come again?
2006-09-29 07:59:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
yes i think its when self awareness.gets hold of you .it feels like your singled out .and no use to the rhythm that goes on around you. quite scary really .it feels like your slipping into an other dimension but everybody else looks the same .mild paranoia or panick attacks..or stress confusion..thats what the doctors will tell you .to hide the fact that you have spotted and been in a different time and dimesion .i call the feeling the invertation..the gate crasher. the unwelcome one.the human brain is the powerfullist organ to grace the universe.the mind is the powerfullist vault information storer there will ever be there must be one hell of a film going on inside our heads without just stay confident and relaxed and they cant freak you..thats what i do anyway..
2006-09-29 09:06:24
answer #2
answered by clare p 3
Yea sometimes I do but I just think about the next day and I see what happends. If it does happen I try to fight it off but it's hard so I give up sometimes. Well I hope it goes away sometime and good luck.
2006-09-29 08:02:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The only thing that amazes me is that with x billion people in the world there is no one exactly the same!
2006-09-29 08:00:39
answer #4
answered by interested_party 4
we are all different. you have a individual consciousness that is separate from every one else. do not try to imagine your self another person. are envy them for what they are. are try to get into there thoughts. you are a special person. god loves you. he wonts you to be yourself, ask gods spirit in to you right now, say god i wont you to guide me. close your eys and ask with faith for his spirit to come into you. and you will become what god wonts for you to be,then you will be in the pulse of the spirit of god.and will find your true self.
2006-09-29 08:06:30
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yeah and Im glad Im not like everyone else and I live in my own world....its much nicer here!
2006-09-29 08:21:32
answer #6
answered by Sadbh 3
Yes.. I feel that quite often! But what is worst is that I realise that my life is changing and I am getting older and wiser!!
2006-09-29 08:05:19
answer #7
answered by Marmot 2
Yes but whats the point of it all if I'm not part of it.
2006-09-29 10:18:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Such a feeling usually grips those people on wakibaki...........just mere halucinations!
2006-09-29 08:04:32
answer #9
answered by marizani 4
Nope. Me cool.
2006-09-29 07:59:35
answer #10
answered by letem haveit 4
Never thought of it
2006-09-29 08:00:02
answer #11
answered by momie_2bee 5