I'm from Missouri, and in Missouri there are two candidates running for the Senate, both are neck and neck. I got a call today, it was an automated voice asking me if I was going to vote for Jim Talent (Republican) I said "no". It then asked do I belive in the right to live, I said "no", because I belief in Womens right of choice. It then asked, "do I believe terrorist have the same rights as americans", I said "no". Then it said I should vote for Jim Talent because Claire McCaskill (Democrat) is against the Patriot Act. I was so mad because the Patriot Act is more entailed than just Rights of Terrorist. I can't believe how low the Republicans have gone to try to win the race here in Missouri. And what's sad is that there are people out there in Missouri that will recieve that same call and be swayed by the Republican Party pushing Biased and Incomplete knowledge. Democrats aren't using this disgusting tactic. Do you agree tht most Repbuicans are nothing but slime?
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