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Society & Culture - 1 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty


i am now wiccan and am doing some research. i've been through google ALL DAY yesterday and I didnt really find much that was useful because in order to get anything you have to pay. and well i don't really want to pay! who does? I know that some wiccans just make up their spells and use thier book of shadows to record everythign. but if you know me well--well I'm not too too creative with that. so PLEASE help me and give me any link that you find that u think will be useful. thanks alot!,
~Sara <3

2007-07-01 14:31:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

"Wow, hey look, I just popped outside of my body!"
" But this is IMPOSSIBLE, it doesn't fit into my atheist belief system!

2007-07-01 14:31:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

♪... in perfect harmony...♫

How can YOU help me?

2007-07-01 14:28:43 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

of some type. She bought it at Williamsburg, VA. in the area where they tell about the witch trials. She told me about the store and showed me a shirt and a quill w/ink that she bought (for a friend!) but she hid this item from me. I found it later. It is a small pink bag with lavendar, a pink polished stone, and a dried flower bud (possibly poppy). I had asked her earlier if she had bought anything else at the store and she said no. I told her it bothered me that she wanted to give these items to anyone that she cared about. Because she hid this one item from me, I made her throw it away. Any thoughts from anyone? The shirt lists the names of those who were named as witches and killed.

2007-07-01 14:25:56 · 21 answers · asked by cindyunion 3 in Religion & Spirituality

like thos comic book people because it has happen to me already before where i move something slightly just a tiny bit like one time i watched a ball just sitting their then i stared at it for a while and it moved same with a curtain so can people have powers

2007-07-01 14:22:39 · 11 answers · asked by anoa 2 in Mythology & Folklore

I mean, if it's a question of faith, and faith = belief, then why can't you leave it alone? Why do you care if someone believes something different? One way or another, we'll each find out the answer when we die - either we die and there's nothing, so who cares?, or one of the religions was right and whoever believed gets eternal life while the rest of us go to hell (is that how it works? I'm not sure.) I mean, really, why go to the trouble to try and force other people to believe the same thing as you? What does that do for you? Not much, from my perspective.

2007-07-01 14:21:26 · 32 answers · asked by Who's sarcastic? 6 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-01 14:20:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

i am addicted to porn it started when i was surfing the web and i got a pop up. well i sort of explored it and now i am addicted. I know it is wrong so I just want to know if anyone else had this problem and what they did to help get their mind free. Even if you dont have this problem what do you do to get your mind off problems.

Also I know that people think porn if bad ... which it is but I admit I have a problem and if you cant respect me for that then you can go F*** yourself

thanks to anyone who helps

2007-07-01 14:18:09 · 19 answers · asked by sickmusikfreak 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Then how come if their is a demon or a person possesed we have to call a priest.Why couldnt we just do it ourselves.I mean i believe in the lord,i've been to church and asked jesus to come into my heart.So why couldn't i do it ?..why do i have to call some guy who wares a fancy robe and does the preaching on stage.Jesus loves me and you just as much as he loves him.Anyways...i think you get the point.Thank you for your response.

oh yeagh,lol..i almost forgot..and why does it have to be a '' catholic'' priest,i thought religion was man made,what difference does it make what religion the priest is ?

2007-07-01 14:18:06 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Evolution has been disproved on many occasions, yet people still believe in it. Can anyone who believe this theory explain? Why do you believe it is real and with what proof?

2007-07-01 14:16:51 · 30 answers · asked by pippenintheshire 2 in Religion & Spirituality

That was a good one.

2007-07-01 14:16:38 · 4 answers · asked by mrs O 6 in Religion & Spirituality

I'm not absolutely sure if certain titles that are used to label people who practice magic and the supernatural are all the same.

2007-07-01 14:14:38 · 6 answers · asked by leighofsuburbia 3 in Mythology & Folklore

2007-07-01 14:13:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Independence Day

Is it because you are afraid of being reborn and having to die again?

2007-07-01 14:13:38 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Isn't fate a depressing thing? I mean, just thinking that my destiny is prewritten....it's so...depressing. Such a morbid thought, to me, anyway.

Who wants to go through life knowing that every step they take is being made because someone more powerful than they denounced it so? Ugh. I'm more of a drifter, so I hate thinking that there's anything confining me.

I believe in fated meetings - how things can be more than just a consequence. And I believe in destiny by prophecy.

I believe that we can break away from whatever fate is trying to bind us to.

I'd like to hear everyone's view on this. ^^ Speak your mind, but please stay a little diplomatic; no rash words, please.

2007-07-01 14:13:06 · 4 answers · asked by Taisi 2 in Religion & Spirituality

does it mean to surrender yourself to God?

2007-07-01 14:12:22 · 17 answers · asked by GodLuvsU:)) 4 in Religion & Spirituality

That's a picture of Gehenna in Jerusalem. It is the place described in the Bible as being Hell.
I don't see why I'm supposed to be afraid of going there. It doesn't look that bad. Granted, it does look a bit dry and fairly overcrowded, but most of it looks like a park.
Is the catch that there aren't any volley ball nets there?
Let me guess, no BBQing allowed?
I know! On Saturdays in the summer all the tourists show up and it's just torture.
So remember, when someone tells you that you are going to hell, that's where you are going.


2007-07-01 14:11:35 · 22 answers · asked by Biggest Douche in the Universe 3 in Religion & Spirituality

My searching brain was thinking about this today...

Let's say that the athiests are correct (okay those of you who know me, don't have a heart attack because I'm actually thinking as an atheist for a minute, lol)

Let's say that the earth continues to exist without any cataclysmic event (did i spell that word correctly) such as war, pollution, global warming, or a meteor crashing...

What do you think will ultimately destroy all life on this planet? How long will do you think the earth could ultimately sustain life?

2007-07-01 14:10:19 · 24 answers · asked by Searcher 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Even the appearance of government sanctioned religion should be avoided. Why should free-thinkers, agnostics and the non-religious have to subsidize religious institutions they do not believe in?

We are told churches avoid paying taxes not because our government is supporting religion, but because they are non-profit. How can something the size and magnitude of say the Catholic Church whose net worth is in the billions, claim to be a non-profit?

At the very least, shouldn’t an organization guilty of the systematic raping of tens of thousands of our most innocent and vulnerable members of society be stripped of its non-profit status? “U.S. Bishop's National Review Board found that U.S. sex-abuse related costs totaled $573 million, with $219 million covered by insurance companies”. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_church#Sexual_abuse_cases). The $350 million punishment that came out of the Church's pocket really came out of all of our pockets.

2007-07-01 14:09:58 · 6 answers · asked by HawaiianBrian 5 in Religion & Spirituality

goodnight friends
and remember

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
- Eleanor Roosevelt

night all , love you xxxxx

2007-07-01 14:04:17 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

What PURPOSE, does an eternal "Hell" serve?
Why can't "God" just KILL the sinners, nonbelievers,
ect.? What's the point of keeping them around?
After all:
-The punishment is not to REFORM SINNERS (it lasts forever!)
-The punishment is not to MAKE AN EXAMPLE of the
sinners (an example to WHO, the elect? Can they still
f**k up and get thrown into "Hell" then, so they need a
continual reminder?)
-Or is it plain VINDICTIVENESS (HUH? "God" getting
ANGRY at people who he knew would not accept him,
BEFORE HE MADE THEM? Is "God" a psychopath
There is one more possibility...
Could it be, that to "fuel" the eternal bliss of "Heaven"
you need eternal suffering from someplace else (sort
of an essential dualism maybe?) But this would make
"God" one serious MONSTER to invent such an
arrangement - and only a true BARBARIAN would
deny that! (But then, Christianity is a barbaric religion,
so why do I bother?)

2007-07-01 14:04:03 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

did he really not know what a nazi was?

2007-07-01 14:03:59 · 6 answers · asked by esthie 2 in Royalty

If you think the answer to everything is "god" then in reality you are really just saying you don't have the answer to anything. It's like when you are a child and pretend that a toy soldier is really a soldier. You may tell yourself that it's a brave soldier that kills the enemies and destroys the bad guys hideout and makes the world safe for everyone, but in reality, it's still just a toy, and it hasn't done any of that. It's just been imagined to have done something, because you made it do it. No one that wasn't playing with you would say that it happened the way you said it did. And even of the ones who did play with you, there's a chance that some of them would make the distinction between make believe and reality, so when you suggest that we send your toy soldier to fight the war in Iraq, they say "C'mon, man, it's just a toy."

Basically, attributing anything at all to god is like attributing it to that toy soldier. Does that explain why prayer doesn't work, despite faith?

2007-07-01 14:01:46 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

i met this boy who is 5 years old, a friend of the family. he talks about his "family" but not his own family, he talks about his family in irland, and he will only answer to a different name.. we looked up this name and sure enough a long time ago their was a man he claims to be. he doesnt no how to use the internet and only talks to ppl within our family, so there is no way he could have known about this man he says he is. i researched it and found that child profasies where considered old spirits.. i am a christian but things like this are very weird and know one truly knows.. i am an open minded individual so i take everything in and think about the possibilities. it is not that far fetched to me. any insight? or cool stories?

2007-07-01 14:01:34 · 7 answers · asked by ::EllesMommy:: 4 in Religion & Spirituality

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