Mr. Boon or whatever your name is, you said that Russian male family members kiss each other on the lips out of lvoe and respect. Well, have you ever seen this happen? I've been in Russian forums and talked to people about it and asked English speaking Russian men to send me a webcam video of two men kissing on the lips. Some got mad and soem I never heard form. Soem people otld me this varies from family ot family, but as far as clsoe male male friends kissing on the lips it doesn't happen.
If you Mr. Boon, or anyone else on here see especially two brothers giving each other a peck on the lips, if they leave it at that, please have them send me a webcam video of them diong it. Also, if any of you folks enjoy the thought of two strait brothers kissing on the lips as a greeting only, then come read my blog. Send me an e-mail ot and I'll tell you how you can read my blog. It's a made up story i'm working on about two identical twin brothers who enjoyed that.
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Other - Society & Culture