A. Rude
B. Distasteful
C. Cool and laid back
D. Something you don't mind
You can choose any, none or all of the above
I must point out though, that it is NOT against any State Dept. Health Code, or OSHA regulations (for patrons that is),to go bf anywhere, including eateries. The signs that claim health code are simply wrong. Thousands of us barefooters have written all State health depts. and OSHA, and have confirmed this. Also, the liability argument doesn't stand because of a little thing called contributory negligence. The torts civil standard is that you assume the risk. It's also not so that you can contract athlete's foot or other disease if you're a barefooter, because if you habitually go barefoot, even if you come in contact with fungus or bacteria, you will not let it infect you because you don't provide it with a damp, moist environment. Therefore, a barefooter doesn't pose a health risk. look at http://www.barefooters.org for more info.
10 answers
asked by
Philip Kiriakis
Other - Society & Culture