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Society & Culture - 10 October 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

yes, this world

Calgary, Canada

2006-10-10 04:27:36 · 10 answers · asked by artisticallyderanged 4 in Other - Society & Culture

the testing of the atomic bomb.

2006-10-10 04:26:10 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

i had an emergency c-section and she was not breathing on her own. i did not pray or ask god for help, i believe the doctors saved her. without them she would have died. were they god?


2006-10-10 04:25:22 · 19 answers · asked by tandypants 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I am in my third year of college now in another city, but my parents still live in the same town where i went to high school and lived all my life. Well, my mother received a phone call today from the high school saying they'd found my class ring!
I had lost my class ring as a junior in HS on a soccer field and even replaced it and everything. How strange is this? What do you think this is a sign of?

I just got out of a relationship and am trying to moveon, even tho I miss that person. I am also having a hard time in school.

serious answers only please.

2006-10-10 04:24:08 · 9 answers · asked by coochie1 2 in Mythology & Folklore

Personally, if I found out the pharamacist was a Creationist, I would go to another store. This isn't meant as an attack on any person specifially, no pharamacist was harmed.

2006-10-10 04:22:28 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

my visa card lost , buy someone buy amazon gift certificates with it?can the amazon refund my money?I lost 500$ !

2006-10-10 04:22:27 · 4 answers · asked by Michael A 1 in Other - Society & Culture

with big bang billions of years ago,the worship A monkey god,the concepts of minds & all other stupid stuffs

2006-10-10 04:19:47 · 10 answers · asked by wakeup i 1 in Religion & Spirituality

This is from my avatar I just type out:

About Me: I am truly curious to seek out the TRUTH.

I got few friends of different beliefs & I got Yahoo Answer to help me in my big quest.

I have given myself 7 months (Mar 2, 2007 intially) from the day I join Yahoo (Sept 2, 2006) to find the truth.

My aim is to ask strategic questions. You can chart my progress & by the ending months, my questions should tend to favor (hopefully) to the truth. Anyone is welcome to join or observe me but you will have to be reponsible for your own conclusions.

Wish me luck!

2006-10-10 04:19:46 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

This is not for those "There is no God, Polly want 2 points" parrots.

If you truly believe there is a Creator of the universe, but think the Bible is not a reliable source because it is written by man who is fallable, please respond to this thought:

How do you reconcile the idea that a God who is powerful enough to create all that is and ever was could not orchestrate a handful of His most faithful and prophetic followers to get His story right?

Consider that archeologists now use books such as Luke as a field guide because of the proven accuracies. Historians have verified dates, names, locations and events. Why do people choose to believe only what they can see with their own eyes when they have no reason to doubt the rest?

BTW, it is the oldest existing book that is still over 98% accurate to the original with the only inaccuracies being because of language changes or minor typos which do not affect the context in any way. So you can't answer with "it's changed."

2006-10-10 04:18:59 · 19 answers · asked by dbackbarb 4 in Religion & Spirituality


I need help resurching how guru nanak was born. i espesialy need tpo know about the wise man part could you help me?

2006-10-10 04:17:42 · 6 answers · asked by CalD 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I'd have a hard time letting a Creationist watch my child.

2006-10-10 04:16:58 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

tell me what this girl is? I saw her and laughed. she claims she isnt emo but yet she does emo thimgs and likes to wear her hair like them. what a fruit. plus shes black. what an idiot.

2006-10-10 04:15:56 · 9 answers · asked by Nicholette 1 in Community Service

2006-10-10 04:14:25 · 15 answers · asked by Midge 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Does anyone know a great deal about Scottish royalty (I mean more than what can be obtained from wiki and other free online sources).

In particular King Olav the Black, last King of Man and the Western Isles, Clan MacLeod, Clan MacNeacail, Clan MacNicol, and Clan Nicolson and all those that descend from his line. Would they still have some claim to nobility or royalty?

2006-10-10 04:10:34 · 4 answers · asked by Mike J 5 in Royalty

Let me preface this question with; I do believe in God, but some of the bible just does'nt "click" with me. Could some of the stories/books just be parables like those Jesus Christ told?

An example being-

In the book of Job, I see God acting like he HAS to prove something to satan. God is basically saying, "Go ahead, mess with Job. Do whatever you want to with him(just don't kill him), and see if he does'nt still believe in Me." God does'nt have to prove anything to you, me OR satan. So why destroy a devout man's life just to make a point?

2006-10-10 04:09:22 · 17 answers · asked by I have a ? 2 in Religion & Spirituality

My best friend was killed in a car accedent in the begging of Sept. i feel like she is here , but how do you really know ? do they see us on the other side, do they know how much we are hurting cause of them being gone , why is it so hard for me to believe there is , i want to believe , will i know her when i die ? how do i get the sick feelingout of my stomich about dieing , how do i get it out of my head that I am going to die ( i worry about going anywere or going to sleep).please help I think I am loosing my mind ..

2006-10-10 04:09:10 · 25 answers · asked by blueflowerscs 3 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-10 04:09:05 · 3 answers · asked by delldude405 3 in Other - Society & Culture

What is the proper way to pick up soap that I have dropped in a public shower? Bend over and pick it up or A*S against the wall and pick it up or squat down and pick it up with the butt crack? I need to know the correct way to protect my virtue. Please help

2006-10-10 04:08:28 · 9 answers · asked by momojo 2 in Etiquette

I work in a old resturanunt/holet. I stated out as a waitress and all of the sudden it was people coming in to work that had worked there before. They were upset that had very little experience in the resturanut business but I was head waitress over them. They began to plot and figure out ways to get me out of their. But God had giving me favor with my boss, and people would beging to say, "we've never seen him react to an employee this way." Now I would be the first one to work and the last one to leave. But I didn't mind I enjoyed my job. But I ask God to help me w/ this problem, because his word say to touch not my annointed and do my prophet no harm. Thats means don't touch me w/ your hands or your mouths. In a couple of weeks everyone that tried to come against me, left the job and I got promoted to run the front desk. Everyone thougt it was because of my relationship w/ my boss, they had no ideas it was about my relationship with the Father & Son Jesus Christ Aint God good.

2006-10-10 04:08:08 · 11 answers · asked by Singingmama 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-10 04:07:57 · 3 answers · asked by Svetlana G 3 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Thanksgiving is a day of giving thanks along with commemorating a joint Pilgrims and Natives feast which took place sometime in 1621... a thing of friendship.
Aside from that though, (especially in America) it tends to be a day of celebrating the European Settlers arrival in North America.

The First Nations people, overall, ended up with a raw deal from the new settlers. For a long time they've been treated as third class citizens, and they were of course stripped of all that was theirs as it was made American.

WHY do so many First Nations people then celebrate this holiday?
If you're Native and celebrate it as a Harvest Festival...
do you celebrate it on the statuatory day? Again, why?

I just want to know how people can celebrate a holiday which essentailly represents the fall of their society.
I'm confused by this phenomenon and want real answers.

2006-10-10 04:03:56 · 14 answers · asked by Apple A 3 in Thanksgiving

Well, 2 questions actually- hope you don't feel cheated. The first is, which martial art would (in your opinion) best suit me? I am a smaller, leaner guy (about 5' 10", 160lbs or 12 stones). I used to box for a short while before the club had to shut down, and I was always a bit of a brawler on the rugby pitch. Which of the martial arts would best suit and up-close-and-personal brawling style, as opposed to lots of high kicks and gymnasticically orientated movement?

Also, a question of experience: have you ever witnessed (or been invoved in) a fight where 1 person is up against 4 or so opponents? In your experience if the guy on his own flors one opponent (no weapons involved), do the other 3 tend to bottle out, Hollywood style, or do they just get even more aggressive and all pile in for the kill?

Thanks guys! Serious answers noly please!

PS a friend recommened something called 'Krav Maga' (I think) to me- would this worthwhile pursuing? All I know is it's Israeli!

2006-10-10 04:03:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

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