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Society & Culture - 6 January 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

That is "religion sponsored"? If not, WHY?

2007-01-06 15:43:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

like i got to call my best friend and me and my best friend and if he lets his friend call his girl a ***** and touch her.

2007-01-06 15:42:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

My parents tell me "There are kids in the neighbourhood." I think that it's worse for them to see me smoking than for them to see me sans shirt. I just like to be comfortable. Geez. What do you think?

2007-01-06 15:42:32 · 12 answers · asked by Philip Kiriakis 5 in Etiquette

I totally forgot my friends 16th birthday and i remembered it at the last minute and so i had to put together a party in 10 minutes before she came over to my house. So i didnt have any presents for her andso i had to give her things that i already had in my house and i gave her things like a half bottle of prefume, some cds that i had and some old clothes that i had. I decorated the house with things that were just lying around the house like some string and paper. So she came over and everything was going fine she didnt suspect a thing until one of my friends blurted out this is pretty good for someone who put this together in 10 minutes. And i was mad she revealed it and she found out i forgot her birthday and she was like you forgot my birthday?I cant believe you could do this to me and i was like whatever your just jealous cause i look better than you and then she was like you think im jealous?You dont know me at all and then she left.I feel bad for ruing her party wat should i do

2007-01-06 15:41:48 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I became muslim a year ago. I just came across some old items of mine that are of no relevance and that may be sinful or idolotrous to keep, such as a framed picture of Jesus (as) and other things. What do i do with them? donate to goodwill, throw away, or what?

Also my grandmother (who doesn't knwo that i'm muslim, and who sent the picture of Jesus) keeps sending things like this- so what do i do with the items? usually i give them to my mother.

I will probably get a lot of hate messages from so-called christians. I just wanna make it clear that i mean no offense, i'm just trying to do the best thing that would please God.

2007-01-06 15:41:46 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I was just wondering when is the greek christmas... I have heard its like 10 days after the american christmas.. meaning it worul be what jan 7th?? any help would be greatly appreciated.. thank you...

2007-01-06 15:40:33 · 6 answers · asked by babygurl 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-01-06 15:39:25 · 10 answers · asked by josh m 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

apparently, it's in the bible. the whole, man of one wife thing, but should people allow that to stop them from letting someone be their pastor? my church actually had shouting matches going on about it....

2007-01-06 15:39:24 · 21 answers · asked by Jessicat 3 in Religion & Spirituality

what does this mean in English? "vcs são muito lindas .!!!uau feliz ano novo"

2007-01-06 15:39:23 · 4 answers · asked by Cassy P 1 in Languages

That they mostly really orginated from Paganism in which Christian's adopted. (and it's "alright" I guess, but let's be honest here)
For ex:
Fish symbol (sometimes called "Jesus Fish")
*However really an ancient symbol used by other religions such as Buddhism, Pagans
Oh the list goes on.......blessings, the calender, chanting, vow of silence, prayer
"christmas" tree's

2007-01-06 15:39:12 · 15 answers · asked by Shuggah Pie Sweets 3 in Religion & Spirituality

3rd Caliph Uthman formed a committee to write down the Quran. They destroyed anything (including original copies) that contradicted the Uthman version.


There are many contradictions in Islam.

"During this period of his life Muhammad traveled widely. Then, in his forties he began to retire to meditate in a cave on Mount Hira outside of Mecca, where the first of the great events of Islam took place. One day, as he sat in the cave, he heard a voice, later identified as that of the Angel Gabriel, which ordered him to:

Recite: In the name of thy Lord who created, Created man from a clot of blood."


However, in the Quran it says:

Al-Imran (The Family of Imran)

3:59 Verily, in the sight of God, the nature of Jesus is as the nature of Adam, whom He created out of dust and then said unto him, "Be" - and he is. [47]

So is the Quran a lie or did the voice lie?

2007-01-06 15:37:53 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-01-06 15:37:44 · 15 answers · asked by pulikeshi k 1 in Languages

If there are pls can I have them?
2. Are there any tested and practical ways of curbing masturbation?

2007-01-06 15:37:43 · 8 answers · asked by dago 1 in Religion & Spirituality

for that Q asking if you know your time is coming to an end. As a Christian I'm asking that you accept my apology for that persons ridiculous Q & ask that you not think that most of us are like that? I will always respect everyones right to believe or not & in return if I don't preach to you, I'm sure you won't belittle me for having my own beliefs. Right?

2007-01-06 15:37:23 · 13 answers · asked by gitsliveon24 5 in Religion & Spirituality

because Jesus was who he says he was and people just cant take that...lmao..now fill me up with your little "hate answers" so i can laugh

2007-01-06 15:36:25 · 14 answers · asked by Aubri's Mommie 4 in Religion & Spirituality

i think cannibal get bad rap. all we want is feel u in stomach. why don't world love cannibal?

2007-01-06 15:35:57 · 12 answers · asked by The Narcissist 1 in Other - Society & Culture

"Thou shall take no other god beside me" It didn't say that
"Thou shall take no other god before the father,the son and the holy spirit"
"Shama Israelu Adonai Ila Hayno Adna Ikhad"
"Hear O,Israel,The Lord our God is One Lord"
Deuteronomy 6:4

"I,even I, am the lord,and beside me there is no saviour"
Isaiah 43:11

2007-01-06 15:35:32 · 14 answers · asked by Green Lantern 4 in Religion & Spirituality

in one catergory? I do LOL but I like to answer questions from all different catergories :(

2007-01-06 15:34:39 · 17 answers · asked by Fearfully & wonderfully made 4 in Other - Cultures & Groups

i learn that my great grandparent came here from long island dutch in the late 1800 so where that exactly.. in which part of the world..

2007-01-06 15:31:51 · 4 answers · asked by ? 5 in Languages

I read a question about born agains, and it got me thinking, what's a born again? what's the difference between the born again christian and the catholic christian? is it the baptism as an adult or what? i'd like to know....

2007-01-06 15:31:39 · 12 answers · asked by Jessicat 3 in Religion & Spirituality

That most atheists are unintelligent.
That all atheists are hippies/liberals.
That most atheists are homosexual
That Atheism is a dying religion.
That there are no atheists in foxholes.
That atheists are cowards.

2007-01-06 15:31:38 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

to exclude other religions in our questions? The Bible says "love thy neighbor as thyself." But what if my neighbor is a Jew, a Muslim, a liar, a fornicator, or even an atheist? Should I listen to God, and, even though all these people are going straight to hell, include them in my questions?

2007-01-06 15:31:02 · 42 answers · asked by Me, Thrice-Baked 5 in Religion & Spirituality

What do you think?

I just think that Chaos and Order go hand to hand...but I may be wrong...

2007-01-06 15:30:19 · 5 answers · asked by Mikami 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-01-06 15:30:05 · 17 answers · asked by melbournewooferblue 4 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I'm not really looking for a propaganda website here. Anyone got any legit sources?

By the way, for your theory that homosexuality is a natural method to reduce poppulation... why isn't it working? What natural steps led to the developement of this function? Could it be that you have no idea what you're talking about? What led you to this perplexing possition that you propose that natural selection would limit it's own poppulation in the interests of other species? Isn't the goal of all species in a biological since the continuation of the species?

In what way would you argue that the Earth wasn't "meant" to hold 6 million people? Would this be evidence of design?

Please save your bashing... I haven't said a word about whether or not I think it's wrong in this question.

Once again... any legit sources providing evidence?

2007-01-06 15:30:04 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality


I need to go to a friends ceremony ritual thing...and I don't want to be out of place there so can anyone tell me about Wicca rituals so I don't burn the wrong candle or something...this will be greatly appreticated

2007-01-06 15:29:49 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

What makes your religion better then other's and why?

2007-01-06 15:28:50 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

fedest.com, questions and answers