1-what do u guys think about this web, since a lot of u are intersted in the "israeli" war on Lebanon?
2- do u think that if "israeli" people visit this web. they will be happy ? i guarantee they will stop this war immediately, they are the only people who can do it!
3- do u know that chemical weapons are being used on Lebanses children? what if ur family was visiting Lebanon at this point, what would u think about this war?
4-make sure to visited the home page of this web. and read the title of The Independent Newspaper ( why would The Independent criticize the war decision. please do not tell me it is a terrorist organisation too!) then go to the photo gallery, go over the pictures, if u'r not a chemist ask a chemistry professor or a biologist about what he think about the injuries of these people!! don't forget to go over the video!
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Other - Society & Culture