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Society & Culture - 19 November 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Then when Christmas arrives they sit on a strange mans' knee(Santa)? and recieve a gift, surely the child must feel confused.

2006-11-19 03:47:35 · 6 answers · asked by poetrygirl on line 3 in Other - Society & Culture

i mean it doesnt make sense. They say he gave us free will bc he loves us and then he sends down laws we have to follow in order to keep it good with him? That sounds like teh goverment ...they want you to have rights...but to a limit. It stupid if u ask me. I mean...yeah ill get sent to purgatory for not following the laws...but didnt you give us teh CHOICe as in we could do what ever we want...its ours to make. If you wanted us to follow the laws... next time make a human race without free will...

2006-11-19 03:44:47 · 17 answers · asked by ~*~Smile~*~ 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I surmise that Atlantis was not an island that sank in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, because Plato said the waters of the sea "rolled over" the island continent. It seems to me that the continent of Antarctica beneath the ice sheet of the South Pole is Atlantis. Plato said that Atlantis was west of the Pillars of Hercules (The Strait of Gibraltar), BUT it is obvious that it was in a primordial time in which the north and south poles had a different orientation. If one repositions a globe of the Earth so that the Brazilian Highland (which have a glaciated past) is the original North Pole, and thus the Philippines would have been the South Pole, and if one travels west from Gibraltar, then one would end up landing on Antarctica (Atlantis). Hence, Antarctica was originally located in the tropic belt north of the equator. I propose the Earth shifted its axis precipitated by a cosmo-cataclysmic event, which suddenly catapulted Atlantis southward to become Antarctica. Your idea?

2006-11-19 03:43:57 · 6 answers · asked by . 5 in Mythology & Folklore

2006-11-19 03:43:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality


I am new to this site but have been bothered by two dreams that I have had and hope someone has some insight in their meanings for me.

A little history I am a First Nations (Native American) in the NWT of Canada. Many of my ancestors and elders where very spiritual and my mother regularly speaks with spirits. I was living in Southern California when I felt a strong urge to get back to the NWT. I sold my business, packed up my stuff and moved back. Once I settled in I started seeing or sensing the presence of the elders. Okay on to my dreams:

1) I am in a ancient temple or castle (kind of reminds me of the temple of Zeus or the Parthenon) that is strange because it is open to the outdoors. and very beautiful. There are no furnishings just empty rooms. I enter one of the rooms and there are several people sitting in a circle on the floor. They are waiting for me.

I recognize these people but I don't (if that makes sense) they all remind me of religious or spiritual icons like b

2006-11-19 03:43:40 · 4 answers · asked by CitizenWill 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Hi all.I live in Iran and have something really special for you.The songs below are the translations for three Iranian pop music.I've translated them by myself.These songs were chosen as the best songs because of the best lyrics and the best music tone in an official ceremony in France.After 50 times listening, I've just understood what the singer mean by all this and that what the words "you","leaf","window" and the other elements refer to.Now, I understand why I get very emotional whenever I listen to his music, since it straight comes from the depths of the heart and it's got a message in it for the whole world.If you want to listen to the best music ever, just e-mail me and give me your e-mail address.I'll send them to you simultaniousely.You'd feel the strong emotion in the singer's voice.By the way they're all modern pop music only the message differs.Now enjoy and see if you could get some hidden message out of them:(Except the 3th one, cos its message is so clear):

When at sunset, the rain hits the (window) glass
All the sadness in the world is in my chest
In the rain drops, my choked voice breaks (intrupts)
I don't want anything but a window anymore
I sit down behind this window and sing
I wait for your arrival under the rain
Under the rain, waiting for you is very different
Sounds like I love you more when it rains
Sometimes when you come, you put your head on my shoulder
You take all the sadness away from my heart
But this is only a dream, a dream behind the window (glass)
When I'm awake, sadness sits down in my throat again (I become sad again)

The kiss of the autumnal wind whispers to the lonely leaf that you'll be the victim of the autumn
The new green leaf looses its green color, it drowns in the kisses of the wind and the horror of the new day
It (the leaf) abandons the tree and wanders around in the alley (becomes homeless), an alley that is the reminder of the gone and futile days
It (the leaf) sits down in the corner of the alley, stares up at the sky, thinks of the past, and feels pity for it (with sadness)
(It thinks of) the days that the alley was under my body's shade, and the kind lover tree, loved the smell of my breath so much
My share of the wind's kiss, what can I say oh my gosh, was all getting yellow-colored and faded, and dying and being forgotten

Imagine.Even if it is hard to imagine.a world where each person is truly fortunate!Imagine a world where money, race, and power have no place!a world where riot police is not the answer to the calls for unity!a world with no nuclear bombs, no artillery, and no bombardments!a world where no child will leave his legs on land mines!Everybody free, totally free! no one in pain, no pain!You wouldn't read in newspapers that whales committed suicide!Imagine a world with no hatred, no gunpowder,no cruelty of arrogant, no fear, no coffin!Imagine a world filled with smile and freedom!full of flowers and kisses! Filled with up-growing improvements!Imagine! Even if it is a crime to imagine so!even if you'd lay down your life on this!Imagine a world where prison does not exist in reality,where all wars of the world are included in ‘The Ceasefire Treaty'!!a world where nobody is ‘The Boss' of the world!people are all equal!Then each person will have an equal share in each single seed of wheat!No border, no boundaries – motherland would mean the entire world!imagine you could be the interpretation of this dream!

2006-11-19 03:42:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

i have faith that the earth is flat because i cant see anything round
i have faith that salem is filled with witches to burn
i have faith the earth is the center of the universe
i have faith that god is everywhere because ....i cant see him anywhere?
i have faith that i will have sex with 42 virgins when i commit this suicide bombing

anybody see a pattern with this type of thinking?

2006-11-19 03:42:13 · 18 answers · asked by Red Eye 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I am writing a horror story called the Blank Aura. It's about this girl who is trying to get through high school, then he came. The dude that changed her into the feared vampire. Risika tries to help Justin switch Black Angel Posses but ends up changing herself. Can Risika over throw the Black Posse King and bring Peace to Chaos city? P.S. My friends read it and they had nightmares for over a week. Yea includes tears of blood and just-barely-escaped execution attempts. No, I am not going mad lol

2006-11-19 03:42:12 · 7 answers · asked by LizziFishie 3 in Mythology & Folklore

Can you please tell me what eahc of these mean:
1. ?Que necesita hacer el profesor Santos?
2. ?Que necesita encountrar Rosaura?
3. ?Que quiere comprar Oscar?
4. ?Que necesita hacer Julia?
5. ?Que quiere hacer Mateo?
6. ?Que necesita comprar Matilde?
7. ?Que necesita hacer Eduardo?
8. ?Que quiere hacer Sofia?

Thank you all if you can help

2006-11-19 03:41:35 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

I've noticed that when I'm at college, I feel very self-conscious around people who are mostly my age; but when I go out to the mall or to a restaurant, or anywhere else I don't feel this way!

2006-11-19 03:41:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

I wanted to hang icicle lights on my front porch this year but I have no idea what to hang them up with?

2006-11-19 03:40:53 · 6 answers · asked by Tracey Lee ♥ 2 in Other - Holidays

When is it acceptable to start putting up decorations

2006-11-19 03:38:21 · 33 answers · asked by jules 4 in Christmas

why ladies would a woman who gets nothing but love ,affection,caring, and compliments seek more attention from another man

2006-11-19 03:38:21 · 4 answers · asked by irondevil1968 2 in Other - Society & Culture

i really ike this girl actually i dont like her i love her whenever shes around i get butterflies all i do all day everyday is think about her dreamm about her and we are not curently dateing but she likes me and i like her but she dostnwant a bf so we are freinds withbenniftis any help ?

2006-11-19 03:37:48 · 11 answers · asked by sicknuraci 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I'm curious as to what you would say, and why.

2006-11-19 03:36:47 · 18 answers · asked by ? 4 in Religion & Spirituality

if there is explain your views. if your not into scientology explain your views as well.
and my understanding is you all belive in ufos and alein being your god.
i am i right?

2006-11-19 03:35:16 · 10 answers · asked by dacronicman 2 in Religion & Spirituality

For me its Druggies and Gypsies.

Both are the scum of the earth.

2006-11-19 03:34:55 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Because I really like this girl who is a tomboy, and she is my friend and all but is it bad to like her because she is a tomboy?

2006-11-19 03:34:33 · 10 answers · asked by Red Baron 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Yesterday when i was smoking marijuana, i thought of something very odd.
I was thinking about mathematical equations and such, when i glanced at a clock. And i thought to myself, is time the perfect mathematical equation?
Think about it. Time is neverending. similar to energy. Energy can neither be created or destroyed. If you are christian, muslim, or jew, then you know that God can neither be created nor destroyed also.
Numbers are also neverending (numbers were here before their symbols were.)
Time gives us the ability to come to conclusions (such as im doing here. But since energy requires time (such as the neverending expansion of the universe), did time create energy in itself? OR did energy create time? Or is God the founder of it? Or a part of energy and time? A clock is only a machine that RUNS with time. Its a portion of it. Similar to how the World Wide Web is a portion of the internet. Is time the perfect, most unsolvable mathematical equation?

2006-11-19 03:34:04 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

we have a man dressed as bob the builder in chesterfield.
they had mcfly in sheffield down the road.
our town council wont pay out for anyone decent :-(

2006-11-19 03:33:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Christmas

if the apostles went to baptize whole households wouldn't they baptize small children/babies ?

2006-11-19 03:31:42 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

1. Their followers will learn the truth.
2. They will be send to hell if they seek for the truth and not believe in them or God.

thus why, christians should not come to this yahoo answers. Come on guys, give me some serious answers.

2006-11-19 03:30:58 · 13 answers · asked by n_l_a2003 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-11-19 03:30:35 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Valentine's Day

I dont want to hear "not all americans are fat..." i know, its generalisation, in general why are americans so fat? Its probably because they eat out all the time and drive everywhere, and MCDONALDS, even "Dining out" has it's own category on this website, omg. . I mean, i hear americans say that there are fat people in every country, but noway near as many in america, it's like a serial killer using the pathetic excuse that there's a little bad in everyone.

2006-11-19 03:30:34 · 8 answers · asked by May the force be with you. 1 in Other - Society & Culture

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