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Society & Culture - 28 June 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

The Light? or The Dark?

2007-06-28 10:32:18 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

What are you doing on the 4th of July?

2007-06-28 10:31:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Independence Day

If a "sin" does not affect your life, or the life of an innocent...why are you concerned with it?

If you are truly concerned about bringing people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ...wouldn't you reach more people by showing them the face of God rather than the backhand of judgment?

By alienating and ostracizing those you disagree with, are you being like Jesus? Whom did Jesus break bread with? Didn't he befriend Zaccheus, a tax collector. Didn't he free the adulterous woman in John 8.

Doesn't God tell us not to judge others? Matthew 7, John 8...in addition to many more.

Aren't we called as Christians to serve the less fortunate...the poor, hungry, widows and orphans? So, why are we not doing that?

I guess there is more attention to be had in picketing gay pride parades than there is working in a soup kitchen.

Your thoughts?

2007-06-28 10:31:51 · 16 answers · asked by G.C. 5 in Religion & Spirituality

What does it consist of? Can you share something of your particular path and how you chose it?

2007-06-28 10:31:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am Christian but.... have you ever just wanted to slap somebody upside the head?

2007-06-28 10:30:32 · 14 answers · asked by Angelheart♥ 5 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I think probably the main argument that I hear against the theory of evolution is that no one has ever seen evolution in action. However, there are lots of things that scientists don't see but have good reason to believe that they are true. Take atoms for example. No one has ever seen an atom but there is lots of good indirect evidence that atoms exist. The atomic bomb and nuclear energy show that although we can't see atoms, we still have a pretty good understanding of what an atom is and looks like. No one has ever seen gravity, however there is pretty good indirect evidence that gravity exists. The same goes for evolution. No one has ever seen evolution, but there is lots of good indirect evidence, like the fossil record and changes in gene frequency that evolution is a real phenomenon. How come religious types don't protest the teaching of gravity and atoms even though we have never seen either, but they do protest evolution for that reason????

2007-06-28 10:30:08 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

i was trying to use this website but i don't speak spanish.
Can some one tell me if this price is in euros or USDollars?


2007-06-28 10:29:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

theres 2 friends of mine mixing words with jew

2007-06-28 10:29:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

It's Christianity isn't it? Isn't Christianity all about accepting Christ anyway regardless if it's Protestant or Catholic? Whether it's Fundamental/Conservative, Evangelical, or even Liberal in it's approach to the gospels? Or am I just naive?

2007-06-28 10:29:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

a) Egypt;
b) Israel;
c) Edom.

2007-06-28 10:28:41 · 8 answers · asked by Giggly Giraffe 7 in Religion & Spirituality

and if yes, why? Did you have any experience about it? Thanks.

2007-06-28 10:26:42 · 7 answers · asked by Princesita 6 in Religion & Spirituality

For example, if a person believes Judaism and wears a beard for religious reasons it is almost impossible for him to get a job in the non Jewish world because companies create "clean shaven" policies. In a round about way, the company has found a way to discriminate without the hostile backlash. If a different person believes shamanism and wants to smoke opium for religious purposes, he becomes an instant criminal. Every group could probably list major grievances against society and government for limiting the expression of their faith. The examples go on of societal and government control of religious expression. It seems that religious freedom is only true as long as it doesn't violate social "norms". Do you think our freedom the religion is as true as the propagandists herald? Why or why not?

2007-06-28 10:25:28 · 16 answers · asked by shrugger 4 in Religion & Spirituality

What do you like to do during thunderstorms?

What emotions do you have during thunderstorms?

Do thunderstorms scare you?

What revelance does thunderstorms have to you in regards to religion/self-spirituality?


2007-06-28 10:24:38 · 16 answers · asked by ? 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I mean, they say it's not sexual and they're not exhibitionists. So then, what's the big deal about walking around with your stuff hanging in the breeze? I mean, if you want to do that why not just walk around in your house? Why is the presence of other nudists important? Why make a huge effort to live in a special place like a nudist colony or go to the nudist beach and take a chance on getting arrested and having gawkers look at you. I don't get it.

2007-06-28 10:24:17 · 19 answers · asked by LG 7 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I mean in real life. Not on TV or a movie or something stupid. Tell me about it

2007-06-28 10:22:01 · 15 answers · asked by Ham B 4 in Mythology & Folklore

a) The butterfly;
b) The locust;
c) The gnat.

2007-06-28 10:20:50 · 9 answers · asked by Giggly Giraffe 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Prince Charles has let it be known that he wishes to be called the 'defender of the faiths' instead of just 'defender of the faith' which monarchs have been called since the time of Henry VIII.

Do you think that his wish to defend all faiths (and not just christianity) is a good idea?

2007-06-28 10:20:24 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

You see, there is this abusing the report abuse button thing going arround, and I've discovered that the Nazis get to the private Q&A people by becoming their fan. I want to stand up to those Nazis, but if they keep on deleting my account (not that it has ever been deleted) then that would get annoying. I could just avoid having to restart my account over and over again if people could not be my fan. The only downside is, it would be harder to make more friends and adding people to my contacts would be hypocritical. Should I not allow people to be my fans just to save time? I would have to restart my fans anyway when that Nazi deletes me, so whats the point? I need advice. Yes, Mr. Nazi, go ahead and click on the little blue "report abuse" button right now, I don't mind. Even though Mr. Nazi would be abusing the button... So should I not allow people to be my fan?

2007-06-28 10:19:48 · 14 answers · asked by Nijg 6 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-28 10:18:57 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Still the greatest treasure remains for those, who gladly choose You now.

Know the rest?

2007-06-28 10:16:40 · 15 answers · asked by God Still Speaks Through His Word! 4 in Religion & Spirituality


you just got Pangelled
now what you gonna do about it ?

2007-06-28 10:16:03 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-28 10:15:10 · 8 answers · asked by Giggly Giraffe 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Is this a real language?? What language?
A picture of the writing/symbols is at: http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h183/Vilandra485/100_5247.jpg


Also, if it is a language what does it say in the picture?

2007-06-28 10:13:00 · 5 answers · asked by Vilandra485 1 in Languages

christians most common answer is ''becuz i feel it in my heart'' or ''because the bible says..." which does not prove a point because their is no conclusive evidence that the bible is truthful. which makes that evidence inaccurate. basically christians are usually taught everything they ''know'' at birth and if their parents took them to a place where they worshipped santa claus they'd believe that too. therefore they do not think for themselves and refuse to accept anything else.

Atheist also, are more free lance about things and chooses to believe things that can be seen or proven as possible. and accepting that technology and medicine is what saves lives, not a supernatural pixie. (sorry) while christians still pray for god praising him when medicine works but yet it is not His fault when someone dies. theres a verse for everything in the bible to be explained according to them and its simply much easier to pull it out of a text. To prove anything form praising slavery ‘honor your master’ to rejecting it. However, atheist come off as a bit angry and bitter sometimes which concerns me also. This country is a majority Christian country and most crime is committed by Christians, more so as war, and things of that sort. You can praise god for all kinds of things until you run out of breathe, but things in this world are not done unless they are made or done men, medicine, and science. Those things are what keeps this world going, not a God.

This is simply opinion.

2007-06-28 10:12:25 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

when fat people order a # 5 cheeseburger and large fries and an apple pie, but then ask for a diet coke with that......is it wrong to think thats ironic and laugh?

2007-06-28 10:12:14 · 8 answers · asked by jason a 3 in Other - Society & Culture

What happens after you die? I don't know. I can tell you what I think, but that's just an opinion.

Do god(s) exist? I don't know. I am an atheist, so I don't believe that gods exist. But I never claimed to be 100%, or right for that matter.

As humans, we don't know a lot of things, why can't we just "not know" the answers to these questions. Admit that your opinion is just that. If you want to explain why you believe, that's great. But how can anyone claim to have it right when there are so many opinions out there?

What's wrong with admitting that you really don't know.

2007-06-28 10:11:44 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

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