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Hello to all favored and blessed witnesses of Jehovah God THE MOST HIGH!

I have come to seriously believe in the teachings you proclaim as I have greatly researched enough for years to KNOW that what you proclaim is beyond a doubt the truth of God's most holy and sacred word the Bible.

I want to say THANK YOU to ALL OF YOU who are sharing in the preaching and teaching work and KNOW that what you do is NOT in vain and GREATLY APPRECIATED by those like me.

My question is this, when The Great Tribulation first begins (with the United Nations decision to shut down religion), will it be then too late for individuals to repent and turn to Jehovah's side or will the "door" of opportunity be shut (as was the case in the days of Noah concerning those that finally realized what Noah was proclaiming and doing was RIGHT and from God all along... but were too late to enter the ark due to God shutting the door)?

2007-01-06 15:04:08 · 5 answers · asked by Tangman 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I ask that ONLY Jehovah's baptized Witnesses answer my question.

I truly mean NO OFFENSE to those of other religious beliefs, but I believe that the question I presented would only serve to confuse you.

No doubt there will be ridiculers and the like to my question and answers but that's quite okay as I KNOW that Christ's TRUE followers have ALWAYS had to undergo ridicule (which actually HELPS serve to identify them as belonging to Jesus).

I am making steps to serve Jehovah and I plead with ALL who are NOT witnesses of Jehovah to SERIOUSLY examine them and or attend their public meetings while there is still yet time for you to do so, learn the TRUTH and hopefully apply what you learn.

It's still NOT too late... you have been warned.

2007-01-06 15:15:00 · update #1

5 answers

We have for many decades been urging people to get out of false religion and to take up true worship. (Revelation 18:4, 5) Millions have done so. Jesus’ prophecy does not indicate that once the great tribulation breaks out, masses will turn to pure worship; certainly, there was no mass conversion of Jews in 66 C.E. Yet, true Christians will have great incentive to apply Jesus’ warning and flee.

We cannot presently have full details about the great tribulation, but we can logically conclude that for us the flight Jesus spoke of will not be in a geographic sense. God’s people are already around the globe, virtually in every corner. We can be sure, though, that when flight is necessary, Christians will have to continue to maintain a clear distinction between themselves and false religious organizations. It is also significant that Jesus warned about not going back to one’s house to retrieve garments or other goods. (Matthew 24:17, 18) So there may be tests ahead as to how we view material things; are they the most important thing, or is the salvation that will come for all on God’s side more important? Yes, our fleeing may involve some hardships and deprivations. We will have to be ready to do whatever it takes, as did our first-century counterparts who fled from Judea to Perea, across the Jordan.

We must be certain that our refuge continues to be Jehovah and his mountainlike organization. (2 Samuel 22:2, 3; Psalm 18:2; Daniel 2:35, 44) That is where we will find protection! We will not imitate the masses of mankind who will flee to “the caves” and hide “in the rock-masses of the mountains”—human organizations and institutions that may remain for a very short while after Babylon the Great is desolated. (Revelation 6:15; 18:9-11) True, times may get more difficult—as they would have been in 66 C.E. for pregnant women who fled Judea or for anyone who had to travel in cold, rainy weather. But we can be sure that God will make survival possible. Let us even now reinforce our reliance on Jehovah and his Son, now reigning as King of the Kingdom.

There is no reason for us to live in fear of what is going to happen. Jesus did not want his disciples back then to be afraid, and he does not want us to be in fear, either now or in the days to come. He alerted us so that we can be preparing our hearts and minds. After all, obedient Christians will not be punished when destruction comes on false religion and the rest of this wicked system. They will be discerning and heed the warning about ‘the disgusting thing standing in a holy place.’ And they will act decisively on their unshakable faith. May we never forget what Jesus promised: “He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.”—Mark 13:13. (W99 5/1 "Let the Reader Use Discernment")

Notice these paragraphs say "true worship" "pure worship". It does not say only baptized Jehovah's Witnesses. Do I feel it is in your best interest to proceed with baptism since you express appreciation for "the truth of God's . . .Bible"? Yes, I do. However, the judging will be done by Jehovah and Jesus. Only they and you know what is in your heart now, and what will be in your heart at that time.

2007-01-06 19:06:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

remember the wife of lot?

: “Keep on the watch . . . because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.” (Matthew 24:42)
the angels will be aiding in the harvest and will not let a sheep be destroyed.
Jesus and Jehovah can read everyones heart and they want everyone to repent.the marking has begun already for destruction and salvation.
there is a time when he will say no more you are either for me or agaisnt me

“How long will YOU be limping upon two different opinions? If Jehovah is the [true] God, go following him; but if Ba′al is, go following him.” 1 kings 18:21

2007-01-06 23:08:32 · answer #2 · answered by gary d 4 · 1 0

I would only add that "pure worship" and "true worship" includes baptism.

If a person has reached the point of knowledge and understanding, to be baptized but doesn't, can it be said they are worshiping Jehovah acceptable?

When the door is shut, only Jesus and Jehovah know.

Will there be a great influx into the truth at that time, will Jehovah let them in at that time? We will have to wait and see.

Revelation does say that the majority will not turn to Jehovah for protection, but will turn to the "mountains" to be hidden from Jehovah's judgment.

This week we start the study of the Book of Revelation, You will get most of the answers to this question during that study.

2007-01-08 10:35:18 · answer #3 · answered by TeeM 7 · 3 1

I agree with Teem. Jehovah delegated the judging to his Son, Jesus. If it will be too late for some individuals to repent, Jesus and Jehovah knows. The shutting of the door to salvation, is upon their hands, and we don't know exactly when that will be. Some people will prove to like Jezebel as stated in Rev 2:21 "21 And I gave her time to repent, but she is not willing to repent of her fornication. "
Rev 9:20-21 states "20 But the rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of the works of their hands, so that they should not worship the demons and the idols of gold and silver and copper and stone and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk; 21 and they did not repent of their murders nor of their spiritistic practices nor of their fornication nor of their thefts"

Rev 16:9-11 states
9 And the men were scorched with great heat, but they blasphemed the name of God, who has the authority over these plagues, and they did not repent so as to give glory to him.

10 And the fifth one poured out his bowl upon the throne of the wild beast. And its kingdom became darkened, and they began to gnaw their tongues for [their] pain, 11 but they blasphemed the God of heaven for their pains and for their ulcers, and they did not repent of their works.

Notice that the word "repent" appears a lot in Rev 2 (in the beginning) but it STOPPED in Rev 16, where it states "they did not repent"

So at the end, true repentance was not shown by peoples of the nations, and it was late already for them and even though it is already late, that people STILL do not repent. Definitely, their hearts have hardened.

Please also read the following quoted from the Watchtower. Thanks.

Jesus’ judgment will not be based on desperate claims from former churchgoers, atheists, or others. (2 Thessalonians 1:8) Instead, the judge will review the heart condition and past actions of people toward even “one of these least ones [of his brothers].” Admittedly, the number of anointed Christians left on earth is declining. However, as long as the anointed, making up “the faithful and discreet slave,” continue to provide spiritual food and direction, prospective sheep have an opportunity to do good to the slave class, just as the ‘great crowd out of all nations and tribes and peoples’ have done.—Revelation 7:9, 14.
15 How have Christ’s brothers and the millions of other sheep united with them as one flock been treated? Many people may not personally have attacked Christ’s representatives, but neither have they treated his people lovingly. Preferring the wicked world, goatlike ones reject the Kingdom message, whether hearing it directly or indirectly. (1 John 2:15-17) Of course, in the final analysis, Jesus is the one who is appointed to render judgment. It is not for us to determine who are sheep and who are goats.—Mark 2:8; Luke 5:22; John 2:24, 25; Romans 14:10-12; 1 Corinthians 4:5. W95 10/15

18 Jesus stated: “He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.” (Matthew 24:13) So, no “weak hands” or ‘wobbly knees’ as we await Jehovah’s great day! (Isaiah 35:3, 4) Zephaniah’s prophecy reassuringly states concerning Jehovah: “As a mighty One, he will save.” (Zephaniah 3:17) Yes, Jehovah will save the “great crowd” through the final phase of “the great tribulation,” when he orders his Son to dash to pieces the political nations who keep “putting on great airs” against his people.—Revelation 7:9, 14; Zephaniah 2:10, 11; Psalm 2:7-9. W96 3/1

Any surviving foes of Almighty God are executed as Jehovah uses supernatural means to save his servants. When the foretold “great tribulation” has run its course, nothing will be left of Satan’s ungodly system. (Matthew 24:21) Even in their death throes, however, the wicked will learn who is responsible for their calamity. Our victorious God himself says: “They will have to know that I am Jehovah.” W97 3/1

20 Paul spoke of the revelation of Jesus during the “great tribulation” when he wrote: “He comes to be glorified in connection with his holy ones and to be regarded in that day with wonder in connection with all those who exercised faith.” (Matthew 24:21; 2 Thessalonians 1:10) What a magnificent prospect that is for Peter, James, John, and all spirit-anointed Christians! The transfiguration strengthened Peter’s faith. Surely, reading about it strengthens our faith too and fortifies our confidence that Jesus will soon “recompense each one according to his behavior.” W97/ 5/15

2007-01-08 11:20:24 · answer #4 · answered by trustdell1 3 · 1 1

The 144,000 JEWISH EVANGELISTS will be there leading those who turn to God in the Tribulation.

2007-01-06 23:09:36 · answer #5 · answered by Red neck 7 · 0 5

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