I'd go out on the patio with my double barrel shotgun and start
shooting at anything that was moving.
2006-09-29 08:10:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
In my area late at night it would be illegal for sure... I would grab my personal firearm and call 911 to report. I would double check the locks and, depending on what I actualy heard and the kinds of weapons involved, I would either investigate to see if a neighbor needed assistance or I would keep low untill the law arrived. I live alone so do not need worry about any but my neighbors and me.
2006-09-29 15:15:40
answer #2
answered by IdahoMike 5
This happened where i live like 2 weeks ago, cept that their were like 50 cop cars down my road, they were evacuation people, they had search helicopters, and they completely blocked off one part of my neighborhood. I walked down to the scene with my friends to see what was going on, apparently a group of men were having a shootout with the cops in the woods, i could hear the gun shots, they were packing some serious heat.
2006-09-29 15:11:02
answer #3
answered by The infamous bongblaster 4
Well, if the shots came from inside my house I would get my gun and my cell phone and investigate, but if it was right outside I would call 911 and hope for the best because where I live, stuff like that doesn't happen.
2006-09-29 15:12:53
answer #4
answered by NBinGP 2
switch off the telly and check the doors n windows. Then look for a weapon and hide beneath the bed. What wud u do ?
2006-09-29 15:10:21
answer #5
answered by FootballFan 2
I keep my doors locked so I would grab the phone on the way to the floor and call 911 . From there it would on what I had heard and where.
2006-09-29 16:09:02
answer #6
answered by Star of Florida 7
Call 911 and report gun shots....that's pretty much for all areas.
2006-09-29 15:09:22
answer #7
answered by Diamond in the Rough 6
depends whats on telly...haha no I'd call the police, lock the doors and get my family upstairs
2006-09-29 15:17:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
its happened more than once when I lived in the city...more like 5 times...one of the times I watched a guy shoot at another guy who was stealing his stereo right in front of me...Then he turned and looked at me and told me that I didn't see anything...I sure did just turn right around and walked really fast to my apartment and locked the door
2006-09-29 15:11:33
answer #9
answered by nicole 6
Hit the floor, call the police, and stay away from exterior walls!
2006-09-29 15:10:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous