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Psychology - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

I have had my shares of up and downs in life. I have seen a therapist and I dont want to be on anti-deprestants. I never have energy. I am always tired and i don't want to do anything. I am not sad, angry, or depressed. My mood always changes. I have a hard time staying in a good mood or putting a smile on my face. People are always telling me that I need to smile or that I come off as a rude person. I don't know what the reason is for all of this.

2007-10-02 12:19:25 · 20 answers · asked by roxy 2

well i think it will not as much unless something bad happens. well you see its interesting for me to know what people think about the future so i like asking these questions. but first on this computer.

2007-10-02 12:06:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

stole our car, we probably would be cussing at them and making a big fit saying things about thier mom etc. Dreams can take you anywhere, but the car just takes you to work, or the grocery store just let them have the car. Many people today, get thier dreams ripped to shreds because some people say they'll never make it. Maybe those who say you can't make it are afraid you might turn out in a better situation than they are?

2007-10-02 12:04:30 · 2 answers · asked by Kensington 1

The prof gave us this online time limited test of 1 hr (Biochem) on the Internet. It had so many tricky Qs. Some of them I was partially right but the real answer was All The Above. The calculation problems were also so scary that I could barely look at it without feeling anxiety and I couldn't think straight so I did not do well on those although I did practise on them beforehand. It was an open book test but some Qs were not so explicit and it wasn't as if i could be certain that one was the choice. It is still wrong if you did not choose the best choice, even though it was right.

I didn't even finish all the Qs bc of my lack of confidence.

I have other courses to attend to but I can't forget about it for now. I really have no coping skills. Any secrets to cheering yourself and working at another course.

I feel like I have to drop all the courses and only take Biochem bc I can't stop thinking about my failed test. How do I gain some confidence on this?

2007-10-02 11:46:38 · 4 answers · asked by little bear 2

I have many childhood item that i must get rid of but it is hard for me to do this (an inherited trait) is there any easy way?

2007-10-02 11:38:42 · 4 answers · asked by not2smart 2

I am going to a residential in three weeks and i want to say good bye to all my friends and family and everyone else. How do i do that? I will be gone for three years

2007-10-02 11:37:53 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know it's stress related... but I'd like to know more about how it manifests itself in our minds.

2007-10-02 11:22:17 · 4 answers · asked by la dolce vita 3

Does the subconscious mind have a way of making your wish come true? It seems since the subconscious controls your body, it would listen to the conscious mind's desire if repeated often enouogh.

2007-10-02 11:19:48 · 4 answers · asked by tyler 3

I once experienced what I can only describe as the most wonderful sensation in my life, I was actually just recovering from an operation and the world around me felt so beautiful and peaceful. It was like all my pains had disappeared and my body was numb to the pain. Can you share your experiences with me of this sitation if you've ever experienced it?

Much love and respect
This is a serious question please answer so

2007-10-02 11:15:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-02 11:04:31 · 6 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6

hlo! there, i need advises, suggestions, anything.......
well it all started at skul, i saw this beautiful classmate of mine, so i figured out it would be nice to know her more....
so then, we did became friends until we became really really close.. until i really figured out who she was, by knowing her side of life.and it is very ironic my friends..well when she was at her elementary years it wasn't the best of her life to be in.. she grew up depressed, and duds now i noticed about her, negatives well she is low self esteemed, self piety, passive, deppresed........ she was exposed to a very harsh enviroment...she lives like in a compound, that is packed up with the of pipol who will drive u fuzzy and all.. i mean there are drug addicts, prostitutes, not the pipol you wanna grow up with.
her dad beats her like a dog,well his dad beleives that the best discipline of all, and you wont beleive this! a iron being throwed at u? i mean come on???is there still justice?....

2007-10-02 10:56:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


If I get into a situation in which I have an arguement with someone because they insist that I have had something wrong and that they saw me; even though I know that I did not. Then if I have told them that I never did it and they do not acsept that, I can determin that this is not the way to go about this problem.

I have tried ignoring them, but then they pester me and I cannot think of what to say to get rid of them.

I do not think that it is the correct thing to do to lie and say that I did do it, because then I am allowing them to have thier own way over me.

I have tried seeking a 3rd person so that they can intervien and then this problems can be discussed in a calm manner, but this brakes down in the meantime if that person persists to harras me.

What would be the correct way to respond to that person having know that telling them and being honest doesn't cut it?
I want to aviod losing my temper with them when they will not acsept my denial of what they accuse me of and just agree to disagree.
I want to know how to deal with this in a diplomatic manner.


2007-10-02 10:31:27 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is this guy in my H.S. I see him a few times a day. He seems to be really uncomfortable. For example, if he is in the hallway and it's a little crowed, he'll wait untill the people pass untill he walks down that hall. And another, he always keeps his head low and he's shoulders seems to be tense(but maybe just the bookbag). And he draws as little attention to himself as possible.

What are some reasons why he acts that way?
What are some good things to say to a person like that?

2007-10-02 10:25:34 · 3 answers · asked by Torisama K 2

someone who is physically fit,intelligent(sports,music philosophy)intuitive and a great guitarist/musician.

2007-10-02 09:53:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is the psycho-social relevance of dreams (and dream theories)? I don't know how to answer this question because dreams are a personal, private matter!

I am open minded to all opinions and answers :)

2007-10-02 09:36:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just want to gain peoples' opinion because i feel so down right now
Like many others, I am petrified of doing presentations and I feel as if i'm stuck in a vicious circle of trying to avoid anything to do with them.
I have just started university and the course that i'm doing requires doing a few presentations during the year. I had already known this but I thought that by the time i'd start university i'd 'get over' my fear.
I was in one of my classes, reading through the subject information for this coming year. On the information there was a mention that we had to do a presentation which was where I started to fall apart inside.
So at the end of the lesson, feeling petrified at the prospect of having to do a presentation, I stayed behind to have a word with one of the teachers. As she came over and asked me what the matter was I couldn't get out the words and just broke down because of my intense fear of presentations.

Can anyone give me advice on how to get over this?

2007-10-02 09:19:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Try it.

2007-10-02 09:01:52 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-02 09:00:47 · 13 answers · asked by little_friend 3

When I was younger (I am 28 now) I used to laugh and crack jokes all the time. I noticed that as I get older I don't find as many things funny anymore. Is it that I am finally an adult or did my personality change?

2007-10-02 08:42:32 · 6 answers · asked by animalaficionado 1


last night my husband and I talked about his affair he had seven year ago, I ask him if at the time did he not think that he was being deceitful and did his own conscience not bother him? His answer to me was, "No, I didn't think I was being deceitful and I really didn't think about it." I didn' t continue the conversation, I just shook my head and walked away.
Question: Men who cheat once, will they cheat again?

2007-10-02 08:24:12 · 7 answers · asked by Marny 1

can you think of anything to help me stop missing her i keep crying and it isnt very good when i am in the middle of a lesson
PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-10-02 08:16:12 · 15 answers · asked by lotti brockie 3

I am 26 years old and I am very unhappy. I feel like I don’t know up from down. I don’t have the life that I want and all I really want is to be more confident and live without pain.

My body aches and I am forever tired. I am moody and impatient. My sinuses make my head and face feel like painful lead weights that are about to explode and that’s every single day of my life. My back aches from god knows what because I never lift a thing and when I did work with my back it was the same. I am hard of hearing. I have almost no confidence in social settings and I am lonely. When I go out, I am speechless. Those that try to engage me are met with a smile and blank eyes for I have no idea what they are talking about even when my deaf ears manage to hear them, but I try to convey that I have no malice against them with a smile. As one can guess it doesn’t make for an enlightening conversation.

The only time when I am not awkward and anxious is when I’m so high on pills and alcohol that I can’t even remember what happened. I know that there is a great person within. I know it intuitively, but there is evidence as well. When I wake from the nights of partying that I can’t remember I have knew friends. Mostly women who want to go out with me but it’s always the same result. They think that I’m not having a good time if we go out or they think I’m immature along with what ever else I don’t know because I’m not a mind reader. I can only guess that the key to my social success lies buried beneath immense layers of inhibition.

Why am I this way? I could blame it on my parents but all that’s in the past. The present is in my hands and I have to deal with the scars alone.

I carry a lot of guilt. I have unwillingly committed many offenses to my friends, family and most painfully against my first love. I hardly remember what I’ve done or why because of my poor memory and a scattered brain, but I do remember what I did to my first love. I was cold to her. I never talked to her about us without anger. When she was upset and needed me the most I would abandon her to herself. One time in particular plays over and over in my head every day. She was emotional again and I was leaving again. We lived together. This time she begged me not to go. She really, really needed me and I left anyway. The vision of her tear-filled face is burned in my memory as I closed the door on her and in the end, us. I pushed her away and when she left I just wanted to die.

Just so the reader doesn’t think that I only want a pity party, I’ll balance it out with some positive things. Since I’ve had my heart broken I’ve been forced to get to know myself. Were I previously had almost no contact with self, I now am set on the daily growth of mind and body and getting to know who I am. I have taken great leaps in career, self-esteem and relationships. Even though I am not yet happy I feel that my dedication and tenacity will pay off in the future.

I frequently offend people. I hurt my girlfriends. My father is ashamed of me. I am lazy, drink too much, have no self-esteem and I can’t dance. Should I do society a favor and go live alone in the mountains?

2007-10-02 08:12:15 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Esp of the smallest, or stupidest things that happen to us?

2007-10-02 08:00:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-02 06:00:48 · 12 answers · asked by only4zzz 4

What does courage mean to you in your own words and opinions also what isn't courage? I was asked to ask as many ppl as I could this question for my college Writing class so please help me out and be expressive and detailed- you can even use examples and experience. This would really be very helpful...Thank you so much!

2007-10-02 05:41:01 · 10 answers · asked by Jinga 2

I have vivid dreams that are usually about my daily life - the dream scenes (settings) and characters are often of those I encounter on a day-to-day basis.

When I don't take the time to write some of the dreams down (for interpretation later) due to not remembering enough information, I suddenly remember little bits of the dream during my day (in real life) and then sometimes can't tell the difference between reality and the dream.

How can I distinguish between reality and the dreams? = }

2007-10-02 04:43:05 · 2 answers · asked by Flapjack 3

I need to go outside, and a thunderstorm can be dangerous. The last thing that I need is those clouds and their stormy ways while I am out and about.

2007-10-02 04:07:30 · 4 answers · asked by Trevor B 1

And I need to stay away from people because if I don't I may lash out at them. I do not trust people and if they say or do something to piss me off I may get violent

2007-10-02 04:00:25 · 3 answers · asked by dagyaldeh 1

2007-10-02 03:48:20 · 5 answers · asked by Butterfly 1

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