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3rd Caliph Uthman formed a committee to write down the Quran. They destroyed anything (including original copies) that contradicted the Uthman version.


There are many contradictions in Islam.

"During this period of his life Muhammad traveled widely. Then, in his forties he began to retire to meditate in a cave on Mount Hira outside of Mecca, where the first of the great events of Islam took place. One day, as he sat in the cave, he heard a voice, later identified as that of the Angel Gabriel, which ordered him to:

Recite: In the name of thy Lord who created, Created man from a clot of blood."


However, in the Quran it says:

Al-Imran (The Family of Imran)

3:59 Verily, in the sight of God, the nature of Jesus is as the nature of Adam, whom He created out of dust and then said unto him, "Be" - and he is. [47]

So is the Quran a lie or did the voice lie?

2007-01-06 15:37:53 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

In these existing conditions, Muhammad started inventing his own religion after 610 A.D. when he appointed himself as Allah’s apostle and messenger, as stated in the Quran (not as a prophet) and claimed that the Angel Gabriel ordered him thus (without any witnesses to his claim). Muhammad gathered a concoction of about 10% of Babylonian Talmud (not the Torah of Judaism, but with numerous errors/etc); about 5% of Christianity (a few parts of the Gospel, but distorted and erroneous, probably gathered from Mary his Coptic slave, and Waraqa, his wife Khadija’s Christian cousin, and during his travels to Syria); about 25% of existing Hindu temples/Allah/idols/rituals and beliefs in Saudi Arabia. (The word ‘Allah’ is a Sanskrit word and in truth, there is no Islamic Allah); about 10% of Animism (spirits, demons, Jinns, devils, spirits, etc) gathered from existing Arab folklore and mythical tales; about 10% of Arabic traditions and culture, and 40% of Muhammad and his companions’ own barbaric creations, to make up Islam, his new religion. Since Muhammad and his several hundred companions were completely illiterate (could not read or write) and Muhammad had a poor memory; thus, his companions memorized for him the Quranic verses they plagiarized/concocted. But in the battle of Yamamah, almost all his companions were killed and the original Quranic verses were lost forever and was never compiled in writing before Muhammad himself was killed by food poisoning in 632 A.D. by a Jewish slave, who said, “If you are a true Apostle, Allah would have saved you”. Caliph Abu Bakr (632-634A.D.) then entrusted Zayed Ibn Thabit to compile the Quran, from memories of Muhammad’s illiterate wives, concubines, slaves, and a few contacts; who claimed to have heard Muhammad and his companions utter various verses. Zayed managed to gather an estimated 7,900 verses. But this first compilation of the Quran, with numerous contradictions, ridicule, confusions, and errors, created a lot of trouble and huge problems arose over the years. Under the caliphate of Uthman (644-656 A.D.), he was compelled to withdraw all the distributed, handwritten copies of the Qurans and burnt them. Zayed was again ordered for the second time, to recompile and re-edit the Quran more sensibly and convincingly from his original Quran, kept with Hafsa (Muhammad’s widow). Zayed did the best he could in re-editing the Quran and more than 2,000 contradictory, confusing, erroneous and illogical verses were abrogated (cancelled), some were replaced, and others added/borrowed to make sense of the cancellations/replacements. This re-edited Quran in Sura 16:101-103 says Arabs accused a Christian slave of teaching Muhammad and was persecuted, and 25:4-5 confirms accusations of borrowing stories from Folktales, and Fables by the then Arabs. Abu Al-Aswad Al Doaly put dots as syntactical marks, during the time of Mu'awiya Ibn Abi Sufian (661-680 A.D). The letters were marked with different dotting by Nasr Ibn Asem and Hayy ibn Ya'amor, during the time of Abd Al-Malek Ibn Marawan (685-705 A.D). A complete system of diacritical marks, (damma, fataha, kasra,), were newly created by Al Khaleel Ibn Ahmad Al Faraheedy (d. 786 A.D). Now the Quran stands at only 6,241 verses today from its original 7,900. But given the circumstances prevailing in those days and the fact that compiling from various uneducated peoples’ memories, etc; this concocted manmade Quran, still have a lot of contradictions, confusions, absurdities, illogicalities, ridicule, errors, unscientific theories, etc. (For details, see ‘A dialogue between a Christian and a Muslim about the Quran’ and ‘A balanced understanding of Islam’ in this website). So a lot of people did have a hand in inventing the Quran. Thus, the bulk of the verses of today’s Quran, are actually from Muhammad’s wives, concubines, temporary wives, slaves and was edited by Zayed Ibn Thabit (it has nothing to do with God).

2007-01-06 15:41:37 · answer #1 · answered by Joe 2 · 6 5

Any historian worth the name will tell you that the Qur'an was not written after Prophet Muhammad died. It was already written down during his lifetime, and many dozens of his companions had the whole book memorized. After prophet Muhammad died, the written fragments were gathered in book form in the exact same order that the prophet Muhammad recited it.

As far as the matter creating man out of a blood clot or dust, there is no contradiction. God created Adam out of dust, but you and I are created in our mother's wombs out of flesh.

See Bart Ehrman's book "Misqouting Jesus" to see how many mistakes are in the Bible. Go to www.islam-guide.com to see recently discovered scientific facts which were revealed in the Qur'an more than 1400 years ago. You will be amazed.

2007-01-06 15:51:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I think we can all say with a lot of honesty that all religious books were a kind of collection of events and thoughts and maybe some hear say of events that actually happened.Of course some fable,some mythology,some folklore is very much a part of it.

and yes that includes the bible,so no one gets up said.

essentially it is all about what you,the individual make of it.

2007-01-06 15:51:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Muslims believe that the angel Gabriel actually gave the Quran to Mohammed--seeing according to Muslims--Mohammed was illiterate. Whether any of this is true has yet to be proven!

2007-01-06 15:47:48 · answer #4 · answered by zoril 7 · 1 0

The Koran was written after the prophet in a FULL book but revealed at the prophets time and written ON paper without really joining it. Yea and about Jesus god just said Jesus is a human not god...don't you find it that you mentioning it is random?

2007-01-06 15:43:11 · answer #5 · answered by A broken puzzle 2 · 2 2

The bible was written long after Jesus died and the Gospels were collected together and sorted hundreds of years after. So, you accept the book on faith as inspired by God, or you don't...no room for logic here. In my opinion, they are both just books written by men.

2007-01-06 15:41:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Read that (great web Site)



2007-01-08 17:30:56 · answer #7 · answered by Maher 1 · 1 0

If you could find this information on an Islamic website (and this is one that Muslims trust) I think that you answered your own question.

2007-01-06 15:43:59 · answer #8 · answered by Layla 6 · 1 0

It is your choice as to how to interpret the Koran or any of the Holy Books. Just beware that you don't take a wrong turn yourself. Thats really the important thing to you. Its of no importance to you at all what you think about the Koran unless you do some serious investigation of religion itself so that you will understand it as a whole. Otherwise you are just another inconsequential talker. Lots of those here on earth. I'm curious? You got a dog in the fight? Whats your dogs name?

2007-01-06 15:40:03 · answer #9 · answered by regmor12 3 · 1 5


2007-01-06 15:41:03 · answer #10 · answered by gone 7 · 2 3

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