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Society & Culture - 8 January 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

his name is Dave please help me i only want to take ideas from them

2007-01-08 02:21:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I have never seen them advertised in local stores. I have tried Currys, Milletts, everything. I'm so confused...

2007-01-08 02:21:12 · 13 answers · asked by Buck Flair 4 in Other - Society & Culture

I'm a 21 year old catholic from Singapore. I'd like to take part in a catholic mission trip, particularly to a region of Africa (Kenya, Ethiopia,etc.) Does anyone know of any international catholic mission groups? Please only serious answers. Thanks.

2007-01-08 02:20:28 · 6 answers · asked by Stranger In Paradise 2 in Community Service

I am looking up my ancestors and one entry reads:
'Jacobus Kennedy filius Gilberti Kennedy de Aughtifardell'

Just wondering exactly what filius means.

2007-01-08 02:19:01 · 8 answers · asked by Velouria 6 in Languages

Recently I went to a viewing of Rocky Balboa at my local theatre. I have been waiting quite a long time to see this movie. I was sitting in my seat when these three gentleman entered the theatre...One of them had a replica 'championship belt' that Rocky had won when he defeated Apollo Creed. This gentleman had to be in his 30's and didn't appear to have any signs of retardation or impairment (alcohol). He was displaying this belt to the crowd in the theatre as if he was actually champion. That is fine, but the glare on his belt shined the during the ENTIRE movie. Many complaints were presented to him asking him to remove the belt from his shoulder by patrons around him, but all were ignored. I believe I should be entitled to a refund...my question is, what kind of person goes to the movies carrying a championship belt???

2007-01-08 02:17:28 · 3 answers · asked by Ted Arcidi 2 in Etiquette

For examle . İn quran God calls himself "Allah" And as long as I know jesus used to call him "Lillah" in original language of jesus, what do you call

P.S: unbelievers please dont insult. ı know sometime you think you are giving a smart answer but what is the use of breaking others heart ?

2007-01-08 02:16:31 · 32 answers · asked by zubeyde 3 in Religion & Spirituality

People who have been on welfare for 5 generations, squealing racism as a reason not to look for work, have been the parasites of America since the 60's. I say that welfare should be run like unemployment. The more you pay in, the more you get back. If you pay nothing, you get nothing. Also a time limit is needed and a cap on payments, including food stamps, at two chitterlings (children).

2007-01-08 02:12:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

If a woman becomes pregnant, and decides to have the baby, she can sue the father for child support but If a woman becomes pregnant, and has an abortion, the father has no sayings in the matter.

So, shouldn't a man be able to say, I do or do not want this child?

If he doesnt want the child to begin with, when it is just a fetus, should he be liable later for child support?

How is it fair that the woman has all the choices, and the man only gets to take what is given to him?

2007-01-08 02:12:04 · 22 answers · asked by Non-Christians will burn in Hell 1 in Religion & Spirituality

so cindy has decided to move out. she has also decided that we need to take a break and see others and the only way to get her back is to convince her i have changed for the good of everything and am ready to settle down with just her (i have a man living with us.........) and start adpoting and raising a family. i am only 22, dont wanna settle down with just her because i have great sex with her and this man all the time and i just wanna live in the moment. should i let her go and find some other girl that lives the life style i do or should live the life stlye she wants and kick out this man? im so cornfused about things. i love her. but love what i HAD more and i want that back. i dont want her back and things be different and i dont want her gone and things be different!

2007-01-08 02:11:10 · 11 answers · asked by rudi trudi phoenix gordon 7 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I served 16 years in the US Army, Special Forces. I have served 3 tours in Iraq and Afganistan from the onset of the war to present. The deaths, atrosities, mayhem, and destruction I have personally caused by my hand I fear will haunt me forever. There is no excuse for my actions. Oh yes, some would say, you only did what you were ordered to do but, spiritually I know that murder/killing is a sin. I'm at a quandary about ever receiving forgiveness. During the killing I was caught up in the moment and took great pleasure in what I was doing, almost boastful. For these feelings/actions I regret to this day. I have asked God for His forgiveness, but I believe I'm doomed spiritually. Maybe someone could offer some glimmer of hope by sending a scripture from the Holy Bible that would help with my salvation. If not, I understand no one likes a baby killer anyway, right?

2007-01-08 02:11:06 · 17 answers · asked by unforgiven 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-01-08 02:10:38 · 9 answers · asked by Unconditional Love 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I heard that Scientology has levels and I'm just curious what level Tom Cruise is? Is there a site that shows levels of the members?

2007-01-08 02:10:10 · 8 answers · asked by aplusjimages 4 in Religion & Spirituality

what is ur view on this? its worng totally worng. why are women not attractive to men.I could understand childhood prbolems rape etc and being afraid of men from dat point but anyting other else i cant seem to agree with it. To me lesbian only seek femine type becuase of emotional and better sexual pleasure because with men they afriad to get a broken heart.If u didnt kno thats how lifffe suppose too be, women were made to endure emotional hard/physical damage...first of all am not sain it rite to ill treat women how u want not at all but men do learn from they mistakes no one is perfect.. relationships need time and work to become perfect, u cat get everyting u want in life.i stongly agree men who ill treat women are totally wrong and women who give up on men so easy shouldatleats be Celibate until they are ready to ingage in another man/woman relationship.

2007-01-08 02:10:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-01-08 02:10:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I just think the royal family are out of date and a waste of time in this day and age, i mean what do they actually do thats usefull anymore?

2007-01-08 02:08:49 · 22 answers · asked by cookie 2 in Royalty

If you've been saved and you still sin can you fall from
God's grace?

2007-01-08 02:07:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

People have said that there were other people in other lands for the sons of Adam to marry. Who were they? Are they still here? Were they the Chinese? Indians? Europeans?

Does the Bible say that Adam's offspring went that far or did they stay in the Middle East?

2007-01-08 02:06:25 · 3 answers · asked by ? 5 in Religion & Spirituality

If you see a friend who is - obviously - blind to their own reflection would you love them enough to talk with them?

Subject is heart

...don't care if you are preparing for the day or what color your hair is :D

2007-01-08 02:04:58 · 4 answers · asked by GoodQuestion 6 in Other - Society & Culture

All religions speak of good things like love, compassion, tolerance, etc for winning the blessing of God... but the nature of God that they preach and the practices of worship, mundane rituals like marriage etc they stipulate vary from not only religion to religion but within the various denominations of the same religions too...

But more conflicting elements among them that disturb the harmony of the society is the fact that each insist that their own perception of Godhood is the right one, their own methods of worship etc are the mandatory for the whole humanity etc and this gives rise to unnecessary bitterness - even name calling of the prophets and deities of others - defeating the very ideals of love, compassion, tolerance etc preached by the founders of the religions...

How do you perceive the prospect of bringing harmony amog the diverse Faiths, in this setting ?

2007-01-08 02:04:42 · 15 answers · asked by ? 6 in Religion & Spirituality

I am a very emotional person and usually regret my desicions. What about yall?

2007-01-08 02:04:35 · 7 answers · asked by sandra b 5 in Other - Society & Culture

yr not my boss.

Im sorry if I offended you and next time I see you out expressing yourself Ill buy you a pint

By the way

is it a peterbilt?

2007-01-08 02:04:27 · 6 answers · asked by motomarco9999 2 in Other - Society & Culture

just want to know .plz don't tell me he was terrorist this movie is old rite.as we know 2day christians are nearly 2 billions& muslims are nearly 1.2 billion but muslims believe and practice tripple on numbers than christians.as i know christianity is easy faith u don't have to to any things just testify that jesus christ died for our sin that's all.beleive me if it was islam in that picture the whole world would accept islam .its ttue muslim faith is realy hard.no offence plz.thanz

2007-01-08 02:03:16 · 23 answers · asked by i want to know 1 in Religion & Spirituality


I have been watching The L Word since the first season and I LOVE the show. However, are any of them really gay?? I know 'Shane' is really gay. But what about 'Alice', 'Bette', 'Tina', 'Jenny', 'Helena' and I am assuming 'Max' is gay, well cause its obvious. But who is gay?? And what about the new comers? I know Cybill isnt gay. But who IS???

2007-01-08 02:03:04 · 7 answers · asked by Jetty 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

From the 1st time i met this Welsh guy in Dubai,he got attached 2 me.after 3 meetings he started 2 get angry whenever i say smthng about my ex-bf.I asked him why,he said he feels jealous &he likes me.I don't even know the guy and he started to feel over jealous.anyways it was ok 2 days later,then he txt me saying i sent a msg to someone he knows on gaydar & tht he doesn't want to talk to me again. i was like u r not my BF & we ddnt even have any commitments. & that he has no right to judge me or ask me why do i talk to ppl or whtever.On new year we made peace together and we started talking again.after tht i saw him in a club & i said hi & he totally ignored me infrnt of his friends. That did hurt, i like him but i couldnt decided to be his BF in 3 meetings.but i kinda miss him and after long thinking i decided i like him and i want him. wht shall i do? i sent him a txt saying i want him,he ddnt reply till now. my friends told me he is just playing games. wht do u think

2007-01-08 02:02:53 · 16 answers · asked by Boyz Charm 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

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