One day there was a man walking through the woods and came accross a bear...a big hungery looking bear! The man froze dead in his tracks hopeing that the bear didn't see him,and to try to figure out what to do next. The bear saw him and started after him...the man bolted thinking that he could outrun this bear but soon started to realize that he was not in very good shape like he used to be. He looked back and saw the bear was gaining on him so he started to weave in and out of trees,sliding down reviens, running around big rocks and just couldn't shake this bear.He knew at this time that he was bear meat, but thought that he would run down to the river and try to make it to the rappids in hopes that he could get away that way.So he gave it his very best, he ran and ran as fast as he could and looked back just before he got to the river bank thinking that he was going to make it just to see the bear in mid air comming down on him;landing on him with such force that it knocked the air right out of him! The bear was on top of him now with both paws on his shoulders and sitting on his legs crushing them with the enormous wieght of this animal.The bear was drouling and had raised one paw to give the finale blow!! At that time the man yelled out,"OH GOD SAVE ME!"Just as he said that the bear froze in mid swipe,the river stoped,the wind had stoped blowing, and the man thought this can't be happening am I dead? Just as he said that there was this thundering voice that said "ALL THIS TIME YOU HAVE DENIED MY EXISTENCE AND RIDICULE ALL THOSE THAT BELEIVED IN ME,AND NOW IN YOUR TIME OF DISPARE YOU HAVE THE GALL TO CALL OUT MY NAME!YOU WANT ME TO SAVE YOU? WELL I'LL TELL YOU, I'LL SAVE YOU IF YOU ANNOUNCE YOUR FAITH IN ME TO ALL THAT YOU KNOW AND ALL THAT YOU MEET FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS!" Well the man thought about this for a minute and said to himself that he would be the laughing stock for the rest of his life if he did this and that he would be better dead,BUT then he thought he was slick and said to GOD,"Well I am not worthy of this and asked god if he could just make the bear a christian. GOD said "IF THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT THEN SO BE IT!" Then the river started to flow again and the wind blew accross his face and the bear stoped for a minuet and looked at the man, The man said "please Mr.bear find it in your hart to let me go?" The bear just gruntted and raised one paw then the other and the man thought he was gettin out of this, then the bear put both paws together and said,"thank you lord for this meal that i'm about to have!!!"AMEN
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I'm crazy 4 God
Religion & Spirituality