humans, we and they, hippocritically attack weaker or help weaker and claim to be good, collectively blame or praise individuals for vulgar gain and/or pleasure,abuse fellows creatures in concentration camps called "animal testing labs"for our vulgar use,wear cosmetics of acting and chemical cosmetics to hide from each other our and their individual vulgarities,rape forests animals ,plants,microbes,rape and abuse air,sea,and land creatures,and say we did, how dare you?or we didnt, or they didnt,
or we dont know, they dont know. lots more to say,but arent we and they homosapiens all and every , vulgar rapists and abusers of others and ourselves unwilling to accept collective responsibility
for fouls committed in the name of religion ,race,politics,business,
atheism,theism,mafia police,military,business,saintliness,ordinariness,poverty ,wealth,
and more---- the list goes on! either try to collectively praise,
attack,twist , blame
or manipulate individuals or smaller groups ?!
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Other - Society & Culture