to why people believe in a god

2007-07-17 13:29:24 · 15 answers · asked by Sheriff of R&S 4 in Religion & Spirituality

fossils and skeletal remains as proof of Creationism being impossible? Are we really going to jump up and say "THAT'S IT!! Darwin was right all along! This monkey jaw proves it!"

2007-07-17 13:29:12 · 14 answers · asked by 1901pink 4 in Religion & Spirituality

My twin sister would yell @ me all the time, & when I told my foster mom, she used to say, "How can she fuss @ you & she's your age"? Do you have to be an adult to fuss? Is fussing like verbally chastizing a child? Was I taught wrong about the idea of the difference between fussing & yelling? I think they're the same thing.

2007-07-17 13:28:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I think the BIG BANG could have happened but why did it happen? Someone had to have made the dense matter? You can say it always existed because there had to be a beginning to the universe.

2007-07-17 13:26:58 · 35 answers · asked by question asker 4 in Religion & Spirituality

When I was in foster care, the foster mom would embarrass me in front of her family, & they would laugh @ me. So later on, they would make up lies on me, just to see me get fussed @ so they can laugh. & also if you fell down the stairs & broke your leg, they found that HILARIOUS!

2007-07-17 13:26:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

hi, my name is Steven. can you please pray for me that i dont have any sickness and that i will live a long and heathy life. Please? i am scared. Thank you very much.

2007-07-17 13:22:43 · 13 answers · asked by some guy 1 in Religion & Spirituality

i quit wearing them in the 70s when i joined the marines when they wanted me to wear those stupid boxers, my 3 boys dont wear them, but when we go to the doctor and i tell the nurse up front about it, she is like,, oh my god,, whats the big deal,, we are a very clean family, so why the undies, thanks to all that answer in a polite manner and i wish you joy

2007-07-17 13:21:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Is there any evidence to support the theory that Adam had a wife before Eve, Lilith? Where does this stuff come from?!

2007-07-17 13:19:50 · 14 answers · asked by Snigy 1 in Mythology & Folklore

and then i study...
do christians know what does "suggestion" in psychology mean?

2007-07-17 13:19:21 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I keep hearing from Muslims and others that not all of Islam is terrorism. Ok, I agree. But then where are all the protest marches against terrorism around the world? Where are the heads of the mosques speaking out against acts of terrorism?
Today we learn that Alkida is planning a bigger event than 9/11. Where are all the Muslim protests? Where?
I have been told that I do not know how to interpret the Koran. That the Koran is really peace and love. Then where is all this peace and love?
Actions speak louder than words. The actions I see are terroristic actions daily. Bombings, torture, anti-Christian, etc.
Again, Where are the protestors against terrorism in a religion of 1 billion muslims?
List the places of protest? Give names of preachers of Islam speaking out agianst all this horror.
There are 1 billion muslims in the world. Don't tell me all of them live under dictators and are afraid. Where are the U.S. Muslims speaking out?

2007-07-17 13:18:50 · 17 answers · asked by hossteacher 3 in Religion & Spirituality

This is just a question to point out that just because you dont believe in god doesnt mean that you dont believe and stand for SOMETHING that is either more morally produced or loving than those of a religious nature.


2007-07-17 13:17:48 · 9 answers · asked by Sheriff of R&S 4 in Religion & Spirituality

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