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Society & Culture - 14 December 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I get bummed out from time to time because things aren't going as great in my life as I wish they were at the moment. I don't currently have a girlfriend. I don't have a high paying job. I don't drive a new car or live in a 'cool' apartment. I'm in debt. Poor me. To try and put things inperspective, I decided to make a list in my head of all the positive things in my life and one of the negative, or should I say, challenges to overcome. When I thought deeply about it, the list of positives was far longer than the list of negatives. I once thought it was lame and corny when some people emphasized the 'power of positive thinking', but I can confidently say now that I have joined the ranks of the believers. Yes, there are times where it's hard to look on the brighter side, but what are the options? Would we want to overcome our discouragement, or be overcome BY our discouragement? So things aren't perfect. SO WHAT?! Why do we mope about thing when so many others have it worse than we do?

2006-12-14 05:50:35 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

What would you do, if someone stole your christmas gift, in your own families home. I think it was one of my grandmother's employee's how would you set them up again to prove its them...It kinda upsets me, I haven't even see the gift...and probably won't ever see it, and its pointless to turn it in to the insurance the gift cost 360.00 dollars, and the deductable is 1000.00. Any opions.

2006-12-14 05:49:58 · 22 answers · asked by Tommy's_Sweet_Girl 5 in Christmas

I mean, come one. Why is everything and every question in this board directed to Christans? Why not Mormans, Catholics, Baptists, etc...???

What the heck, do you all think Christans have all the answers, or what????

2006-12-14 05:49:26 · 29 answers · asked by La Chula 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I lead a small group ministry called Ignite, and we're about to finish a bible study series that we've been using for a couple months, and I don't know where to go from there. I'd like to find a book or DVD series that will lead us to conviction and growth in the Holy Spirit. I've looked into Rob Bell's Nooma videos and a few of Ray Vander Laan's books, but I wanted to see if anybody on yahoo had any suggestions.

2006-12-14 05:48:34 · 10 answers · asked by eleven4braves 1 in Religion & Spirituality

such as jealousy, anger, etc...

and why do people believe that you can offend or hurt God?

2006-12-14 05:48:17 · 28 answers · asked by zentrinity 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Mohammed Al Fayed is still insisting that one of the Royals had her murdered by MI 6, he still insists that she was pregnant although some of her blood taken from the scene of the accident proved that she was not. What do you think was the driver drunk and caused the accident by driving too fast?or do you think that there is a cover up.

2006-12-14 05:47:34 · 35 answers · asked by st.abbs 5 in Royalty

About eight years ago I was faced with an issue in a church as to whether or not to allow my children to sit on Santa's lap. I remember it like it was yesterday...I was told by my pastor that I was holding up the blessings of the church simply because I did not want my children to participate in the ritual of "Santa Claus". I explained to him that I felt as though it was first and foremost, lying and that secondly I don't trust my children sitting on no-ones lap. He insisted that I was over reacting and needed to loosin up and not deprive my kids of fun. I later had a quick vision or something of me as a child about to be placed on Santa's lap and I was and screaming. When I finally calmed down and complied I noticed that his hat grew horns out of it and his bag of goodies turned into a pitch fork. I told my pastor about it and he still insisted. I started thinking, Satan is the father of lies and Santa is a lie taking the attention off Jesus on His own birthday!

2006-12-14 05:47:13 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Let them have Christmas, as long as they rename it to "the holidays" like they have been trying to for so long.

We will move the day of Jesus' birth to the end of September, where there are no other holidays to interfere with it.

We can still give presents at "the holidays" and put up a "holiday" tree, but the new holiday will ONLY be to celebrate the birth of Jesus. No sales, no presents, no advertisements, no more controversy.

And I KNOW Jesus was probably born in April, but then the holiday to celebrate His birth would be around Easter, and I think we would like to keep those holidays separate.


2006-12-14 05:46:33 · 33 answers · asked by i hate hippies but love my Jesus 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-14 05:46:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

According to this article, belief in a God damages a society.

Countries like France, Japan and the Scandinavian countries have been the most successful in reducing murder rates, early mortality, sexually transmitted diseases and abortion.

The rates of gonorrhoea in adolescents in the US are up to 300 times higher than in less devout democratic countries. The US also suffered from “uniquely high” adolescent and adult syphilis infection rates, and adolescent abortion rates. The US is the world’s only prosperous democracy where murder rates were still high.

In countries like Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Holland, France, Japan and Belgium there are many atheists holding a public office. In some of these countries atheists are in fact the majority of the parliament.

Shouldn't we just ban religious people from holding a public office? For the love of our children and the love for the future of our planet?

2006-12-14 05:46:05 · 16 answers · asked by Thinx 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Is there someone who actually estimated this? I guess you can exclude the Noah's Ark incident , unless we had an estimate on how many people were living before the flood.

2006-12-14 05:45:52 · 2 answers · asked by bob888 3 in Religion & Spirituality

He 15 y/o!!!!!!!!! I have no spending limit!!!!!!!!!! It doesnt matter if it is over 10,000 dollars.......... I just need a idea!!! Daddy's credit Card will pay!!!!! HELP

2006-12-14 05:45:38 · 6 answers · asked by xoxoxoxoxoxo princess 1 in Other - Holidays

She can afford to buy herself ANYTHING, and my income is nowhere near hers. What's something that will not break MY bank, but let her know how great I think she is.

2006-12-14 05:45:30 · 9 answers · asked by Kim* 1 in Christmas

2006-12-14 05:44:58 · 11 answers · asked by christancat2000 3 in Christmas

or are you okay with The Earth's beautiful living things dieing off since you'll either be dead before the feces really hits the fan or because you believe you'll be rewarded with a new Earth after this one has been thoroughly trashed by human shortsighted avarice?

personally, my heart is breaking. i can barely endure the losses and the impending losses of so many of "God's" varied and wondrous manifestations.

2006-12-14 05:44:54 · 12 answers · asked by nebtet 6 in Religion & Spirituality

I'm watching Jerry springer, and everytime I watch this show and others similar, it's just more proof that there are people out there who need to know Jesus Christ. Now what is wrong with you non-believers such that you go way out of your way to supress the teachings word of God? Is it cause you're miserable that you wanna bring others down with you("misery loves company")? Or are you really just that illinformed about the love and salvation that Jesus Christ has offered us FOR FREE?

2006-12-14 05:43:56 · 22 answers · asked by Maurice H 6 in Religion & Spirituality

...then when you desire to do what is considered "good" by religious standards are you sinning? What makes sin a sin?

2006-12-14 05:43:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I've tried listening to music it kinda works but I want to see if there's any other way.

2006-12-14 05:42:31 · 13 answers · asked by hardrock_godsmack 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I read this article called "What Makes You a Sexy Person" at http://blogme-dave.blogspot.com
I think it makes a lot of sense, but I wanted to know if others think what the writer says is really true or not?

2006-12-14 05:42:26 · 6 answers · asked by Lil_ol_me 1 in Other - Society & Culture

with christmas just 10 days away what are you looking forward to most? Food? Gifts? Time Off? Peace?

2006-12-14 05:42:23 · 3 answers · asked by karen h 3 in Other - Holidays

I posted a similar question but it seems most people misunderstood it or did not read it carefully.

When we compare FREE developed nations, those that are more secular have the lowest rates of dysfunctionality. While those with hightst religiosity have the highest rates of dysfunctionality.

For this study’s purpose, “dysfunctionality” is defined by such indicators of poor societal health as homicide, suicide, low life expectancy, STD infection, abortion, early pregnancy, and high childhood mortality (under five-years old). Religiosity is measured by biblical literalism, frequency of prayer and service attendance, as well as absolute belief in a creator in terms of ardency, conservatism, and activities.


Also, as measured at the time of conviction, atheists are incarcarated at rates far below their representation in the population:

2006-12-14 05:42:22 · 12 answers · asked by skeptic 6 in Religion & Spirituality

He lives very simply, has nice things, but doesn't appreciate "the finer things", like me. Have any ideas?

2006-12-14 05:42:11 · 6 answers · asked by Kelly T 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

if i was sitting on the fence as to which way to go on the matter of beliefs.... how would you try and convince me that your particular beliefs are the way to go? why should i choose yours in particular? and if i choose no faith.... am i wrong?

2006-12-14 05:40:46 · 12 answers · asked by heaven-sin-t 4 in Religion & Spirituality

would you feel frightened or concerned? wy?

2006-12-14 05:40:21 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality


2006-12-14 05:39:25 · 25 answers · asked by supernewf2323 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

As an Atheist, I see a lot of misunderstandings and myths propagated against Atheism. If you had a chance to rationally speak with an Atheist and ask them any question you wanted to, what would you ask?

2006-12-14 05:38:38 · 21 answers · asked by godlessinaz 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Will they still go to heaven? Even if they are incapable of recognizing anything relating to their former faith, worshipping, attending church, praying?

Okay, I know that's an easy one for you, so here's my supplementary questions arising from it:

a) What is the status of their soul while in this state of derangement?

b) What is the status of the soul of someone born with that level of mental detachment who was never able to comprehend Christ in a way that s/he could receive him? Will they go to Heaven? Why or why not?

c) Is it required to have a fully functioning brain to have a soul?

Thanks all, as usual.

2006-12-14 05:38:37 · 12 answers · asked by Bad Liberal 7 in Religion & Spirituality

My previous questions have been met with angry rhetoric but no accurate facts or resources to explore the issue.

Who has the presence of mind to do so?

2006-12-14 05:38:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

hi :-(. I lost a bet to a girl from my school and now she gets to choose my punishment. She wants me to go online and ask random people what they think she should do . She also wanted me to tell the people that she wants to do the most nasty disgusting thing possible to me. So what do you think she should do?

2006-12-14 05:37:49 · 6 answers · asked by whatsgoinon131 1 in Other - Society & Culture

fedest.com, questions and answers