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Society & Culture - 19 November 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I haven't yet (thank god)

2006-11-19 03:10:58 · 17 answers · asked by A True Gentleman 5 in Christmas

Now the believers are trapped in a corner with that question, and I can anticipate them trying to lie or argue their way out. They always do.

2006-11-19 03:10:20 · 26 answers · asked by Davie 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Curling up with a cup of coffee, the newspaper and a good book. Not getting out of my pj's until I want to.

2006-11-19 03:09:40 · 8 answers · asked by i have no idea 6 in Other - Society & Culture

Where in most stores do they keep fresh nutmeg (that i grate myself) and also ginger...and does anyone know if stores like Kroger & Walmart super-center's carry that???? and does anyone know if they carry apple butter????

2006-11-19 03:08:54 · 5 answers · asked by @ubreY 3 in Thanksgiving

2006-11-19 03:08:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

2006-11-19 03:06:48 · 5 answers · asked by goo_garglin_libtard 1 in Other - Holidays

i cannot explain...but i need to know the answer for my faith...pls...hlp me so u will help me reflect...can u also pls state ur relfections regarding this topic..thank you!

2006-11-19 03:06:20 · 9 answers · asked by sixteenforever 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-11-19 03:05:05 · 10 answers · asked by Bob the Cat.™ 4 in Mythology & Folklore

I'm looking for more scriptures which prove the Bible is scientifically accurate. Below are a few I obtained from another posters message. Do any of you have more?

The Earth is Round and suspended in space

Job 26:7,10 Prov 8:27, Isaiah 40:22, Amos 9:6
the Bible revealed the truth in 1000 B.C. 2500 years before man made a false estimated, and correctly discovered it for himself!

The Hydrologic Water Cycle

Ecclesiastes. 1:6-7, Ecclesiastes 11:3,Job 26:8, Amos 9:6
The water cycle was not fully understood until about 30 B.C. by a Roman engineer named Marcus Vitruvius.
Yet every aspect of the water cycle was fully revealed to mankind in 1600 B.C.! The Bible's description is in perfect harmony with modern science. Vitruvius was 1600 years too late!

2006-11-19 03:04:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-11-19 03:04:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2006-11-19 03:02:48 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

2006-11-19 03:02:47 · 10 answers · asked by guidedlight 3 in Religion & Spirituality

What can you suggest that will be accepted well and won't cost a fortune? Also consider that some of these people do not celebrate Christmas but I will not exclude them from these gifts. Ideas? Help please. I am not that crafty and the beeswax candles aren't for me...

2006-11-19 03:02:46 · 17 answers · asked by blanchardchristina 1 in Etiquette

I was at the mall and these 4 black girls were harassing white women. They were on the top level of the mall, directly above a bench on the lower level. They were dropping small items on white women who stopped to sit on the bench. They obviously did not know they were on camera. Of course they had were gone by the time security got there. Stuff like this goes on more often than you think (I have a friend who works in mall security) They did this ONLY TO WHITE WOMEN who were ALONE. What effect do you think this has on race relations?

2006-11-19 03:01:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

I would really like to know.

2006-11-19 03:01:40 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Community Service

My friend got married this last Friday. The wedding was in a banquet hall and a lot of people were invited. She invited a lot of her friends' whole families (which was about 5 people) but from my family she did not invite my husband, only me. My (other) friends and family thought this was rude, was it?

2006-11-19 03:01:27 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

Cow in India is reverend by all, but over the years cow has become a ritual figure rather than being the real saviour of human kind as mentioned in the Hindu Shastras .

2006-11-19 03:01:06 · 4 answers · asked by kdk 1 in Religion & Spirituality

We see many races about us today, proving that IF the world started with one man and one woman, they have evolved into many different races.

Perhaps some evolved into monkeys, although I am sure all monkeys would be insulted by that suggestion.

2006-11-19 02:59:45 · 18 answers · asked by Davie 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Does anyone remember the episode where Elaine's neighbor stops saying Hi to her?
What do you do in that case? For example, my daughters started a new school, which they like very much by the way, but one thing I noticed is the mothers of the students have nothing better to do than to stand around in the schoolyard gossiping, sometimes for the whole morning. They'll even stand in the rain in one cluster talking!
Anyway, I had several conversations individually with a couple of them, while they were separated from their 'pack' and thought I was comfortable getting to know them individually. Well, the next day I will go to drop my kids off and they will ALL ignore me! It's almost like nobody wants to admit that they have spoken to the 'new mother'. It is really hurtful. It is absolutely unbelievable and something out of high school, for pete's sakes. I am also divorced, whereas none of those other mothers are... yet anyway.
What does one do in this situation?Any similar experience?

2006-11-19 02:58:38 · 10 answers · asked by Lisa M 4 in Etiquette

Why do I love you?
Why do I care?
Why do I cry for you wasting my tears?
I do really love you
I do really care
So why tell me why are you not even there?

2006-11-19 02:57:16 · 4 answers · asked by XxXTaRaXxX 2 in Other - Society & Culture

I just want to see how many Christians are going to tell me the devil was at my wedding. Not Congratulations on finding the love of your life and getting married, but that the devil was at my wedding.

2006-11-19 02:56:30 · 32 answers · asked by Jim_Darwin 2 in Religion & Spirituality

My BF and i are debating over the tree, the facts are as follows:

1) I spent £50 on a pretty fiber-optic tree
2) BF says it is far too early to display it
3) I compromised by suggesting Dec 1st
4) He says this is still too early and that 2 weeks before Christmas Day is appropriate
5) House is mine and he doesn't live here!

Who do you agree with?

2006-11-19 02:56:04 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Holidays

Maybe because it's Sunday, but anyway, I know the royal family is Anglican and they head of the Church of England. But I do know from research that there's many Church(es) of England in England itself. So which one does the royal family attend, or do they have royal chapels in their palaces and castles?

2006-11-19 02:56:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Royalty

they seem to think they are immune to some parts of the bible .

2006-11-19 02:55:20 · 11 answers · asked by jsjmlj 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Some christians say that homosexuality is unnatural and that God ordained marriage between a man and a woman. However, not everyone is Christian so those tenents don't hold true for them. So basically, that means they are trying to impose their views on how society should be on everyone regardless of belief. Is it right for one religion to set the social tone for a country when the country has no official religious belief?

2006-11-19 02:54:24 · 17 answers · asked by genaddt 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Appears on things like Toast, Tree Bark, Chocolate, Cheese Sandwiches? I personally think its not real and its just an optical illusion. But what do you think about people lighting candles around these "false Idols". And do you think its crazy that these things can actually perform miracles?

2006-11-19 02:54:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-11-19 02:54:15 · 26 answers · asked by kajal 2 in Religion & Spirituality

If that is so, are my grandparents allowed to have sex, given that my grandma is unable to have children anymore?

What about when a woman is "barrren." Can she not have sex with her husband?

2006-11-19 02:52:59 · 10 answers · asked by Colin 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Last week, I worked with my brother who is a building contractor. The day's project was a residential remodel. The house looked good from the outside, but the inside was not a pretty sight. My brother took me to the back room and said, work on this room today. He said, "The walls in this room are worn and damaged". "Tear down the drywall but leave the frame standing". I asked, "Why not just tear down the whole wall and put up a new one". He said, "The frame is still good". "Its still strong and durable". So I tore down the old rotted drywall, stripped it of any left over nails and screws, and revealed the frame. It was still strong and in good shape. Back to my prayer. So I asked God to come into my life. I asked God to tear down all of the worn and damaged things inside of me. My negative thoughts, doubts, frustrations, anger, discouragement, fear, anxiety, and pain. God let me know that my soul was still strong. All the damaged and rotted things in me just had to be removed...

2006-11-19 02:52:24 · 7 answers · asked by Carlito RTP 1 in Religion & Spirituality

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