I want you to answer about a religion/non-religion not your own. I'm not asking you to say that you respect a part of their religion/non-religion. I know that, at least with the atheists up here, they don't always respect the foundations of Christianity. Understandable. I'm asking all of you to tell me what characteristics could you admire/respect in a person in regards to their faith. Would you respect them if they had unwavering belief in their faith or god? Purely evident devotion? Open-mindedness? Zeal? What?
Remember, answer about something you're not a part of.
For me, I have to respect the atheist and Muslim. Atheists: Some of them do read the Bible and can easily combat someone in Christianity. I admire that. Sometimes they know more than Christians themselves. They also, even if I don't agree with them, a lot of times give intelligent answers. Muslims: I admire their zeal. Once again, don't exactly agree, but they have a devotion/zeal I highly respect.
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Religion & Spirituality