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Society & Culture - 23 December 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Ok my dad told me the world is going to end soon and we are living in the last days. I haven't been close to God and I want to be Close to God now so I can go to heaven. If I pray 5 times a day like Muslims will I go to Heaven

2006-12-23 07:35:20 · 28 answers · asked by goody2shoe 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I asked a question earlier and the is what it was. "Why in a universe so old and big, do we allow our thoughts to be so narrow and small? Tell me what you think"? And this is one of the answers I got I have pasted it below. It just proves the point I was trying to make.Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but considering how big the universe is, we dont even know how many stars, how many galxies, or even how many more species of animals,plants, or insects we havent disovered on earth yet. I mean we just decided pluto wasnt a planet a month or two ago,So here is what he said, tell me what you think. (" See... the probability of a god existing is extremely low. That basically means a god existing has as much chance as existing as the flying spaghetti monster, purple unicorns, Thor, Aphrodite, etc. All have like .01% of being real. If they WERE real - I'd imagine the only plausible explanation is that they're in a parallel universe.")

2006-12-23 07:33:50 · 15 answers · asked by bobopotatoe 1 in Religion & Spirituality

She makes me feel alive, so alive!!!!!!!

2006-12-23 07:33:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am trying to do an essay on this topic, and I can't find this in there. Can anyone help me point to where it is?

2006-12-23 07:32:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Look at Paris Hilton: That's not fair...

2006-12-23 07:32:38 · 4 answers · asked by up-down-up-down-up-down-up... 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I touched my brother's penis! Im glad I got to touch the first penis of my life! I didnt know it was so soft and touchable...whoa!

2006-12-23 07:31:42 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I mean you are not doing a good job looking out and protecting your child if you not only let a cult brainwash your kid but in fact you help do the washing. christians will say your a bad parent if you don't let the local pedophile brainwash your kid. that's sick..these religious groups want to control your childs thoughts from day one. sick control freaks i say.

2006-12-23 07:30:01 · 14 answers · asked by clutchstevens 2 in Religion & Spirituality

As I have been on my spiritual journey I find that the further I go on my spiritual quest the less I am interested in Earthly pursuits. Is it possible to be spiritual while still wanting a large house, big cars, and sex? These two things seem incompatable.

2006-12-23 07:29:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

because we have a little glass coffee table with a tree on it and the presents cover the whole table not to mention you can only see one side of the tree any suggestions on how to make room or make it not look so cluttered...thanks and HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE

2006-12-23 07:29:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Holidays

If everyone thinks that other religions are wrong, then there are more people that think religion is wrong than right. The Jews think that the Christians and Muslims are wrong. The Muslims think that the Jews and Christians are wrong. And you guessed it, the Christians think that the Jews and Muslims are wrong… In fact you can take it a level deeper. The LDS Christians think that all other Christians are slightly wrong. This goes on and on. So if everyone agrees that all "other" religions are wrong, isn’t the correct answer that all religions are wrong?

2006-12-23 07:27:55 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

We recently went through a really hard stressful time in our relationship, and everyone says I shouldn't get him anything. But he got me something. (or made it?) His family is going through some major money troubles, and they can't even get each other gifts, really. He's a sweet guy and I thought I should get him a LITTLE something. I was thinking maybe a new sweatshirt, or an AXE set from wal mart or something. Its cold outside here, so I can't really plan out something cool outside to do. I just don't know! I've always wanted to be the original one, but its difficult.

2006-12-23 07:27:32 · 6 answers · asked by Megan T 2 in Christmas

or a guide to choosing a religion? im confused about religion and would like to read about some of them or idk take a quiz about which religion i should be!

2006-12-23 07:26:57 · 13 answers · asked by sweetlilme17 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I will share with you "What Buddhists believe
concerning the God-concept."

People from Judeo-Christian backgrounds especially have asked often if Buddhists
believe in "God". This depends on what is meant by the word "God", for there is a diversity of opinions in the Judeo-Christian world about who or what God is !!

If by the word "God" we refer to the principle of love and compassion, then yes, Buddhists do actually accept those principles. Love and compassion are the essential core of The Buddha's Teachings. Many similarities exist between The Buddhas" Teachings (from 2,500 years ago), and Jesus' Teachings (from 2,000
years ago) in this regard.
If we take "God" to refer to one who has infinate love, and wisdom and who is free of vengeance and partiality, then yes, actually
Buddhists do accept this principle. Love, wisdom, patience, forgiveness and imparitality are qualities of ALL of the Buddhas.
If "God" is used to refer to a creator, then Buddhists have a different, more logical view.
Their view is not based on blind faith.
From a Buddhists logical view, there was no beginning to the continuities of physical matter and consciousness. Since many logical difficulties arise if the existence of a creator is
posited, Buddhists propose a logical alternative.
Buddhists do believe that our mind, was "not" created by another being or by
God, because consciousness cannot be created out of nothing. Furthermore, why would a God create us? Surely there is No logical reasoning to create suffering or even to create beings who have the potential to degenerate from perfection into sufferings. "Buddhists believe that if the cause(God) is perfect, its result(its creation) should also be perfect and without suffering; so the creation of a perfect God should be perfect. If created beings have the potential to degenerate, then they are not
perfect." Reason and Logic are Necessary!
Buddhists do not accept the ideas of original sin, or of an eternal damnation. Nor is a blind faith sufficient alone to attain Peace. Buddhists
live they're life based on logic alone.
But it Must be emphasized, however, that Buddhists see the plurality of religious beliefs
and practices as beneficial. Since people do not think in the same way, a diversity of beliefs enables a person to select a system that helps him or her live a more wholesome, better life.
Thus Buddhists emphasize the importance of Patience toward all human beings and the necessity of religious tolerance.
Also, many who do not have or practice any religiousity, but demonstrate many good morals and ethics which they live by with a clear conscious, are respected, and shown patience and tolerance by all Buddhists.

I hope this gave you and others out in Yahoo Land, a clear understanding on Who & What God is, from a Buddhists viewpoint.

Happy Holidays to you and to everyone out there.

From: An R.N. with a Master's Degree - having
over 32 years in the Psychiatric Field.

2006-12-23 07:26:08 · 10 answers · asked by Thomas 6 in Religion & Spirituality

My sister said something realy mean and she realy hurt my feelings and then I kicked her (lightly) and I got in trouble. I was provoked, why wasn't she in trouble. Are there cultures that would considder that fair, or even to say that she desservs more, seeing as how I was emotionally hurt more than she was physicaly hurt.

2006-12-23 07:26:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Myth #2:He was considered a great traveling teacher and master.
Truth:There is no evidence of this in Mithraic literature.Even if there was,does it matter?
Myth #3:He had 12 companions or disciples.
Truth:The Iranian Mithras, had a single companion (Varuna), and the Roman Mithra had two helper/companions, tiny torch-bearing likenesses of himself, called Cautes and Cautopatres, that were meant to represent the sunrise and sunset,spring and autumn, the stars Albedaran and Antares ,or life and death.
Myth#4:Mithra's followers were promised immortality.
Truth:The only evidence of a "salvational" ideology is a piece of graffiti found in the Santa Prisca Mithraeum ,dated no earlier than 200 AD, that reads, "And us, too, you saved by spilling the eternal blood."(the blood of the bull Mithras slayed).

2006-12-23 07:25:59 · 11 answers · asked by Serena 5 in Religion & Spirituality

will the sunday celebration count as the Christmas celebration ?so wecan choos to go tomorrow or on monday?

2006-12-23 07:24:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Out of the ages and the orientations and the races and the diseased people and the countries in our world today - who are the "lepers"?

2006-12-23 07:22:45 · 2 answers · asked by Lissa 3 in Other - Cultures & Groups

my cookies always turn out hard but i want soft sugar cookies, i will attempt it again today....any i deas on how to make fluffy cookies?

2006-12-23 07:22:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Romans 1:21-32 NIV


Give me your personal interpretation of this selection. In my opinion, it would appear that Paul teaches that homosexuals and non-Christians are comparable to murderers and that they do not deserve to live.

Just wondering, have I "misunderstood" again, or have I hit the nail on the head?

2006-12-23 07:21:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am a 16 year old who is trying to find her vocation in life. I have a dream and a passion in life, however, i'm still trying desperately to figure out if that's what God wants me to follow or whether i have to do something else. I am extremely confused. Sometimes i think: If God didn't want me to follow my dream then why did he make me find my passion for this certain, competitive career? I need his help, and i'd like any advice on how to see and listen to the omens that he sends to us...

2006-12-23 07:21:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

is justice an end in itself? just to balance some cosmic scale? or is punishment just a means to teaching a lesson so we are one step closer to a better world?

2006-12-23 07:20:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-23 07:20:26 · 6 answers · asked by Felica z 2 in Other - Society & Culture

If you remember using dial phones...how do you rate / compare that to today's cell phones that text, take photos. Remember trying to be the 8th caller on a radio contest and dialing the number, hanging up and redialing over and over ? (smiles).

2006-12-23 07:20:15 · 13 answers · asked by onelight 5 in Other - Society & Culture

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