For the past 4 months, my neighbors cat has wandered the neighborhood...and EVERY MORNING I come out to my car and see a fresh set of paw prints all over my car!!!
Each and every morning, I discover that this cat spent the evening walking all over my car. I can't imagine the havoc this is causing my paint job.
I've talked to them several times, and asked them to keep their cat indoors...all to no avail.
So, I went out and purchased a squirrel trap (the guy told me this is a humane way to trap cats)...I put some tuna fish in the trap and low and behold I found the cat in there yesterday morning.
I knocked on the neighbors door w/ the trap in hand, but they weren't home. So I left the trap w/ detailed instructions on how to open it on their doorstep so when they got home they could get their cat out.
Well, they were ANGERED with me to the point where they threatened physical violence. I didn't want it to come to this, so how can I correct this situation?
19 answers
asked by
Ted Arcidi