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I never owned a slave and neither did my ancestors. Why should I have to pay? I know a lot of people don't think we should...black and white.

I think everyone should be equal and stop all this affirmative action and favoritism of races.

2006-09-29 07:43:18 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Melli - I DO NOT HATE BLACKS. I have black friends and so do my kids. I do not know how you feel - no. But we must end this sometime. The Jews cannot recover there things from the holocaust and they HAVE moved on and become successful.
You as a race must now do that too...and I wish you much luck!
And stop thinking if anyone disagrees with blacks we hate them. You can disagree with me and I won't think it's because I'm blond...or is it? ; )

2006-09-29 07:56:39 · update #1

Robert - I am part Irish too and I agree with you.

2006-09-29 07:57:49 · update #2

Kristi W - it is not My fault or the fault of society that many blacks have kids out of wedlock. Only you as a culture can stop that - and you should.

2006-09-29 08:34:49 · update #3

Ahmed Al Akbarri - NOT complaining - just asking a question. I have never been 'helped' by affirmative action - sorry!

2006-09-29 08:37:24 · update #4

Zoe - are you crazy? SO wrong...my mouth dropped open when I read your response. Racist - no...against anyone - no. Just because I disagree with reparations doesn't mean I hate anyone. That is NUTS.

2006-09-29 11:49:40 · update #5

manicbhpp - AMEN to that!

2006-09-29 11:50:41 · update #6

The Key Master - LIFE is not fair. I do not think I am the best race - there is no BEST. There are good and bad in all races.
I don't always agree with my husband and sons - doens't mean I hate men!

2006-09-29 11:53:40 · update #7

14 answers

i was not a slave and don't know any slave owners
i would never want to be hired as a token but don't you also agree that if we need a affirmative action law that blacks do get treated differently in the work place?
or do you think that people hired because of affirmative action are millionaires and blacks are really benefiting from it?
I've carried and done work for way to many lazy stupid whites only to watch them reap the benefits - better pay, bonus's
is that fair?
I'm all for forgetting the past, when it actually becomes the past. you don't know what it's like to be one of us, whites came here and declared themselves the superior race in colonial days. nothing has changed since then, how's that for favoritism?

what does agreeing with your husband or sons have anything to do with race? we live in a culture that's been dictated to us by the founding fathers. what you really want to say is you don't like blacks, stop trying to cover it up with silly rhetoric. i see you changed your question, i guess you realized how racist you are.

2006-09-29 08:06:32 · answer #1 · answered by The Key Master 4 · 3 1

Don't worry... I really don't think the reparations thing will ever happen. For one... the people who were slaves who would have deserved the reparations are no longer alive. As a black person, I don't really think we should be awarded for something we didn't personally experience. And, unfortunately, as society is today, And with the way people's priorities are, there is also the concern about the money not being used in productive ways. With that in mind, I really don't see it as something the government would approve of. They're more worried about dropping bombs on innocent people. They need the money for that.

P.S... for all the white people who read this, pay attention to the answers from people who are black. you will see a lot of us are not necessarily for reparations. Hopefully that will help with these generalizations.

2006-09-29 15:04:54 · answer #2 · answered by *karasi* 5 · 3 0

I'm Irish.

What about reparations for my great grandparents that were treated horribly coming into NY?

Heck...I could list every immigrant nationality in the "old days" here.

I've had this conversation with a few of my friends (that happen to be black), and there is pretty much a concensus that only a few far out there victim-mentality focused individuals that insist on crying "foul" to everything are actually doing this. Problem is, they are well-known, have the liberal media backing because it increases rating and the a few crazy attorneys that actually think this will happen.

If we start handing out cash for this...everyone in the country should get something....most all our American ancestors were. If you REALLY want to be fair, the most should go to the American Indians.

2006-09-29 14:50:13 · answer #3 · answered by Robert 5 · 4 0

I had a course in college on this very topic....

The claim for reparations is not from "slavery". It is from the residual effects of slavery, generational poverty and the ongoing racism that exists today.

Believe me, this is real data. I've done the research and wrote a 10 page paper on the topic. I'm about to leave and get my daughter so I don't have time to write a eight paragraph answer.

And it is not you, but the governement (not tax money) that will pay.

Finally, reparations, by definition, does not mean money, solely. It's to compensate AND restore. So reparations does not only include dollars. Affirmative action is a form of reparations because it aims to restore the condition of blacks in the workplace.

2006-09-29 16:46:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I am an AA and I don't believe in reparations, but I do believe that we are NOT equal. Be serious now everyone. You mean to tell me an 18 year old black male born into poverty, has never met his father, presented with every hard knock life has to offer has the same chances and opportunities as a white 18 year old male with a different upbringing...please. Favortism and Blacks should not even be said in teh same sentence, it does not exist. How do I know this? I grew up black and in the south!

2006-09-29 15:03:59 · answer #5 · answered by Kristi W 1 · 4 1

The generations living today have absolutely no right to any reparations from 3, 4, 5 generations ago. It's ridiculous. If that's the case, I want reparations from those damn Romans who came and took over my people's land in England!!!!

2006-09-29 14:45:38 · answer #6 · answered by WiserAngel 6 · 3 0

If you're not black then how can you understand. You may not have owned slaves but I'm sure your ancestors have. My ancestors were killed off because of slavery and it hurts. I do not expect any pay from this but I do not think we are asking too much being that it was promised to us but never delivered. How do you make up from such a hateful and disgusting thing your people did to mine? Are you saying we should just forget it and move on? Have the Jews moved on from the Holocaust? No, and I don't expect them to. Have native americans moved on from having land and lives stolen from them? No and we pay them every year. Why are blacks any different?? Stop being so hateful and try to put yourself in our shoes. It's not about becoming rich off our ancestors misfortunes, it's about not being ignored. We were beat, raped, and lynched at the hands of the white man. It's a sore subject and you would never even begin to understand it so maybe you should keep your racist comments to yourself!! I may not have been beat personally but I feel the pain deep in my heart and soul.
Jews have not moved on from the holocaust and you will know this if you watched Discovery Channel. They are still very bitter. I do not hate anyone but I don't think you will ever understand what racism is really about unless you've experienced it to this degree. I have been very successful in life and so have all of my black friends. I do not appreciate being categorized. I have a college degree and a successful career. I am not looking for a handout but I am looking for fairness. Bottom line, we were made a promise that was NEVER delivered!!

2006-09-29 14:49:49 · answer #7 · answered by SmartyPants 5 · 2 4

Affirmative action helps White women the most. So what are you complaining about.

Maybe that is because you never applied for a job.

2006-09-29 15:16:01 · answer #8 · answered by JS 3 · 1 0

All these blacks need to get over it!! What was done, was done to their ancestors not them! They have the same opportunity as we all do now so they should shut up about it! We don't owe them anything!! Look at how many of them won't even finish school!! All they want to do is join gangs and shoot each other up! If they aren't getting anywhere, they should blame their parents for not being there for them not everybody else. We didn't take land from blacks, we took it from the Indians, so that's why they get paid. Jews don't ask to get paid for the bad things that happened to their ancestors, they just want it to never happen again. Blah Blah you feel it in your soul. So do the Jews and Indians and we can feel bad at what was done to your ancestors, but still we don't owe you anything.

2006-09-29 14:50:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

When you pay. You probably didn't usurp land from Native Americans nor intern Japanese during WW2 but you paid reparations to them. Ex slaves were promised 40 acres and a mule. They received neither, nor were they given equal opportunities for over 100 years and for that matter still aren't. Blacks feel they did not get off on an even footing with other nationalities and that is the truth.

2006-09-29 14:49:06 · answer #10 · answered by darkdiva 6 · 3 4

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