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Society & Culture - 26 June 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

What Bible did your religion use prior to the NWT? Also, wondering why the JW's, felt the need to translate their own Bible when they say that what they believe can be taught from anyones Bible..But, my main question of interest is what Bible did the religion use prior to the NWT..Thank you in advance!

2007-06-26 10:43:34 · 13 answers · asked by angel 2 in Religion & Spirituality

difference between philosophy and religion, as most of the time they think I am refering to religion when I say philosophy.

Religion - is what you believe, for the after-life and this life as well.

Philosophy - is the way you think.

You can be a Christian with Taoist Philsophy.

You can be a Muslim with Buddhist Philsophy.

Please remember this lesson.

2007-06-26 10:43:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I have to write a letter to a successful author, and I want it to look somewhat professional. I am completely opposed to writing in dark blue or black pen, as these don't express my personality at all. I know, I'm weird...

So anyway, my question is this: If you were a successful author and received a letter from a young fan, would you be charmed by the surprise of green or purple ink, or would you think of it as childish? Also, what do you think is the best color to write in that won't look silly, but isn't a dark blue or black?

2007-06-26 10:42:42 · 11 answers · asked by theinfinitepets 2 in Etiquette

Is Sunday worship really Sun-god worship?!? does it matter what day you attend church?!? is the Seventh day/ Saturday the true sabbath of the lord our God?!? Was the sabbath done away with at the cross?!? Did Jesus and the apostles keep the Seventh-Day Sabbath day before, during, and after Christ's resurrection?!? Is the sabbath just for the Jews or Is it a rest for all humanity?!? Did our all-knowing God make a mistake when He called his commandments the Ten Commandments instead of the nine or eight commandments?!? Did the anti-Christ according to Daniel 7:25 really think to change times and laws (Gods Commandments)?!? Does the Commandments of god equal love?!? Does it really matter?!?

2007-06-26 10:42:09 · 13 answers · asked by "A LESSER LIGHT" 1 in Religion & Spirituality

why are they so scared of homosexuals and evolution? Also if Athiests are so sure there is no god why are you so scared of religion?

2007-06-26 10:40:27 · 26 answers · asked by akschafer1 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I have a Christian friend who does not respect my views on religion or the fact that I am a Catholic. She is a good friend in general but she is very persistent about inviting me to her Church and conveniently ignores the fact that I don't want to go to church with her. I don't want to hurt her feelings so I haven't directly confronted her about it but I would like to know how to get her to stop, or if I can do so. It seems that for many non-denominational Christians, persistently inviting people to church, no matter what their views or religion, is the way to go. PLEASE no smart aleck responses. I only wish for constructive advice.

2007-06-26 10:40:11 · 14 answers · asked by Sands 5 in Religion & Spirituality

It is true and documented that a baby in the womb, in 1st trimester shows obvious negative reactions if the Mother carrying that baby even THINKS of lighting up a cigarette! Pain is felt at all stages and where does this lie come from? The abortion mills?
By the way, the word "fetus" is a latin word meaning "BABY in the womb".

2007-06-26 10:39:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Just curious, since I've noticed much of the same speculation about Jessie Davis on here.
Isn't it interesting that we only know for *certain* that Jessie Davis slept with one man. However we KNOW Bobby Cutts slept with THREE women for certain, but no one feels compelled to call him out for his whorish behaviour???

Freaking hypocrites...

2007-06-26 10:39:29 · 6 answers · asked by sisofphil 2 in Other - Society & Culture

Everytime I read the bible I find it harder and harder to believe. I'm being raised to believe God is almighty but when I read it with a open mind a lot of it is contradictory. What other religions are there? I may stay Christian but I'm willing to try and find the truth.

2007-06-26 10:38:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

So i'm 15...16 in a few months
i'm pretty sure i'm Bi
infact i would say possitive
but idk who to tell or what to say/do
i'm so confused right now

2007-06-26 10:38:18 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I recently got terminated from this job...(oh, some bullshit about not being productive, but I think the boss just didn't like me,whatever)...but there's lady there that I kind of fancy and I suspect from the body language she's given me that she interested as well. I still want to keep in touch with her. So how can I find her without it being a stalking situation...I can't show up at the job again for obvious reasons....Any suggestions?

2007-06-26 10:37:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

"The underwear doesn't save us. Baptism saves us. The underwear, if we honor it, just exalts us." ~ J the Mormon apologist.

If you want to see the original quote go to my question list. This is the 4rh time I've tried to post this. It doesn't seem to get past the Y!A censcrs. One of them must be Mormon.

2007-06-26 10:37:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-26 10:37:40 · 17 answers · asked by ? 2 in Religion & Spirituality

With the increase of Anti-American activities in our country and our troops fighting a war they believe will insure our being free for many more years, why are so many people who live here enjoying those freedoms so against us protecting ourselves? Isn't it time for Americans to speak out and defend our country and the system that guarantees it's continuance? Isn't it time for Americans to wake up and realize those who hate us want to inflict many more 911's on us? Isn't it time for Americans to open up in support of our government, troops and yes our presidend like him or not. We are all Americans and must be united in our quest to remain free!!!!

2007-06-26 10:37:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

Baton Rouge, LA:
A church ministering to refugees of a Hurricane Katrina emergency housing project ordered to shut down voluntary barbecue suppers because the Gospel was presented afterward to those who wished to hear.
Wilson County, TN:
Parents threatened with legal action for wanting to pray for their children's elementary school.
Philadelphia, PA:
Police arrested 11 peaceful Christians for sharing the Gospel outside a major rally promoting homosexual behavior. They were threatened with prison terms of up to 40 years.
Frenchtown, NJ:
An elementary school student told she couldn't sing about God in an after-school talent show.
Springfield, MO:
A college student at Missouri State University threatened with her degree being withheld if she did not compromise her religious beliefs on homosexual adoption.
Boyd County, KY:
Parents told they can't "opt out" their children from school "diversity training" that promotes homosexual behavior and undermines their religious beliefs.

2007-06-26 10:36:50 · 29 answers · asked by Diana 2 in Religion & Spirituality

This is from 1 Corinthians: 7:12-14. Does this mean that if a Christian marries an athiest, then the athiest is saved? Kinda like getting a green card to heaven?

12To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. 13And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. 14For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy

2007-06-26 10:36:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-26 10:34:53 · 29 answers · asked by airbourne83 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Who put that desire there?
Often those asserting that there is no God blame Him for catastophes or tradgedies such as 9/11, so why blame a non-existent God?

Man is aware of God because He was created by God to know and answer to Him!

2007-06-26 10:34:42 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-26 10:34:15 · 18 answers · asked by eau de pissalms n 1 in Religion & Spirituality

What would be the point of this section when everyone praising and praying?

Don't we need atheists to confirm, commemorate and compliment our beliefs?

2007-06-26 10:33:56 · 9 answers · asked by ManhattanGirl 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I live in England. I speak English. I write in English.

I don't understand how or why Americans have their own way of spelling English words. What's that all about? Whenever I do spellcheck on my computer, I only get the American version. Why do we need English versions of English words, and American versions of English words? If I were writing this in French or Hindi, I wouldn't just decide to have my own 'English version' of certain words would I?

2007-06-26 10:33:38 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

2007-06-26 10:33:14 · 35 answers · asked by ? 2 in Religion & Spirituality

well when I went out and I saw a window of a house or an apartment always I wacthed a ol man o woman looked at me or the streets,
can their families take out that poor old people?

2007-06-26 10:33:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Don't cite me from some new money making feel good version bible. I want it cited from the good old King James Version of 1611.

Aren't you adding words to the bible by using the word "trinity"?

2007-06-26 10:32:31 · 16 answers · asked by ? 1 in Religion & Spirituality

God has made a correct judgement and he is pefect unlike Atheists and Agnostics. God does not care if you believe in him. God is right and Atheists and Agnostics will always be wrong. Your judgment is eternal suffering here on earth and in hell. Put on a happy smile. I love you.God Bless you. Peace.

2007-06-26 10:31:49 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Do you only admire "faith" from people who share your religious view, or do you admire faith from anyone in any religious path?

If you don't admire faith as a quality, why not? What harm can it do to individuals and societies?

2007-06-26 10:31:32 · 21 answers · asked by Laptop Jesus 3.9 7 in Religion & Spirituality

At the last supper, Jesus took bread and broke it..He then blessed it as he did the wine. He took from it Himself and so did His disciples. The words He used indicated that the bread was His body and the wine was His blood.....so they are symbolic. He said "Do this in remembrance of me" which we as Christians do. It is a symbolic act....as prescribed by Jesus our 'Living God' and in no way involves eating human flesh. So it is not cannibalism.
With a little study and more wisdom and understanding you could have discovered that for yourselves instead of trying to ridicule Christian practice.

2007-06-26 10:30:36 · 17 answers · asked by georgiansilver 4 in Religion & Spirituality

"Pro wrestler Chris Benoit strangled his wife, suffocated his 7-year-old son and placed a Bible next to their bodies before hanging himself with the pulley of a weight machine, authorities said Tuesday."


I get the whole "roid rage" thing, but why place a Bible next to their bodies?

2007-06-26 10:29:28 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

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